D.U.F.F (Or The One Where Derek Is Sick Of Everyone's Shit)

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Requested by jack_the_ripper2941. I guess it's based on that movie Duff. 


Stiles sits down next to Lydia before he pulls out his phone, and he texts quickly before he looks at his best friend. "What?" He asks her, and she shrugs her shoulders as she texts her boyfriend. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Stiles asks her, and she turns to look at him while she moves to put her phone down the table while Erica sets her tray down with a smash that makes Stiles jump up in surprise.

"Hola,bitches." Erica says, and Lydia rolls her eyes as she looks back at her phone. She's probably texting Parrish, Stiles is so tired of hearing how Parrish is at college and she misses him, and Stiles turns towards her. "You're coming to Whittemore's party with us on Saturday. No ifs, ands, or buts." Erica says, and Stiles groans to himself. He knows that his best friends like to tease him about his crush on Jackson, they like to make Stiles talk to him whenever they can, and he looks at Erica. "It's happening and you'll going to wear that nice button up blue shirt and your tight pants." Erica tells him, and he rolls his eyes.

"You can't make me do anything."Stiles says, weakly. He knows that he'll do what Erica wants him to do since she can easily persuade him to do anything since they've been friends forever. "Okay, fine. I'll be there." Stiles says,smiling at her. Erica nods her head while she moves to text someone,and Stiles shakes his head while he moves to lean back against his seat as he eats lazily until the bell rings.


Stiles is leaning against a wall while he nurses a beer and steals a glance at Jackson while he talks to Lydia about something. "I'm surprised to see you take a break from studying to come out to join the real world." Stiles hears,and he groans in annoyance when he turns to look at his neighbor Derek Hale. Stiles doesn't know if they're friends or not, but he does know that Derek annoyances the crap out of him most of the time.

"Ugh. Go away, Hale. I don't have time for this." Stiles says, turning to look at Erica dancing with a member of the lacrosse team. He smiles to himself since she looks like she's having a good time, and he hums to the sound of the music while Derek stands beside him making him roll his eyes. "What do you want? Don't you have a sport to play or a test to not study for?"Stiles says, mockingly. Derek's drains the rest of the beer in his red cup before he looks at Stiles, and he rolls his eyes at him.

"I don't want anything, Duff."Derek says, and Stiles turns to look at him while he leans against the wall.

"What the fuck is a Duff?"Stiles asks, and Derek just seemed to realize what he said and he seems to not want to answer.

"It stands for designated ugly fat friend." Derek tells him, and Stiles looks at him in shock as he feels hurt spread through him. Stiles gives him a look of inquiry,and Derek sighs as he moves to lick his lip. "It doesn't mean that you're fat or ugly, both of which you are not, it just means that people use you to become friends with Erica or Lydia." Derek says,and Stiles looks at him. "Everyone thinks so." Derek adds on, and Stiles' eyes widen at that.

"Everyone tries to be friends with me because they want to be friends with Lydia or Erica?"Stiles asks, and Derek shrugs his shoulders not really answering him.He wonders if that means that Lydia and Erica have been using him after all these years of them being friends, and he puts his beer down before leaving. Lydia and Erica notice him leaving first off,and Erica gives Boyd an apologetic smile as she moves to run after him. Stiles hears them call his name, and he turns around to glare at them. "How could you do that to me?" Stiles asks, and Lydia gives him a confused look while she looks at Erica. "I'm the Duff! How could you be so mean to me?! I thought that we were friends."Stiles whispers, and Lydia bites her lip.

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