Still Waters

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Requested by TheThingInYourCloset


        “Dude, come on. It'll be fun.” Scott begs, and Stiles rolls his eyes. They laying down on his bed while Scott tries to talk his best friend into coming with him this weekend to surf. “You love surfing. I know you love surfing, plus it's going to be a nice day.” Scott says, and Stiles turns on his side to give him a fond smile.

“I already told you that I was going with you, calm down.” Stiles tells him, and Scott turns over to hold him tightly as he laughs loudly. “But only because I want to surf and not because I want to hang out with you or Allison or the pack.” Stiles lies, and Scott gives him a look that says he doesn't believe him.

Stiles rolls his eyes as he turns over in his bed to stare out the window. It's an amazing day outside, and it should be the same like this tomorrow. Everyone in the pack has needed a break from work and college, this semester was the worst that Stiles has ever had and he knows Lydia's is the same, and Stiles was looking forward to it. His board is in his closet, and he needs to wax it before tomorrow. “Is Derek coming?” Stiles asks, and Scott shakes his head.

Derek hasn't been one to hang around the pack outside of pack meetings, and he never seemed to want to hang out with them. “Maybe if we tell him that Isaac and Boyd are going then maybe he'll come.” Scott says, and Stiles shrugs his shoulders. It doesn't matter either way, Derek never really pays him much attention unless Stiles makes him. Which he tends to do a lot of, if he's being honest.

“I need to wax my board.” Stiles tells Scott, and Scott nods his head as he goes to turn over on Stiles' bed. Stiles is pretty sure Scott is about to fall asleep on his bed, and Stiles shakes his head fondly while he goes back to his homework.


“So no one else showed up?” Stiles asks, pulling up his wet suit and crouching down so Allison could finish zipping it up for him. He digs his bare feet into the sand to feel the warmth, and he smiles happily.

“Well, Isaac had too much homework. Boyd and Erica hate the beach, surprisingly enough I had no idea. Lydia had to work, and Jackson had to job shadow today for his business class. Derek just hung up me when I called him.” Scott says, and Stiles snorts in amusement.

“You should have begged. That usually works.” Stiles says, and Scott smiles at him while he drags Allison into his lap. “I'm going out. The waves are rocking.” Stiles says, and Scott nods his head while Stiles moves to grab his board. He paddles out into the water, the small waves make him rock slightly, and he moves to sit on his board.

Stiles moves his feet under the water and he breathes in the smell of the sea. The salty smell invades his nose, and he attaches the cord that is attached to his board to his ankle for safety. He paddles out farther, Scott and Allison are only tiny dots, and he finally gets a chance to ride a wave. Stiles stays on for the most part, but he slips off towards the end. He slips down into the water, the sun is shining through the blue clear water, and he comes above the water with a smile.

“You alright?” Scott screams, and Stiles waves his arm. Scott must have been in the water swimming if he could see Stiles.

“Yeah!” Stiles calls, and he moves to get back on his board. He wipes his face to get the water out of it, and he moves to get back on the board. He easily regains balance, he's surprisingly graceful when he's in the water unlike when he's on land, and Stiles swims out towards another wave. He turns over his should briefly to see Allison climbing on Scott's shoulders, and he grins as he turns his attentions towards the waves.

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