The Circle of Life

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There's a small gray wolf pup that's licking it's paw, and Derek wiggles his lower body in the air before he pounces on the smaller animal. The puppy yips in protest before biting at Derek's jaw, and Derek licks his face while he huffs in his own way to laugh since he can't as a wolf. Derek is bigger than him, almost twice his size already, and the other wolf whines while trying to squirm free. Derek doesn't let him get away at first before he moves off of him.

It's Stiles that he jumped on, his best friend, and his tongue falls out of his mouth as he tries to laugh as best he can as a wolf. His mother is best friends with Stiles' mother, so they naturally grew up with each other. Derek likes to stay close to Stiles, maybe he growls at anyone else who gets to close to him but that nor here nor there.

"Derek! You scared me!" Stiles whines, turning back human while Derek's huffs turn into laughs while he turns back into his human form. Stiles huffs as he pushes at Derek before pouting some, and Derek smiles since he knows that Stiles doesn't like it when he scares him. It's why he does it most of the time. "I hate when you do that!" Stiles huffs, turning back into his wolf, or a little pup, to run back to the pack houses.

"I know!" Derek calls, giving him a head start before he chases after him. Stiles doesn't get far before Derek is catching up to him, and Stiles whines as he runs towards his mother and father's house while Derek turns into his human form as he goes to his mother. He sees that she's talking with Stiles' mother, Stiles is still a pup and he's curling into Claudia's side, and he picks up Stiles to cuddle him. Stiles yips in indignation while tries to nip at Derek's fingers, and he turns back into his human form before putting on some pants that his mother handed to him.

"Derek!" Stiles whines, and Derek chuckles as he leans against his mother who chuckles. She's the Alpha of the pack, making Derek the next in line, and Claudia chuckles softly as she moves to run her hands though Stiles' hair.

"I cannot wait for you two to get married." Talia says, and Derek and Stiles look at her in disgust.


"Gross! No!"

Claudia giggles louder while she shakes her head, and she moves to wipe a smudge of dirt off of Stiles' cheek. Stiles snorts in annoyance while he moves to go see what the other kids are doing while Derek runs away before his mother can do the same to him.


There's a cabin at the edge of the woods that no one really goes too. It's on Hale property, but almost off of it. Derek rushes towards there, laughing softly as he thinks about something that Stiles did earlier, and he knocks on the door. "Uncle Peter!" Derek says, looking through the window. He hears a soft chuckle before the door opens, and Derek grins while he moves too look at him. "Come on. You said you were going to show me something." Derek says, and Peter smiles at him.

"Of course. Come along then." Peter says, and Derek smiles as he turns into a wolf. Peter turns too before he moves to lead the way to what he wanted to show his nephew. Derek's tail is wagging some while he follows after him, and Peter leads him towards a large field before he's turning back towards Derek who's still a pup. "Do you see those animals?" Peter says, and Derek turns his head to see large animals that are almost three times as big as him.

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