Fine Doesn't Mean Fine

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Hi! This was requested by ilovesterek (because if you don't you're reading the wrong book, honey). It has discussions of mental health. Derek is a therapist in this, but he is not Stiles'. DoctorxPatient relationships are wrong. Anyway, enter my contest. Enjoy this. 


        Derek Hale has just put his things down when he hears his door open and close, and he turns around to see Scott throwing himself down on the couch. “Who is it? Oh, Scott! Please coming in!” Derek calls, sarcastically. Scott snorts in amusement before he looks at Derek, and he gives him a shy look.

“Hey, I need to talk to you about something.” Scott says, and Derek frowns at his tone.

“Yeah?” Derek asks, moving to get him something to drink while Scott stands up to follow him into the kitchen. Scott doesn't answer him right away, and Derek bites his lip as he turns to face his best friend. “Scott?” Derek asks, and Scott sighs.

“You're a psychologist, right?” Scott asks, and Derek rolls his eyes.

“If not, I've got a lot of phone calls to make.” Derek says,and Scott smiles in amusement as he moves to lean against the counter.

“It's about Stiles.” Scott says, and Derek frowns as he moves to look at Scott better. “John said he's been acting different.” Scott says, choosing his words carefully. Derek wrinkles his forehead as he tries to process what Scott just told him, and he sighs.

“What did John say that he was doing different?” Derek asks, trying to get figure out what is wrong with his friend. He knew that Stiles was dealing with somethings, but it's hard to know when the younger man didn't tell him what was wrong with him.

“He's anxious about everything, and he hasn't done any work in weeks because he cannot focus anymore.” Scott says, and Derek frowns as he thinks.

“Are you sure that he doesn't like his job? I mean editing text books isn't that exciting to anyone.” Derek says, and Scott shakes his head.

“He likes his job.” Scott says, and Derek frowns at him. “Look, could you just stay with him for a few days? See if you can figure out what's wrong?” Scott asks, and Derek pinches his lips together. “Please, dude?” Scott asks, and Derek sighs.

“One weekend. It's sounds unprofessional, I could lose my license.” Derek tells him, and Scott pulls him into a surprising hug. Derek laughs softly as he pats him on the back, and he moves to call Stiles to say that a pipe burst in his apartment.


“Thanks for doing this.” Derek says, when Stiles opens his door to usher him inside. Derek takes notices when Stiles looks outside his apartment before shutting the door, and he takes in Stiles' apartment. His apartment is messy, Stiles' has newspapers everywhere along with his notes on what he is reading, and Derek keeps his face neutral.

“Always happy to help you, Der.” Stiles tells him, and Derek grins at him. Stiles doesn't look bad, he smells clean like he's showering and wearing clean clothes, but he hasn't shaved in days. His hair is spiked up like he won't stop running his hand through it, and his lips are chapped. Which Derek understands when he watches Stiles lick them as he moves to try and clean up his living room. “You'll have to take my room because I filled up the guest room with stuff.” Stiles says, and Derek nods his head.

“You know I'll take the couch.” Derek tells him, and Stiles waves him away as he mutters to himself before going into the kitchen to look for something. Derek looks around to see that Stiles has been researching Allison Argent's death, and Derek bites his lip. Allison has been murdered three years ago, and they had never caught the person who did it. Stiles' father had been the one to work the case, Stiles was still in grad school when it happened, and it almost drove him insane trying to find out who killed someone who was like a daughter to him. Not that the rest of them took it lightly.

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