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A/n: In this chapter, Vinnie is already inside and printed that the new house that I mentioned months ago is the house they're in rn and Chase, Nick and Ryland are staying in the new house.. and change of ages, Brandon is 8 Mina is 20 and Nick is 21. And pretend that the authorities don't need her anymore

We planned everything out and asked Avani, Charli and Addi for the choreography. They helped and after 5 days, we made it happen. We got the shots and they were done. But I wasn't don't with mine and we have another day to stay here. There's no way I could finish it. I was at the kitchen counter trying to think of something but noting came up. Nick saw how stressed I was.
Nick: Baby, is everything okay?
Me: No
I said annoyed.
Nick: Baby, calm down. Please. You're scaring me
I sighed and cried a little. Nick hugged me.
Nick: It's okay
He rubbed my back.
Nick: What's wrong?
Me: I have to shoot something but tomorrow's our last day here
Nick: Can't we just do it back at home?
Me: The school literally agreed to shoot my whole music video here to promote them. And I only have my last day here.
Nick: Well, why don't we use the whole day tomorrow?
Me: I doubt I could do that
Dixie: But I think we could
I looked up to see Dixie, Jaden, Mads and Noah. I smiled a bit
Noah: I got a drone you could borrow
Mads: I got my whole make up set
Dixie: We've got camera men
Jaden: And we've got some choreographers
I smiled.
Dixie: Now stop crying, let's go film some drone shots
I washed my face and took some shots of the beautiful city. I saved all the files to the clout and thanked Noah.
-the next day-
I woke up in Nick's arms. We got ready for a tiring day and we went to the school. We settled everyone down in the Auditorium and we filmed a bunch of things but I couldn't finish so I made a transition and we filmed the late few bits talking about Kuching. And film the rest of the music video in America. I thanked everyone and we flew back to America that night

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