Sweet and Sour Wolf (Mature Content)

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Requested by laikabosshill. Stiles is annoying, Derek is cute. I need to start adding summaries to these.


 It is an unwritten fact that Stiles likes to annoy his boyfriend. It doesn't matter if he's mimicking his voice, unalphabetizing his novels on the shelf, or pulling out his chair before he sits down. It doesn't matter just as long as Derek gets annoyed. Stiles doesn't know why he likes to do it, maybe because it's funny or maybe because he knows that no one else in the pack could get away with doing it.

It started out before they dated, Stiles would see how long it would take to annoy Derek into yelling at him. It was fun, Scott to this day tells him that he has no sense of self preservation but Stiles just tunes him out, and Stiles still does it from time to time. Sometimes, he does go to far but he always reels it in when it gets to be too much. Once, Stiles cut holes in all of Derek's jeans right on the ass and Derek walked around all day like that.

So sometimes, yes, Stiles does take it too far. But mostly it's all good clean fun that's only fun to him, but still. None of the pack thinks it's as funny as him, they're more concerned about what's going happen when Derek finally get tired of it, but Stiles thinks it still is. Stiles plans all of his annoying acts down to the last detail,and he smiles to himself as he takes out his actions. He'll replace Derek's cups with plastic sippy cups or his plates with paper plates.

Derek usually knows that its him, Stiles will always deny it and say that it couldn't be him, and Derek will just roll his eyes before he does what he needs to do to fix his problem. Somehow, even with all of the annoying things that he's done, Derek managed to fall in love with him. Stiles has always sort of loved Derek, he does now with all of his heart, and he smiles at Derek when he gets angry with him. Stiles knows what can and cannot get away with, and he hums to himself while he walks to Derek's door from his car.

"Oh, Derek Hale." Stiles sings walking into the house with his arms full of groceries. He looks around for Derek, but he doesn't see him yet. "Derek! I got dinner stuff for our at home date that we cannot have if you're not here!" Stiles shouts, and he doesn't get an answer. Stiles sighs to himself before he moves to put away the groceries, and he hears the door open and close. Derek must have been out running, Stiles thinks to himself.

"Oh, hey." Derek says, panting some while he moves to kiss Stiles' cheek making Stiles hums in disgust as he pushes him away playfully before looking at him. "I just want a kiss." Derek says, and Stiles rolls eyes as he turns his head to kiss him on the lips before going back to making dinner for them. It's nice to have the loft to themselves, no puppies bothering them for attention or anything, and Stiles turns towards him.

"I'm making spaghetti for dinner." Stiles tells him,and Derek smiles at him. Stiles grins at him before he moves to go back to stirring the pasta. "Now. Go shower because you smell like sweat." Stiles tells him, and Derek rolls his eyes but moves to go upstairs to shower. Stiles hums to himself as he moves to make sure that the pasta doesn't burn, and he goes to make stir fry vegetables while he waits for Derek. Derek takes awhile to take a shower, and Stiles moves to finish dinner for them.

Despite everything that they've been though Stiles is still amazed that Derek loves him, and Stiles loves him all the more. He doesn't take Derek's love for granted, he never would, and he loves Derek all the same. He tells Derek every chance he gets since he doesn't want to forget that he does, but that doesn't mean he's just going to stop being annoying to his boyfriend. "Is dinner ready?" Derek asks, and Stiles nods his head while he moves to make him a plate.

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