Stiles and Derek's Secret Lives (Mature Content)

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jack_the_ripper2941 requested a Mr and Mrs. Smith!AU and I haven't seen the movie all the way so I tried. 


        Derek looks down at his watch for the third time in the past twenty minutes, his husband was expecting him home in an hour for dinner, and he waits for the person he's looking for to walk in front of him. All he had to do was kill him, and this asshole was trying to be a pain in Derek's ass. He couldn't cancel on Stiles again, it's not like he can call up his husband and tell him that this man Derek was hired to kill someone who refused to walk in front of his scope, and he looks at his watch again. “Come on.” Derek hisses to himself.

It's five minutes later that Derek finally manages to shoot the poor bastard, and he repacks his gun before making it off the rooftop before he is spotted. He tries not to run towards his car, he doesn't want to be seen running away from a crime scene, and he gets into his car. Derek sends a message saying 'Just got out of the office, be home in ten' to Stiles, and he starts the car. It isn't his fault that his husband thinks that he's a web designer for a major computer company, it actually is but Derek doesn't want to think about it, and he drives faster towards home.

Stiles' car is in the driveway, he works from home as a editor for some book company, and Derek parks beside his car. He shuts the car door after looking at himself in the mirror, and he heads inside where the smell of dinner greets him. “You're late again.” Stiles tells him, kissing the side of Derek's mouth briefly when he walks into the kitchen.

“I texted you.” Derek tells him, taking off his jacket as he prepares to shower. Stiles hums once before going back to dinner. They aren't affectionate, they did at one time when they first met on one of Derek's mission while Stiles was on vacation with his best friend, so Derek wasn't surprised by any means.

“Sure.” Stiles tells him, and Derek goes to take a shower. He wonders what Stiles would do if he knew that Derek lied to him their entire marriage, he'd divorce him Derek knows, so he keeps his mouth shut. Derek thinks he loves Stiles, he sometimes misses Stiles when he's away on missions, so he'd miss it if Stiles wasn't waiting for him when he got home. Stiles sometimes goes on trips to meet with clients, and he always tells Derek that he misses him on the phone when he calls.

Derek goes to shower while trying to wash away the day off his skin, and he tries to be quick since he doesn't want Stiles to be more pissed off at him. He goes back into the kitchen in his sweatpants and a tee to find Stiles setting the table. Derek takes a seat down at the table while flipping through his Ipad looking at his emails, a few from his boss and one telling him that money was deposited into his bank account, and he hums.

“How was your day?” Stiles asks, and Derek hums once as he looks at the dinner that Stiles put in front of him.

“Fine. How was yours?” Derek asks, as Stiles takes a seat next to him with his own food.

“Fine.” Stiles tells him, and he goes back to eat. They eat in silence, the sound of forks scrapping against plates, and Derek finishes first and he takes his plate towards the kitchen. He puts everything away into the refrigerator, Stiles cooks so he figures it's fair, and he moves to go to bed. They have a routine, Derek likes to read before bed and Stiles goes straight to sleep, and Derek climbs in the bed.

Derek reads his book for about an hour before Stiles comes to bed, and Derek doesn't need to look up to know what Stiles is doing. He'll go shower, brush his teeth, get dressed in his pajamas before climbing into the bed. He'll rub lotion on his arms, face, and hands before leaning over to peck Derek's lips once then turn over on his side before turning off his lamp. It's like this every single night with Stiles, and Derek cannot even bring himself to feel bored with it.

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