It Hurts (Mature Content)

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*Requested by ErikalyAfter. Stiles' dreams are in italics. Umm. Check out my new books (Stranded and TBATBG) I love you guys.*


Dreams shouldn't be this real, Stiles thinks. He knows he's dreaming, but he remembers falling asleep when he should have been studying for his finals. Stiles used to not like to dream, they used to be filled with dark images and guilt of things he's done, but now the dark images have been replaced by pleasant things. Specifically, they've been replaced with Derek.


His window is open like always, Derek always tells him to leave it open for him so he does, and Stiles lays on his bed while he waits for him. He's been having this dreams for weeks, and they're always the same but Stiles would never get tired of having them. He's slowly running his hands over his chest, waiting for Derek, and he knows that he'll be here.

Soon, Stiles hears the familiar sounds of Derek making his way onto the roof. He doesn't know why his mind decided that Derek needed to be the center of his attention but he doesn't mind. Derek's always sort of been there for him, always in the back of his mind and the center of it, and he smiles softly to himself. "You're late." Stiles hums, and the sound of the window opening.

"How can I be late? There's no set time that I come here." Derek tells him, walking up towards Stiles' bed before crawling over on top of him. Stiles lays down on his back as he looks up at Derek, his breathing slow and even as he looks up at him. "Maybe you're late." Derek tells him, leaning down to brush his lips over Stiles' throat. Stiles sighs out in almost relief when Derek gets his lips on him.

"How can I be late? I live here." Stiles points out, and he feels Derek chuckle against his skin before he continues to kiss him. Stiles turns his head to give Derek more room to make marks that won't be there when he wakes up in the morning, it's the only thing that reminds him that this isn't real, and Derek hums as he worries a piece of skin between his teeth gently. "Ah." Stiles sighs, and he feels Derek smiles against his skin.

"Good?" Derek asks, and Stiles hums in agreement. All of a sudden, they're naked. It's the best part of the dream when their clothes vanish, and Stiles doesn't know what Derek really looks like naked but he's pretty sure his Derek looks like the real naked Derek. "I'm going to make you feel so good, okay?" Derek says, and Stiles nods his head.

"Please, Derek." Stiles tells him, and Derek smiles against his skin as he starts to touch him everywhere at once making Stiles start to writhe against him. "Derek, please." Stiles begs, and Derek silences him with a kiss before he slides into him. Stiles throws his head back in pleasure, trying to keep himself quiet so no one can hear him.

"So tight and warm." Derek tells him, and Stiles pants as he nods. When Derek finally starts to thrust into him, Stiles almost wants to cry because he knows this isn't real. Dream Derek will always kiss him again and again while he moves harder and harder inside him. Stiles cries out when it feels so good that it's almost too much for him to take, and Derek will kiss him sloppily before he fucks his tongue into Stiles' mouth.

"Derek!" Stiles moans, his eyes tightly shut as Derek pounds and pounds into him. Derek grabs his cock in his hand to touch it, not stroke or anything just yet, just touch making him squirm under him.

"Tell me what you want." Derek whispers in his ear, and Stiles turns his face to kiss him before trying to pull him closer and closer to him. It's impossible to bring him anymore closer to him, and he sighs as he runs his hands down Derek's back before pulling on his hair.

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