Derek In Wonderland

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Alice in Wonderland!AU as requested by jack_the_ripper2941. 


       Derek is lazing against a tree with his pet kitten in his lap while his teacher tries to tell him about a king of England many years ago, and Derek just isn't interested with it at all. He day dreams about nothing when he should be focusing, but it's what he always does. He's seventeen, he's too old for a tutor and too old to be day dreaming, he's just stuck at an uncomfortable age to be. “Derek! Are you even listening?” Mr. Deaton hisses, and Derek gives him a pained sigh before shaking his head.

“How am I supposed to pay attention to a book with no pictures?” Derek asks, stretching out his legs while Cakes, his little kitten, glares at him for moving. He's not trying to be disrespectful, maybe just a little, he's just bored and uninterested. Deaton rolls his eyes as he moves to stand, and Derek is hopeful that maybe it's time for them to go back home.

“I'm not going to try to teach someone who won't listen, but I will be telling your mother about this.” Deaton informs him, and Derek sighs as he nods his head. He hates to think about what his mother is going to say to him, she's told him time and time again about paying attention to Mr. Deaton, so he sighs. Deaton doesn't spare him a parting glance before he is leaving Derek alone outside with just his cat to talk to.

“I don't mean to be rude, Cakes. I just don't like learning about kings.” Derek sighs, scratching the kitten behind the ears before moving to stand. He brushes the slight dirt off of his blue pants before straightening his white shirt, and he is about to head home to his scolding when he feels himself being pushed aside. Derek opens his mouth to protest before he sees who pushed him.

It's a boy, he has to be Derek's age or maybe a few years older, and he has rabbit ears. “I'm late, I'm late, oh, I'm so very, very, late.” He cries, and he runs in circle around Derek before heading towards the woods. He's in a three piece suit, and he pulls a pocket watch out of his pocket before yelping in surprise and he keeps running.

“How particular.” Derek says to Cakes, and he ponders to himself. He wonders where the rabbit boy is running off to, and why he has to get there so fast, and he gives his kitten a curious look before setting her on the ground. “I wonder where he's running off to.” Derek ponders, and he straightens his shirt before chasing after the man. “Oh, Mr. Rabbit!” Derek calls, and the young man doesn't stop before he rushes deeper into the forest.

Derek frowns deeply as he moves to chase after the boy who just rudely ignored him, and he huffs as he heads after him. “Mr. Rabbit!” Derek yells, and he pouts when he doesn't see where he ran off to. Derek heads deeper into the forest to find the mysterious boy, and see where he is heading off to, but he quickly loses him.

He's about to just head back when he sees the flash of red from the cummerbund, and he makes an noise of excitement to himself as he chases down the little creature. The young man is running with his pocket watch in one hand, and he keeps up the steady mantra of 'I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.' Derek manages to see him disappear into what appears to be a tree, and Derek stops when he sees the man squeeze into the trunk of the tree.

“How odd.” Derek comments to himself, and he slowly navigates towards the tree the rabbit eared man disappeared into, He touches the bark, it feels like a regular tree, and he pushes against it only to have the inside swing in like a door. “How very odd.” Derek mumbles, and he pushes the door open just in time to see the man running down a hallway. “Mr. Rabbit! Do wait for me!” Derek cries, rushing after him.

The hallway gets smaller the more and more Derek runs down it, and soon he is practically crawling to keep up with the rabbit. Derek grunts in force when he has to push open the door of the hallway to follow after the rabbit more, and he gasps when he falls down onto the ground as if he was elevated off the ground. He lands with an 'oof' before standing, and he sighs when he realizes that he has lost the rabbit eared boy. “Well, this is just grand.” Derek sighs, and he looks around in awe of where he is.

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