Ink My Skin With Your Name

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This was requested by doorsareodd-xx. Derek wants a tattoo, goes to get tattoo, and Stiles does said tattoo. Tada.


 Derek Hale is a troubled soul. The fire that destroyed his home and killed most of his family is probably the cause, or maybe it's the guilt that it was his ex girlfriend jaded that he broke things off with her who killed them. It doesn't matter now, Kate's in jail and Derek is slowly healing. It's been almost a decade now, and he's trying to heal along with his sisters. He's a different person now, he tries to act like he did before the fire but he's no longer the romantic, self assured self. "Hey, wanna get dinner?" Laura asks, and Derek looks up from where he was lazy sketching on his note book.

"No, thanks. I just ate." Derek says, and Laura nods her head as she moves to look over his shoulder to see what he's drawing. Derek owns a studio downtown where he has a successful art business, and he looks up at her. He was drawing a wolf, he likes wolves since his mother liked them so much that she kept all kinds of knickknacks and decorations, and Laura smiles down at him.

"It's good, Der. I like it." Laura says, and Derek smiles at her while he looks down at the art work. It's a lot of detail, it's where Derek stands out with his peers is how much detail he puts into his work, and he looks at her. "I've got to pick the girls up from school, okay?" Laura says, and Derek nods his head while he goes back to shading the wolf. "Come over for dinner, yeah? You shouldn't be alone so much." Laura says as she asks him again, and Derek sighs
to himself while he moves to stand up to walk her out.

Derek doesn't mind spending time with his sister and his nieces, but he couldn't be around them for too long without feeling guilty about all that's happened to them. Laura tells him all the time that it wasn't his fault, but he doesn't believe it not for a second. He's trying to think of a way to honor his mother, but nothing is coming to mind. He draws her all the time, puts her image or things that remind him of her in everything that he does, and he smiles to himself when the wolf takes on a life of it's own.

Derek comes to the conclusion that the best way to remember his mother is to get a tattoo, and he knows that it should a wolf. His mother had an almost unhealthy obsession with wolves, she would collect figurines and anything that had to do with them, and Derek would always tease her saying that she was part wolf since she loved them so much.

It's his sketch that he wants to be tattooed on his side and stomach where he can always see it, and he makes sure the drawing is perfect before he starts to look up tattoo places near him. He finds one that near him, and he hums to himself while he moves find his coat. Derek needs to know that the person doing his tattoo will be able to make the tattoo as good as the drawing that he did. Derek grabs his keys before he makes his way to his car.


The tattoo shop is small place, Derek almost drives past it, and he pulls into the parking lot before he walks up to it. The bell rings when he opens the door, and Derek looks around. It's a nice shop, small but clean, and it has nice designs on the wall. "Can I help you?" Derek hears, and he turns his head to see a man with tattoos over his arms and a eyebrow and lip ring.

Derek smiles some as he moves to get his drawing out of his pocket, and he walks towards the counter. "I want a tattoo with this wolf." Derek says, sliding the paper over to him. He smiles to him, and he moves to unfold the paper. The man takes the paper to look at, and Derek sees his jaw practically drop.

"Dude, did you draw this?" He asks, and Derek nods his head while the man nods in surprise. "This is amazing, man. I love it. I can do it, but it'll take some time." He says, and Derek snorts as he moves to run his hand through his hair.

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