It's Always Been You

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This was requested by de6069. The ages are Stiles' ages, so I'm going to say that Derek is about five years older than him in this.


Age 5

Stiles is trying to reach a book on the fifth shelf, and he's biting down on his little tongue as he tries to reach it. His mother had seen someone she knew, and had her back turned to Stiles while he tried to reach the book. It's his favorite, his father does the voices and his mother always pets his hair in time with the words. "Momma." Stiles says, and Claudia doesn't turns around but she smiles to the woman she's talking to.

"Just a minute, honey, Momma's talking." Claudia says, and Stiles pouts as he tries to get the book again. It's no use, his short chubby hands cannot even make it to third shelf. He sniffs once, he's not going to cry because he cannot reach the book since he's a big boy. Stiles turns around to see the woman that Claudia is talking to laughs softly at something Claudia just told her, and Stiles doesn't think he likes her too much.

"Is the one you want?" Someone asks, and Stiles looks up to see a big kid holding the book out to him. Stiles doesn't recognize him, and he nods his head. "Here." He says, a bit roughly. Stiles takes the book, not really caring about the boy's roughness, and he smiles at him slightly.

"Thank you." Stiles lisps, and the boy almost smiles at him. Stiles moves to look up to see that his mother is still talking to that woman. The boy seems to be watching him somewhat, and Stiles moves to sit down in one of beanbag chair. Stiles doesn't know how to read that well, but he likes to look at the pictures. Stiles knows the words by heart, and he touches the pages.

"Mom, can we go?" The boy asks, referring to the woman that was talking to Stiles' mother. The woman turns to give him a look that makes him sigh before he walks towards the small corner that Stiles was sitting in. Stiles looks up at him curiously before he goes back to looking at the pictures, and the boy sits down away from him while he looks at Stiles.

Stiles moves to look at the pictures, and he hums to himself. "It's not nice to stare." Stiles tells the boy, and the other boy looks shocked at the younger boy. Stiles looks at him before smiling at him, he doesn't mind the older boy looking at him, and he turns to look his mother. "I want to go home." Stiles mutters, and the boy smiles some.

"Yeah, our mom's are friends." He says, and Stiles smiles at him before going to look at his book. Stiles mumbles to himself as he tries to read to himself, and the other boy seems to hear him making him give Stiles an amused look. "That's not the words." He says, and Stiles glares at him or he tries too but it doesn't work since the boy almost coos at him.

"Yes, it is! My daddy's read this to me almost a million times so I know the words to it!" Stiles argues to him, and the older boy raises an eyebrow at him. Stiles huffs before he goes back to reading the book, and he huffs in annoyance. He does know the words, the older boy doesn't know what he's talking about. "I bet you don't know how to read." Stiles tells him, and the boy laughs. It's a nice laugh, Stiles thinks, it reminds him of his best friend.

"I can read. I'm older than you. I learned in school so my parents don't have to read to me about anything." He tells him, and Stiles huffs at him before he turns away from him to look at his book. "I'll read it to you if you want." He offers, and Stiles turns to look at him. He really does want to be read to, but he doesn't know if the boy is going to read in the voices.

"Okay." Stiles says, turning towards the boy who smiles at him some. Stiles moves to lean against the boy, and the boy tenses up before he seems to relax. The boy starts to read, Stiles is disappointed that the boy actually knows the words, and when he gets to the end Stiles is leaning against him. It's his nap-time, and his eyes are getting heavy as he leans more against the older boy who looks like he doesn't know what to do with the other boy.

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