Friday Night (Mature Content)

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This is a squel to DHTG, DHTP by @sterekgotmelike. I hope I did her justice for her orginal amazing story.

      Derek has just finished studying for the day when he hears a knock on his apartment door, and he sighs before he goes to answer it. He shares this apartment with his old dorm mate and his girlfriend. He likes Boyd, he's quiet and a good friend, and his girlfriend has reluctantly grown on Derek. He mostly started to tolerate Erica because Stiles had taken a liking to the girl, and Derek couldn't say no to his boyfriend of three years.

He frowns when his mind drifts to Stiles, he hasn't seen him for weeks. He's been so busy with finals and everything going on with school, they still talk everyday, but he misses holding him. Derek also misses kissing and cuddling him, and he isn't going to lie and say he doesn't miss the sex. They waited until Stiles was past eighteen, Stiles wasn't ready and Derek wasn't going to pressure him, and now it was magical.

Derek is sliding his feet towards the door, and he throws it open before scooting back when something jumps into his arms. All he sees is a flash of brown hair and a blue hoodie before he hears loud laughter. “Hey, asshole! It's been too fucking long. I miss you, Der.” Stiles cries, and Derek laughs holding on to Stiles tightly.

“I missed you too, my love.” Derek cries out, and Stiles giggles while he leans his head back to kiss Derek for the first time in weeks. Derek sets him back on the floor, and he pulls Stiles into a kiss. Stiles laughs while he kisses Derek, and Derek licks into his mouth to he can taste his boyfriend. “Fuck, I can't believe you came to see me.” Derek sighs, and Stiles grins at him while kisses him again.

“Well, it was a half day at school plus I needed to turn in my medical insurance papers to the health office. I can't believe that in one more semester, I will be at the same exact college as my insanely hot boyfriend.” Stiles says, and Derek grins at him while he pulls him more into the apartment.

“I'm proud of you.” Derek tells him, not for the first time. Stiles grins widely at him before he goes into the kitchen to make himself something to drink and he smiles brightly at Derek's praise, and he pours himself some water before he walks back into the living room to fall down on to the sofa to sit next to Derek.

“Where's Erica and Boyd?” Stiles asks, and Derek tugs him close to him as he thinks. Stiles leans his head against Derek's shoulder as he throws his legs into his lap before turning on the television, and Derek takes off his shoes. Erica has the no shoes on the couch rule, and Derek isn't afraid to admit that she is terrifying when she's mad.

“Spending the weekend at Erica's parents.” Derek says, and Stiles makes a humming noise. Stiles reaches into his pocket to answer a text, probably his father or Scott, and Derek turns on the television to flip through the channels. “You want me to order some Chinese?” Derek asks, and Stiles nods his head.

“Yeah, curfews at midnight so that gives us eleven hours together.” Stiles tells him, and Derek nods. Just because Stiles is eighteen doesn't mean that he gets to stay out all night when he still lives with John. “I really did miss you.” Stiles mutters, and Derek turns his head to press a soft kiss to his lips. He knows that it's only going to get harder when Stiles starts school even though they plan on sharing an apartment.

“I missed you more, babe.” Derek says, and Stiles smiles up at him. They lay in silence for a while, not really saying anything. Derek watches some nature show while Stiles plays on his phone, only talking to Derek to ask him questions about his trivia game, and when the food gets here Stiles goes to get it. Stiles picks up Derek's wallet from the coffee table,and Derek chuckles as he goes to get them something to drink while Stiles' pays.

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