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Your POV
I got out of the hospital and we end track to the hype house.
Grif: We're staying here tonight
Me: Okay?
I went to my room and took a cold shower. I put on a hoodie and went outside.
Chase: Your dinner is on the table
Me: Okay
I ate my dinner and cleaned up.
Nick: Y/n, Are you okay?
Me: Yeah
I said rubbing my eyes
Nick: Oh my gosh, your eyes are red
I took out my eye drops and put them on my eyes
Nick: Now that's better
Bryce: AYE Y/N
Me: What?
Bryce: Nothing
I did a tiktok with Nick. Then we went in our room. I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I felt nick was crawlin on his side. I moved a little bit to my side
Nick: Hey hey hey, you're gonna fall
Me: Hmm?
He pulled me closer to him and I went back to slepp
-the next day-
I woke up at 2am. I got my water and saw Griffin there
Me: Hey Griff
Grif: Hey. What are you doing up so late?
Me: I accidentally woke up and I'm thirsty
Grif: Oh. Okay
Me: I wanna go outside
Grif: No
Me: Why?
Grif: Because I said so
Me: I'm going to use the front door then
I said while turning around
Grif: Fine, you can go outside
Me: Okay
I went outside and stayed there for 3 hours. Then Griffin came outside
Grif: Y/n, it's been 3 hours. Aren't you cold?
Me: No
I sighed. Then Nick came out
Nick: Grif, I got it from here
Grif: Okay
He sat next to me. We both quietly sat down
Nick: Come on, let's go inside
Me: Okay
We went inside
Grif: What took you guys so long
Nick: Man, just leave her alone
I just walked by them and went to my room. I washed my feet and went to bed. I couldn't sleep anymore. Then Nick entered. I smiled at him. He washed his feet and lay next to me. He wrapped his hands around me and I drifted to sleep. I got woken up after a few hours. Nick was on his phone
Nick: Sorry, did I wake you up
Me: No
I smiled at him
Nick: Um, I have to go back home for a couple of months. Are you okay with that?
Me: Yeah
Nick: I can bring you too
Me: No it's fine, I have to do my job here anyways
Nick: Okay
Me: When are you flying?
Nick: Tomorrow at 1pm
Me: Okay
We hung out the whole day. And at night. I took a shower and got out of the closet and saw Nick
Me: Hey
Nick: Oh, hey. Um, you sure you don't want to follow me?
Me: Positive
I smiled at him. I got on the bed and we cuddled. Then I woke up at 3am. I got upstairs and got a glass of water. Sway wasn't there. Weird. Then walked to the door.
Grif: Where do you think you're going?
Me: I thought you guys weren't here
Grif: We are
Me: Guys, I just need to clear my mind.
Then Nick came upstairs
Nick: Guys, just let her be
Then I walked passed Griffin. I headed up to the deck and sat there. Nick joined me. We were there for 2 hours.
Nick: Come on, let's go in
Me: Okay
We went in and washed our feet. We went in to bed. Then I got woken up by Nick
Nick: Y/n, Y/n. Get up, we have to get ready
Me: Okay
I rubbed my eyes and got ready for the day. I threw on a hoodie and leggings. Then Nick took a shower. He put on clothes and came out of the closet
Nick: Hey, I want you to have these before I come back
He handed 5 of his hoodies
Me: Thanks and I want you to bring this just in case.
I gave him a mini med kit
Nick: Thank you
We hugged each other and I pulled out of it
Me: I'm like that one mom in school "Hey, make sure you dont go to hard on the swings"
We laughed. Nick rubbed my head roughly and messed up my ponytail
Me: Niiccckkk
I retired my hair.
Nick: Now that's better
Me: Come on, let's go to Starbucks
Nick: Okay
We went to Starbucks together (pretend I'm this story nick already have his license). We sat in the car with silence. Then we got to Starbucks. We were standing in line when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and the person wanted to hit me. I doged it and kicked the person. I took off their mask and it was

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now