Daddy's Boy (Mature Content)

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Hey, Stalers! This is a Daddy kink one that was requested by x11XXscillaXX17x. This is the only Daddy Kink story I'm going to do, so please don't flood my inbox with requests for them. Stiles also calls his father daddy in this, which some of you might think is weird but I'm from the south US and everybody calls their dad daddy and it was part of the request so.... Enjoy. 


It stopped being weird months ago, if it ever was at all, and so it just happened for them now. Stiles likes it, he can't help but like the fact that he has two daddies, and he moves to go to Derek's. At first it was just a thing that happened during sex, but it soon stretched into their daily lives not that either of them minded. Sometimes,Derek is Daddy and sometimes he's just Derek it just depends on the mood Stiles was in.

The pack is sitting around in the living room, eating dinner slowly while they watch television, and they don't even turn around when Stiles walks in. "Hey, Stiles." Erica mumbles, and Stiles chuckles as he walks towards kitchen to get himself something to eat since he's here at the moment. Stiles walks into the kitchen and he sees Derek and Scott talking to each other, and he moves into the room before he makes him a plate.

"Hey,Scott." Stiles says, licking excess sauce from his thumb as he moves to get himself something to drink. "Hey, Daddy." Stiles says, kissing Derek's lips once when he walks by. Derek smiles at him while he moves to hand him a glass. Scott doesn't looks at them weird, it's not weird anymore now since they've been doing it for so long, and he moves to go back to eat in the living room with the rest of the pack.

"Hey,baby boy." Derek says, kissing him again. Stiles smiles at him while he moves to cuddle into his chest for a minute before he moves to get his plate. "How was class today? Learn anything new?"Derek asks, following after him with his own plate. Stiles shrugs his shoulders as he moves to sit down on the love seat, and Derek sits down next to him.

"It was fine. I've got a project due next class that I totally spaced on,but it's my own fault." Stiles says, and he moves to eat his food with his legs in Derek's lap. Derek hums in answer, since he doesn't want to say he told them so since he did tell him that, and Stiles smiles at him like he knows that. "Don't give me that look, Daddy."Stiles tells him, digging his heels into Derek's thigh while Derek laughs softly.

"I didn't say anything, Stiles." Derek tells him, and Stiles rolls his eyes as he moves to lean over to kiss his cheek while he watches the movie that the pack picked out. Scott is lounging half on the floor and the other half in Isaac's lap while he watches, and Stiles tangles his hand into Isaac's curly hair making the other boy smile at him. "He needs a haircut." Derek laughs, and Stiles shakes his head while he runs his hand through the soft curls.

"No,I like it. It's cute." Stiles says, and Isaac winks at him while Scott nods his head in agreement. "It is!" Stiles says, when he see Kira shakes her head in disagreement. "You don't know." He laughs, and Derek chuckles while Stiles moves to take his food into the kitchen. Derek stands to follow after him, and Stiles smiles when sees him.

"Are you spending the night here?" Derek asks, and Stiles shakes his head while he moves to throw away his stuff. "So you're staying at the dorms or your dad's?" Derek asks, and Stiles shakes his head at the first one before he nods his head at the second one. "Have you ever spent one night at those dorms?" Derek asks, laughing softly.

"No.My roommate is kind of an asshole." Stiles says, shrugging."Anyways. I'll call you when I get home, Derek." Stiles says, and Derek nods as he leans into kiss him before he can leave. "I love you, Daddy." Stiles says, and Derek grins as he walks him towards his car.

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