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Hey, Stale here. This was requested by twolfeen11. Stiles is gender fluid in this, but I still use the masculine pronoun. I know that the correct is they/them but I couldn't figure out how to write that so I apologize for that. 


        Stiles' alarm rings out pulling him for a restful sleep, making him frown as he struggles to turn it off. He stands to get ready, and he rubs his eyes as heads towards his bathroom. Stiles looks in the mirror and he frowns slightly, he wants to put on make up today. He wants to put on a dress today, he wants to put on tights and eyeliner but he can't. They have pack meeting today, and that means Derek is there. Derek who doesn't know that Stiles is gender fluid and sometimes is a girl who likes to wear pretty clothes and paint his nails. Derek who Stiles may or may not have a huge crush on ever since his eighteen birthday party when Derek sent a pizza to his house with the words 'Happy Birthday' written on it.

So Stiles puts on jeans and a hoodie begrudgingly before walking downstairs, his backpack on his shoulder. John is waiting for him with a cup of coffee, and he eyes his clothes and makes a humming noise. “Yes, Dad?” Stiles asks, moving to get himself something for breakfast. John doesn't say anything at first, but eventually he speaks.

“You haven't worn any girl clothes in awhile. You spent a lot of your hard earned money on those dresses, all that make up, and shoes.” John says, and Stiles sighs as he moves to get himself some coffee to put into a travel mug. “You haven't been being bullied or anything?” John asks, his tone slightly angry making Stiles give him a fond look.

“Dad, it's great that you're ridiculously supportive of me but it's nothing. I haven't felt like a girl for a while. Maybe it was just a phase.” Stiles lies, and John frowns deeply at him. Stiles hates lying to his father, he already is about werewolves and everything, but it's better than explaining the truth. “I'm late. Love you.” Stiles calls, and John rolls his eyes.

“Love you too, kiddo.” John calls after him, and Stiles smiles softly to himself while he goes towards his Jeep. He checks his reflection in the mirror before pulling out of the driveway, and he sighs softly to himself. His face looks plain today, boring even, and he really just wants to put on some mascara maybe some lip gloss before school.

“Pack meeting.” Stiles mutters to himself, moving to drive to school.


Stiles pulls his locker door open, the thing is always getting stuck on him, and he sighs when he sees a familiar pair of feet by his locker. “Hey, princess Stiles.” Stiles hears, and he sighs as he slams the door shut.

“Leave me alone, Matt.” Stiles tells him, and Matt grins at him while he moves to follow him. Stiles hates Matt, he's always trying to pull Stiles' skirts when he wears them not to mention Jackson caught him trying to take a pair of panties from Stiles' locker during lacrosse practice.

“Come, pretty girl.” Matt says, pulling his arm. Stiles sighs angrily before he rips his arm away from him.

“Stiles! We're late come on.” Jackson says, glaring at Matt with his hand out stretched for Stiles to take. Stiles rushes forward to intertwine his hand with Jackson as he pulls him to class, all he needs is for one of his pack mates to wolf out in the middle of school. Again. “What did we say about talking to him, Stiles? He's such a fucking loser.” Jackson tells him, leading them both to their first period class that they share.

“I wasn't he was by my locker.” Stiles tells him, frowning. He hates when his friends get mad at him, and it wasn't his fault. He didn't asks for Matt's creepy attention, and he moves to take his seat next to Erica.

Sterek One-Shots:Book Two (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now