Hey, I Just Met You And This Is Crazy But That's My Ex So Kiss Me Maybe?

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This was requested by hburns14 and x11XXscillaXX17x. Please leave questions on the previous chapter, if you want to ask to remain anonymous than that's fine as well.


It will go down in history that Stiles Stilinski is terrible under pressure. He is and that all that has to be said about it. Where it be the time that Scott had an asthma attack and Stiles had no idea what to do so he punched Scott in the face to knock him out because he thought that he would breathe normally again. So he's not good at being under pressure or anything like that. It's just not his strong suit, Scott will tell him that over and over again whenever Stiles tries to do anything that, and he tries not to put himself in those situation.

Stiles is laying around on his bed in his and Scott's apartment, and he doesn't want to do anything anymore. His boyfriend broke up with him a few weeks ago, they had been together almost two years, and just out of the blue he left him so that he could see other people. Stiles thought he was going to propose before he said that they needed a break, but he was wrong.

He knows that he needs to get out of the apartment, go back out to the dating pool, but it's hard. His heart kind of hurts and he's a more than a little pissed off at his stupid ex. Scott is all for him going to a bar, but Scott's short leash, also known as Kira, doesn't let him go to bars any more now that they're dating. Not that Stiles likes bars any more and he hasn't been to many of them since he dated his last boyfriend.

"Dude. Have you even moved position?" Scott asks him, and Stiles turns his head to glare at him. He's moved, he's gone to the bathroom like twice, and he doesn't say anything to his best friend. "Maybe you should go to the movies or to a bar?" Scott suggests, and Stiles groans in annoyance as he shakes his head. "Or just do something. I haven't seen you this upset since you go that tattoo on your-" Scott says, and Stiles cuts him off before he can finish with a glare and a head shake.

"No. That involves moving around and getting dressed and all of those things that I don't feel like doing any time soon." Stiles tells him, and Scott moves to crawl onto the bed to lay next to him. Scott lays on the pillow next to him, and Stiles playfully pushes him away. "Okay, fine. I will go to a bar for one drink and then leave." Stiles tells him, and Scott looks at him happily. "Don't look so pleased with yourself." Stiles tells him, and Scott rolls his eyes.

"I'm not. I just want you to move on from that asshole. Maybe have some nice rebound sex." Scott says, and Stiles rolls his eyes again as he moves to stand. "And for the love of all that is good and holy, take a fucking shower." Scott tells him, and Stiles glares at him again before he sniffs himself and he groans. Okay, maybe he does need a shower.

"I'm going. Don't mess yourself." Stiles tells him, and Scott rolls his eyes as he pushes him towards the bathroom. Stiles takes his time in the bathroom, and he takes all the hot water. It relax him and makes him feel better. He shaves his face, his pitiful patchy facial hair, and he makes himself presentable. He puts on a nice white tee and a nice pair of faded jeans, and Scott smiles at him when he sees him.

"See? You look nice. Now, go have fun without me." Scott tells him, and Stiles nods his head as he chuckles. He grabs his keys, wallet, and phone before he moves to leave. "Stay safe! Don't be loud if you bring someone home!" Scott tells him, and Stiles blushes as he waves to him. He really has no plans to bring someone home, but you never know with him.

"I'm going to be extra loud! I'm going to scream their names and I'm going to purposefully find someone with the name Scott so it's more awkward for you!" Stiles yells as he goes down the stairs, and Scott makes a loud pained noise as he follows him. "It's happening, bro. Embrace it." Stiles tells him, and Scott gives him a bored look like he doesn't care.

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