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-the next day-
I woke up at 9am I was sweaty and Nick wasn't there. I remembered today is his birthday. I took a shower and put on clothes. I saw Nick in the kitchen
Me: Morning birthday boy
Nick: You remembered?
Me: Of course
He hugged me. Then I ordered Chipotle.
Nick: I'm hanging out with the boys later
Me: Okay
Then the doorbell rang. It was our food. I thanked the postmates guy and he left. Me and Nick ate. Then there was another doorbell ring. I opened it and there was over 10 guys Hype house men of course
Me: Come in?
They all went in. And sat in the living room. Nick took a shower and I was still in the kitchen. I cleaned up
Micheal: You have TV?
Me: There's one there
I pointed to the TV.
Micheal: Very funny
Me: So funny.. just turn it on
They turned it on.
TV: Breaking news, the one and only Y/n Petrou Is lost in the woods. She disappeared just now
Thomas: Y/n...
Thomas: Is this actually you?
I called the news hq
Me: Hello, this is Y/n Petrou, I'm safe and I am not lost. Please stop spreading the fake news.
TV: False alarm. She is okay. I am sorry for the news.
Then I got a call from Blake
Blake: Y/n?
Me: I'm fine
Blake: I know. I need you. Please
Me: Okay? What is it?
Blake: I need you to fly to France
Me: What?
Blake: Yeah
Me: Um, can I bring the rest?
Blake: No, I'm sorry
Me: When should I go and how long?
Blake: you're flying tomorrow. And you will be staying there for 1 month or at least one month
Me: Ok
I hung up
Me: Ugh
I put my phone down
Nick: You okay?
Me: I have to fly to France alone
Nick: How long?
Me: Earliest is one month
Nick: Seriously?
Me: Yeah. Maybe for about a year too I don't know. My life isn't planned. As always
Calvin: Can you bring us?
Me: No I can't. I already tried asking but he said I couldn't as it will be too dangerous.
Thomas: Oh. When are you going?
Me: Tomorrow
Thomas: Oh my gosh
Me: You guys should be going now
Nick: Okay
They left and I was alone in the house. Then someone knocked on the door. I opened it
Tony: Hey Y/n
Me: Hey, come in
They all went in
Bran: Can we go out?
Me: Now?
Bran: Yeah!
Me: Okay
We all went out and I locked my apartment. We got in the car
Ondre: You got anything planned?
Me: Today no tomorrow yes
Ondre: What are you doing tomorrow?
Me: I'm flying to France and the earliest I'm coming back is 1 month.
Ondre: Man
Bran: Don't leave
Me: I have to
I smiled at him
Me: We can hang out the whole day okay?
Bran: OKAY!
I smiled at him and we got to the mall. We parked next to a familiar car.
Me: Why does this car look so familiar?
Tony: I don't know
We walked inside and we went to Starbucks. We ordered our drinks and we went to the clothes store. We bought some clothes and we went to Toys r us. We were walking there and we saw a familiar face.
Me: Isn't that Thomas?
Tony: Yeah
I tapped his shoulder
Thomas: We were-
He turned around
Thomas: Wait what? How are you guys here?
Me: I'm here with the Lopez's and Brandon
Thomas: You guys have fun
Me: Okay
We went to Toys r us. We got out and went back to our car. Then we saw Thomas getting paparazzi. We got to our car and Ondre started the engine. We sat there for a while and then someone knocked on our window. Then the person squat down. It was Thomas. We signed to ask us to roll the window down. We rolled down the window
Thomas: Where are you guys going next?
Ondre: Home
Thomas: Okay
We arrived home and I went straight to packing. I left a med kit just incase someone needs help. I brought a luggage and a backpack. I was in first class and then the rest of the boys arrived. Nick rushed to our room.
Nick: Y/N!
Me: Uh huh
Nick: I'm gonna miss you
Me: Come on, let's not be sad. Let's just hang out this whole day
Nick: Okay
We hung out the whole day.

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