Feels Like Belonging

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Stiles makes a pitiful choking noise  when the vampire dragging him through the woods, and he tries to not say anything. He's not even sure what the name of the man is, but it doesn't matter since he taking him off to be sold or murdered or something else that Stiles doesn't want to think about. "Could we not walk so fucking fast?" Stiles snaps, and the vampire pulls roughly on the chain making him stumble forward but he somehow manages to not fall down. "Ow." Stiles says, when the vampire yanks him forward towards the woods.

"Shut up." He hisses, and Stiles growls at him softly in the back of his throat. The vampire gives him a dark look before dragging him forward again by the silver chain, and Stiles whines. "I don't why Thad wants you so much.You're a shit guard, but you look pretty tasty." He says, his eyes turning black as they look at the drop of blood that drips from where the collar was digging into his skin. It burns his skin, it makes him impossible for him to shift, and he aches to rip it off. He hates being a werewolf, he hates being targeted by vampires, and he moves to walk as close as he can to the vampire so he doesn't pull on his collar again.

"I hope someone rips your head off." Stiles tells him, and he snaps his fangs at him. Stiles doesn't flinch, he's not afraid he's too used to this life, and he pulls at his handcuffs some absentmindedly to get free. He loves the forest, loves the way it smells and way it makes him feel free, and he gets lost in thought but it doesn't last long when the wind changes. It brings with it an amazing scent, it makes Stiles' mouth water and his eyes change color for a second. He needs to find out what is making that scent, and he pulls against the chain only to make himself hiss in pain.

The vampire laughs at him, he enjoys hearing Stiles hiss in pain, and Stiles glares until he notices something. It's a wolf paw print in the dirt, and it's much larger than a normal wolf could be. "Shape shifters." Stiles whispers to himself, and the vampire doesn't hear him. He does however pull harder on Stiles, and Stiles falls to the ground. Stiles stands before he walk towards where he smells the scent of wolves,they aren't like him but maybe they'll help him, and he moves carefully so he can change their direction without the vampires noticing.

Stiles begins to notice that the vampire is starting to look around like he doesn't know where he is,and Stiles looks at him before he moves to pull the chain free before he starts running. He can't run that fast, he's so tired and hungry,and when he turns around the vampire is running closer to him. Stiles spots a cliff and he runs faster towards it, he just wants to getaway from the vampire that's trying to kill him. He stops at the edge of the cliff before turning to look at the other vampire. "Jump and you'll die." He snarls, moving closer.

"Better than the alternative."Stiles tells him, backing up more. He turns his head some to see how far of a fall it will be, and he doesn't think he'll make it. Stiles turns his head when he hears the soft sound of a growl, and he sees the largest wolf he's ever seen. "Shit." Stiles mumbles, and he doesn't know what's happening. Suddenly, it's like nothing else matters to Stiles. He feels calm and almost happy, he hasn't been happy for so long, and he stares at the wolf with bright blue eyes that's watching the vampire.

The vampire turns around to snap at the wolf before he's running towards the wolf to kill him. Stiles can't let anything happen to them, and jumps on the vampire's back."Don't fucking touch him." Stiles snarls, and he easily gets thrown off of his back. Stiles hits the ground, the pebbles scratch into his back and it burns. Stiles takes a deep breathes before he rips the collar off his neck, and he roars in pain. Once the collar is off, all of his power starts flowing back to him. It's a rush, he hasn't had all of his power in years, and his teeth extend as he stands.

The wolf yips in pain when the vampire hurts his leg, and Stiles roars in anger when the wolf gets hurt. He launches himself at the vampire, his fingertips turn to claws as he digs into the vampire's skin and Stiles relishes the howl of pain he gets in answer. The wolf flips over on his side as he tries to get his footing, and Stiles squeezes his claws into the vampire's neck. He hears a loud pop when his neck breaks, and Stiles snarls as he rips his head off of him with a howl. Stiles is bleeding from his wounds, his neck and wrists are silver burned and chafed,and pants as he turns his head towards the wolf. He just wants to make sure that he's okay, and the wolf growls at him low in his throat as if in warning at Stiles.

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