Cellos and Basketballs

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This was requested by jack_the_ripper2941. It's the Derek/Paige story line but with an obvious alternate ending.


Stiles is running his bow through the finely tuned strings of cello, and he runs his calloused hands on the stings while he moves to make the beautiful music that he loves. He's the only one in the band room, he needs the extra practice if he's going to make it to the state championship, and he runs through the practices music during his free time which is just usually after school. The music echos through the room, it's soft and sweet, and Stiles smiles as he doesn't miss a note as he goes along with his metronome.

A loud crash in the hallway makes Stiles jump and miss the next note as he drops his bow in surprise. Laughter follows the noise, and Stiles huffs to himself. He hates when people think that no one is back here just because it's the end of the day. Stiles can normally just tune it out, the loud talking and the annoying nature of teenager, but then they start dribbling a basketball. Stiles huffs as he moves to start playing again, the music having a different tone. Eventually, the laughter gets too loud and Stiles hisses as he moves to get up.

Stiles gently moves his cello out of the way before walking towards the door, and someone throws a basketball against it making Stiles angrier. Stiles rips open the door before walking out with his arms crossed, and he sees five of the boys from the basketball team playing around. In the center, also being the loudest, is Derek Hale. "Do you idiots mind? Some of us are actually trying to practice." Stiles hisses, and they all start laughing.

Derek dribbles the basketball towards him, expertly twisting and turning around him while he grins madly at Stiles while he moves around him. Stiles huffs as he tries to grab the basketball and he misses every time. Stiles growls in annoyance as he kicks at it, but he misses again making Derek smile at him. Derek grins at him the entire time, he's obviously enjoying this, and Stiles finally grabs the basketball.

Derek gives him a look of surprise, he was busy looking at the moles on Stiles' throat, and Stiles holds on to ball while he glares at Derek. "Are you going to give it back?" Derek asks, playfully as he leans against the lockers. Stiles glares at him before throwing the basketball as hard as he can against down the hall. Stiles huffs in anger while he turns around to go back into the band hall without a word.


Stiles is playing angrily now, the music in the air loud and dramatic, and he hears the door open. He doesn't turn to look since he's pretty sure that it's one of his band mates or the band teacher since he's the other one that here this late. "So what's your name?" Derek asks, and Stiles rolls his eyes as he continues to play. Derek doesn't give up just yet, and Stiles just ignores him. "So I don't get to put a name to such a pretty face." Derek says, and Stiles rolls his eyes.

"No. Leave me alone." Stiles tells him, and Derek chuckles as he walks around the room before standing next to him. Stiles tries to ignore him as he plays, and he keeps making mistakes. He huffs, angry at himself for letting Derek get to him. Stiles is normally so good at focusing on his music, and Derek watches him until his presences is just too much to ignore. "Tell you what. You pick any instrument in this room and play it then I'll tell you my name." Stiles tells him, knowing that no way can Derek Hale play anything.

Derek gives him a triumphant grin before he moves to walk around the room. Stiles sighs to himself while he moves to continue to play, not messing up this time since Derek is breathing down his neck as he watches him. Stiles manages to play the next song perfectly, and he looks up in annoyance when he hears someone cleaning their throat. Stiles looks up from his sheet music to turn towards Derek who's holding a triangle in his hand.

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