Derek Loves Stiles Who Loves Derek (Mature Content)

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Requested by ilovesterek. Mpreg.


Stiles is laying on his back on his and Derek's bed trying to button his jeans when Derek comes into the room, and he sighs in annoyance. "Give it up, honey." Derek tells him, and Stiles sits up long enough to glare at him.

"I am only twelve weeks along. My jeans will still fit, I just have to squeeze." Stiles grunts, finally buttoning his pants. He huffs as he stands, grinning at Derek's triumphantly, and he's smile turns into a frown. "I have to pee now." Stiles sighs, and Derek laughs loudly at him before moving to get dressed. "Shut up and find me a nice pair of paternity pants. " Stiles tells him, pealing out of the jeans before walking towards the bathroom.

"Yes, love." Derek tells him, and Stiles rolls his eyes. He looks in the mirror in the bathroom while he washes his hands, and his belly is just starting to swell now. No one could really tell he was pregnant except that the pack could all hear the soft pattering of the babe's heartbeat. It's times like this is Stiles actually jealous that he isn't a werewolf. Derek can hear his child's heartbeat all the time, and Stiles can only hear it when they go to the doctor's appointments.

Stiles comes out of the bathroom to slip on the slightly bigger jeans that have a stretch panel, and he sighs in relief at how nice it feels to not be smushed. Derek is putting on his jacket while Stiles moves to find his. "So this is just a meeting?" Stiles asks, rubbing his belly absentmindedly. Derek watches him fondly while he nods his head, he wants Stiles to stay at the den but Stiles doesn't want to be left out of pack business.

"Yes. We'll go meet their new pack members, introduce Liam and Kira, and then come home just in time for you to nap." Derek tells him, and Stiles beams at him. Stiles zips up his jacket, hiding his belly, and he follows after Derek down the stairs to meet the rest of the pack.

"Hey, babies. Time to go." Stiles tells them, and they groan but stand. Kira moves to touch his belly affectionately while Liam hugs him gently, like neither of them hadn't seen him minutes ago, and Scott yawns as he stands. Lydia is tapping away on her phone, probably with Parrish, and Isaac is trying to bury his head under Derek's arm. "Into the car." Stiles tells them, waving them to the door.

"I hope nothing happens." Scott says, buckling Kira up with him in his seat belt. Isaac sits in between Lydia and Liam in the very back of the SUV that Derek bought when he finally realized that his black car was going to look ridiculous with a car seat in it. Derek looks at him in the rear view mirror while he nods, and Stiles eases the seat belt over his belly before grabbing Derek's hand as he drives.

"Everyone better be on their best behavior. I mean it. No sassing, no being a smart ass to the other Alpha, no antagonizing the other betas. Do you understand me?" Stiles says, and he gets a chorus of 'Yes, Stiles' in answer. He hums in appreciation before he turns his head to look out the window, and he yawns slightly as he drifts almost to sleep. He's always tired now, just a little, so it's understandable.

The drive is only fifteen minutes at the most, the other pack is meeting them half way, and soon they're meeting at an abandoned building. Stiles makes a comment about how cliché it is, and Derek mockingly glares at him for a second before kissing his lips. Stiles climbs out of the car, smoothing his shirt down to hide his stomach out of protectiveness, and he walks next to Derek. He's the Alpha mate, he always has to be with Derek as his right hand, and the other pack comes into view.

Their Alpha is a man older than Derek, his mate is a meek looking man with is shyly bouncing on his toes, and Derek and he flash their red eyes at each other in greeting. Stiles reaches his hand out to shake the other mate's hand, and they give each other shy smiles. "Welcome. I am Nathan, this is our Alpha Caleb." Nathan, the other pack's Alpha mate, introduces.

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