It's Not Funny, Derek.

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This was requested by aidaexo. Enjoy. Love you all.


The first time that Derek scares Stiles is when he pretends to be dead, and Stiles is more than a little upset. They were fighting witches, and a spell hits Derek right in the chest making him fall over towards the ground. The sound that comes out of Stiles' mouth are a mixture of being terrified and angry, and he's more than a little happy when Erica rips out her throat.

Stiles rushes over to Derek's side to look down at him, his stupid little werewolf face is lax as if in death. "Derek!" Stiles says, leaning down to sit down on the ground next to him. He cannot believe that Derek would have gotten hit or, the thought burning his way into his mind, if he's dead. Stiles feels tears well up in his eyes, and he leans down to lay his head against Derek's shoulder.

"Gotcha!" Derek cries, all but throwing Stiles off of him as he goes to finish off the witches. Stiles sits down on the ground, his ass getting wet from the dew, and he whips his head around to look at Derek before he stands up to stomp towards the loft. Derek doesn't seem to be paying him any attention, and Stiles huff and mumbles to himself.

Later that day when Derek gets home, Stiles has thrown some blankets on the couch for him to sleep on and Derek ignores him as he goes to upstairs to sleep with Stiles. "Are you mad about earlier?" Derek asks, carefully. Considering he gets a lamp thrown at him, he figures that Stiles is indeed still mad at him. "I'm sorry. I was the spur of the moment thing. I thought it would be funny." Derek says, and Stiles turns over to glare at him.

"You thought it would be funny to pretend to be dead in the middle of a fight?" Stiles asks him, and Derek grins at him before moving to crawl into the bed. "No. This bed is for people who don't lie to their boyfriends about being alive." Stiles snaps at him, and Derek pouts as he rolls over on to Stiles' back to pin him to the bed.

"I'm sorry that I scared you,okay?" Derek says, leaning down to kiss Stiles' shoulder. Stiles leans his head back to knock it against Derek's head, and he huffs in annoyance when his body seems to react to Derek of it's own accord.

"I'm mad at you." Stiles protests, weakly. Derek smiles against his skin, he knows that Stiles has already forgiven him, and he kisses Stiles' warm skin while he moves down his bare back as Stiles hums in appreciation.

Stiles turns his head to tell him not to do that again, but there's warm hands pulling at his pants and a warm mouth making marks against his skin so he forgets.


The next time Derek scares Stiles, he goes out of his way to make it more fake and less real. He hides behind the pantry door while Stiles was getting ready for his early morning classes. Stiles wakes up to empty bed, which is odd since he normally wakes up pleasantly crushed under Derek's weight. Normally, Derek sleeps with his face buried into Stiles' side or even his underarm so Stiles grumbles to himself.

So Stiles stumbles out of bed, turning off his alarm while he goes, and he lazily brushes his teeth before making his way downstairs to get some much needed coffee for himself. "Derek?" Stiles calls out, yawning some to himself. He grumbles, Derek probably went for a run before breakfast, and he moves to turn on the coffee pot. That's weird, Stiles thinks. Normally, Derek turns on his coffee maker for him if he's up first.

Stiles mutters to himself about the magic being gone from their relationship as he opens the pantry for his fresh coffee. "Boo!" Derek yells at him, and Stiles screeches as he falls to the ground clutching the coffee can in his hands like his life depends on it.

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