18 Candles

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Hi. BerryKisss wanted Stiles' 18th birthday. I was going to base it off of my 18th birthday, but I don't remember most of it. So, enjoy.


       Stiles is laying in bed when he hears his door open, and he doesn't get to open his eyes before he feels himself being tackled. “No!” Stiles yells, and he hears loud laughter coming from his pack mate.

“Stiles! Time to get up!” Jackson says, and Stiles groans loudly while Jackson rolls them over where Stiles is on top of him. “Wake up, Stiles! I'm taking you shopping and for breakfast!” Jackson says, and Stiles flops himself to the side of his bed. Stiles is more than a little upset with the pack, it's his eighteenth birthday and no one has said anything all week or today.

“Why are you talking me shopping?” Stiles asks, and Jackson flips over so they're laying face to face. Stiles pushes him away playfully, he wonders briefly when the guy that was an asshole to him not two years ago cuddles him now at every opportunity. “Hmm, Jaxs?” Stiles asks, hoping that it has something to do with his birthday. He remembers going to bar with Jackson on his birthday, they may or may not have kissed Stiles doesn't exactly remember, so it's a little hurtful.

“Because your wardrobe sucks and I want pancakes.” Jackson tells him, and Stiles huffs as he moves to get up to get showered. “Hurry back, my love!” Jackson calls, and Stiles a loud 'fuck you' over his shoulder. Stiles showers quickly before getting dressed in a button up shirt and dark jeans before slipping on a jacket, and heading back into his room where Jackson is burying his head into Stiles' pillow while he texts someone.

“That's weird, honey.” Stiles tells him, and Jackson turns to look at him. Stiles' phone beeps and he sees that it's from Derek. Finally, someone to wish him a happy birthday Stiles thinks. At least his almost boyfriend will remember his birthday, Stiles thinks. He checks the message, and he frowns when he sees it just tells him to return the book he burrowed from Derek. “Seriously?!” Stiles says, and Jackson jumps from where he was looking into the mirror.

“What? Scott send you a picture of his dick? He did that to me once.”Jackson says, and Stiles glares at him for a second before waving him away. It's fine no one remembered his birthday, he thought he was pack but obviously only to some. “Okay, then. Come on.” Jackson says, and Stiles follows after him to where he sees his dad sitting down at the kitchen table reading his paper. John gives him a wink, but doesn't say anything to his son.

“Bye, Dad. I'm going with Jackson to the mall.” Stiles says, giving his father a pointed look but John just goes back to his paper.

“Have a good time, son.” John says, and Stiles just sighs as he follows after Jackson to his Porsche.

“Why are we taking your tiny dick mobile?” Stiles asks, and Jackson gasps from where he was holding the door open for Stiles.

“How dare you, Stilinksi? This is the best car out there, not like that piece of shit Jeep.” Jackson says, and Stiles glares at him in fake anger. No one gets to talk about his baby like that, and he rolls his eyes when Jackson grins at him. “Now to the Gap!” Jackson yells, and Stiles laughs despite himself.


Stiles has been at the mall with Jackson for almost two hours, and the boy hasn't bought anything which isn't like him. He grabbed Stiles' hand the second they went in, and he was swinging their arms between them, and it makes Stiles chuckle. It isn't romantic, it reminds Stiles more of a mother holding the hand of a child that has a tendency to run away, so he doesn't mind. No one else has texted him this morning, and Stiles is hiding his hurt from Jackson who is more cheery than usual. “Why don't you try on these shirts?” Jackson says, handing Stiles a pile of shirts to put on.

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