Derek Hale And The Awful Wooing of Stiles Stilinski

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This was requested by Teenwolfyy. Make sure to send me fanart for my contest. Tell someone you love them.


This is the year, Derek tells himself. This is the year that he, Derek Hale, is going to ask Stiles Stilinski to be his Valentine. It's cheesy and it's childish but Derek is going to do it, dammit. He has a plan this year, he's prepared. Not like the other three years of high school where he has chickened out or things have gone wrong. This year is different, this year they are seniors. It's not like it's going to be his last chance, he has heard through the grapevine that Stiles got into early admissions at UCLA where Derek has been offered a scholarship to play lacrosse.

This year, they're both single at the same time. Of course, Stiles doesn't really broadcast his personal life around school not that Derek does it's just that the captain of the lacrosse team and ex-boyfriend of the cheer captain makes him always in the eyes of attention. Derek turns over in his bed on February thirteenth, and he stares at his ceiling while he waits for his alarm to ring. He doesn't have practice this morning so he would usually sleep in an extra hour.

“Derek! Get up! Mom said you had to take Cora to school this morning while I take the twins to preschool!” Laura hollers, and Derek growls in annoyance while he tries to bury his head into his pillow. He hears his door open and he feels his two little brothers jumping on his bed, and he lays perfectly still.

“Der! We're going to school! Tell us bye!” David screeches, pulling on Derek's head to get him to wake up despite him already being awake. “Der! Der! Derek!” David cries, slapping his little hands down on Derek's bare back. Why his mother thought that having a twenty year old, eighteen year old, fourteen year, who is sullen most of the time Derek would like to add, plus two four year old's would be a good idea he'll never know.

“Davy, stop, he doesn't like that. Derek? Please, say goodbye to use before school?” Drew asks, and Derek smiles into pillow. Drew was quiet and calm while his twin was loud and rowdy, and Derek turns over in his bed. “Hi.” Drew says, and Derek sighs loudly before he traps the two of them close to his body.

“What did I say about waking me up?” Derek jokes, and David and Drew are too busy laughing to answer him. “Huh? You little monsters!” Derek says, moving to stand up. He leans down to ruffle their hair before going to see what his sister is doing. “Why can't I take the twins?” Derek whines, and Laura gives him a smirk.

“Because Cora has been dying to hear about what Stiles Stilinski has been up too since you last talked about him yesterday.” Laura snaps, and Derek narrows his eyes at her.

“This is the year.” Derek hisses at her, and Laura rolls her eyes while she shoos the twins to the door. “You're not invited to our wedding!” Derek screams, and he looks up to Cora giving him a bored look. “Go get dressed for school!” Derek says, and Cora gives him a smirk before skipping off to her room.


“So this is the year?” Erica asks, when she meets Derek at his locker. Boyd is with her, and he gives Derek a pained look while his girlfriend talks to their best friend. “Finally gonna set sail the S.S Deriles?” She asks, and Derek slams his locker before looking at her.

“A, it's Sterek not Deriles. B, only I call it that stop reading my notes. And C, shut up.” Derek turning to walk away, and the soft smack of Erica's heels follows him.

“A, you're pathetic. B, only an idiot would not be attracted to the captain of the lacrosse team. Seriously, you like Mr. All American, And C, you shut up.” Erica says, and Derek waves over his shoulder as he makes his way to class. He hears Erica grumbling behind him as she makes her way to her first class with Boyd, and Derek smiles to himself when he goes to English.

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