Relax (Sterek+Parrish)(Mature Content)

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Hello, Stalers! This is a Sterek+Parrish that was wanted by Ziallforever (bae). I'm putting it here because A) it's sterek. B) It's my story and my book so I don't really have to ask permission and C). Some of you *glares at you through my computer* Don't read my Teen Wolf One Shot book. For some reason I feel the need to say that this might have dubious consent. I don't think it is, Stiles is 18 and gives consent but I'm kinda feel the need to say it just to be sure. Anyways, enjoy. I love you all so much.


Stiles is sitting at his father's desk, writing some of his essays for his college admission papers, and he looks up when he sees two of the deputies that work here walking into the break room. It's Derek and Jordan, more commonly known by his last name Parrish, and Stiles feels his insides prickle when he sees them. He doesn't know why, maybe he's just a little jealous of both them, and he watches as Derek pushes Parrish playfully before kissing him. They're not supposed to do that, Stiles remembers his dad telling them to stop kissing and messing around at work, but Stiles is the only one here so he figures that they think they can get away with it because of that. "You're not supposed to do that." Stiles says, when he hears Derek make a soft noise.

Derek and Parrish both turn their attention towards him, and Stiles turns pink as he goes back to looking at his papers. "What was that, Mscislaw?" Derek asks him, standing next to him as he leans down next to him. Stiles turns red when Derek uses his real name and Stiles glares at him while he slams his hand over his application where he had to write his name.

"That's not my name!" Stiles hisses, and Parrish laughs as he takes the application from under Stiles' hand to read it. "Parrish!" Stiles whines, reaching for it again but Parrish moves to hide behind Derek to read it. "You two are ridiculous. You're grown men. I'm a high school senior. Pretty sure that this so some form of bullying." Stiles says, fighting the urge to stomp his foot at them. Parrish laughs at him while he holds his application above his head.

"Derek, darling?" Jordan asks, and Derek makes a soft noise as he turns to look at him. Stiles growls under his breath as he tries to take back his paper, and he huffs to himself as he tries to jump up to take the paper. He's not that much shorter than Parrish or Derek, but he can't reach the paper that Derek now has. "Did you know that Mscislaw means vengeance?" Jordan says, and Stiles looks at him in surprise while he stops jumping up for the paper.

"How did you know that?" Stiles asks him, and Jordan winks at him while he looks over the paper. "Give it back, Deputy?" Stiles asks, and Jordan pouts at him while he walks around the room to read over the paper. "Seriously." Stiles says, getting annoyed with them. They don't seem to care about that since they're continuing to read the paper over and over again, and they giggle to each other as they read it. "I hate you two." Stiles groans, and they both snort as they hand him back his paper.

"It's cute. You'll get into that school for sure." Derek tells him, sitting down next to him with a smile and Stiles huffs as he doesn't look at him. He's trying to put his application together so he can mail it in, and he sighs to himself as he thinks about what else he should add to it. He's not in a lot of extracurricular activities, he's shy and really doesn't like to be around others, and that line on his application is empty. He likes his friends, Lydia and Scott are nice and he's close to them, but that doesn't mean that he likes to be with other people. "You should do more out of school activities." Derek comments, and Stiles glares at him.

"Leave me alone." Stiles mumbles, and he sighs as he puts his application into the envelop. Stiles stands up to walk into the mail room to drop off the letter to be delivered, and he sighs to himself as he walks down the hallway to go back to his dad's office. He wonders where his dad is, probably off on some house call, and he goes back to sitting down in his dad's chair. "You two should go back to work." Stiles says, and Parrish winks at him while he goes to answer the phone. Derek doesn't leave, he just stands in the doorway watching Stiles.

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