Supernatural Supernanny (Mild Mature Content)

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Requested by my treasure  emma_and_orlando. Mentions of MPreg, and unedited because I am tired as shit.  Love you guys. Comment, vote, and all that stuff you guys do so well. 


        Stiles turns his body to look at the cameraman before smiling widely at it, and pinching Derek's thigh to get him to turn away too. “Hello! I'm Dr. Stiles Stilinski and this is Alpha Derek Hale, who has a Master's in Supernatural studies but no PhD like yours truly, and this is Supernatural Supernanny. As most of you know, Alpha Hale and I go to different households with blended supernatural families that are struggling with their children.” Stiles introduces, and Derek nods his head along dutifully like always.

“Right you are, Dr. Stilinski. This week, we're going to be spending the time with the Andrews family which also happens to live in your home town, right Stiles?” Derek asks, and Stiles nods his head. They're standing outside a large brick house, and Derek tries not to look directly at the camera since his eyes might cause a glare. “Please tell us about the Andrews family, Dr. S.” Derek says, and Stiles beams at him before nodding.

“The Andrews family, husband Sam and wife Chloe, is a blended family with a werewolf for a father and a human for the mother, and there are three children. The son, Isiah, is five is already showing hints of taking after his father while the daughter, Christine, is seven and isn't. And the newborn baby girl, Emma.” Stiles explains to the camera, and Derek nods in agreement.

“The Andrew's have been having problems with communication, and Dr. Stilinski and I are here to help this lovely family work through this hard time.” Derek tells him, and Stiles grins at him while he hops on his toes. “So we're going right now to surprise them. Unless they were looking through the window, and knew we're here so whatever.” Derek says, and Stiles chuckles as he moves towards the door to knock.

Derek and Stiles wait patiently for the door to open, and when it does they both peak inside. Sam is chasing Isiah down as the little boy screams loudly while Christine throws things at her mother, and they all hear the sound of the baby crying in the background. “Oh, my God. It's Dr. Stilinski and Alpha Hale.” Chloe says, opening the door. She tries to pull Christine close to her, but the little girl pulls away from her to glare at Stiles and Derek before running away towards the upstairs.

Stiles and Derek exchange looks, and they both look up when they see Sam trying to rein in Isiah who growls at his father before flashing his gold eyes at his father. Derek looks in surprise before stepping in to flash his red eyes at the father and child. Isiah instantly stops moving to stare at him in almost wonder, and Sam looks at them in shock as if he didn't believe that they're here. “Hello, Mr. Andrews. I'm Dr. Stilinski and this is Alpha Hale.” Stiles introduces them, and Sam shakes their hands.

Emma is still crying in the background, and Stiles moves to go to her while Chloe fractionally tries to clean up the living room. Stiles moves towards the baby's room, and he inspects the children's room. They're all dirty, Stiles makes a mental note to bring up the lack of responsibility to the Andrews, and he goes towards the nursery to see to Emma. Stiles loves babies, obviously since he has a degree in child development, and he slowly approaches the crib.

“Hi, honey.” Stiles coos, glad that the camera didn't follow after him. They like to film Derek more than him since they're more interested in the supernatural part of the family since it's better for rating, and Stiles picks up the little girl. Emma instantly stops crying when he holds her, and Stiles figures she must be supernatural since he just has a feeling. Emma didn't look like she hasn't been cared for, but Stiles still knows that he needs to think about it. Chloe makes her way upstairs to take her from him, and Stiles goes back downstairs to see Derek trying to talk to Isiah.

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