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(pretend Rona exist in this chapter)
I got off his back
Thomas: We're going to boa tonight
Me: You don't say
I said turning away and heading to my room.
-at 5pm-
I heard constant shouting in the kitchen so I just minded my own business. I took a relaxing 15 minute shower and put on clothes. I was drying my hair when there was a knock on the door
Me: Open
Vinnie poked his head through
Vin: Hey!
Me: Hey Vin
Vin: were about to leave
Me: Oh okay
I quickly dried my hair while Vinnie left to his room. I took my bag and went to my car. Vinnie, Calvin and Connor and his girlfriend followed me in my car cause they say I'm rich. We went to boa and sat in our table. Then, we heard shouting and a waiter called me To the cash register. I put my mask on and went over to them.
Waiter: There's a Karen here that doesn't want to use a mask and doesn't believe you're here
Me: Oh okay
I went over to them and crossed my arms and stood there. (No offense to anyone named Karen.. I have an aunt named Karen but she ain't a karen)
Karen: Oh my gosh thank goodness you're here they're harassing me
Me: Oh are they
I turned to them. I gave them a wink.
Manager: No we aren't
Karen: Liar!
Me: I have it covered
I slowly walked behind her and went to the manager but I handcuffed her instead.
Me: I'm so sorry for you guys who have to deal with this everyday
Manager: It's okay
I turned to the lady who was screaming
Me: Ma'am i need you to calm down. I'm not going to hurt you
She was screaming and screaming until people came to check in on us. I called the cops and they came instantly. The lady scratched me until I bleed. I handed her over to the cops and they took her away.
Me: Where's the toilet?
Manager: It's right there
Me: Thanks
I passed the people and jogged to the bathroom. I washed off the cuts and went to the cops. They gave me an aid kit and i spent time wrapping my hands. I went back to my table.
Vin: You okay?
Me: Yea
I pushed my plate away even though I wasn't done but i lost my appetite.
Vin: You're not eating?
Me: I lost my appetite
Vin: Oh
I just sat there in silence when I got a call.
Me: Hello?
Blake (swat man): hey we got a report that you were harassing a woman
Me: It was a karen who didn't want to use a mask. Get it over with
Blake: Ohhh okay
I hung up. I scrolled thriught the media and suddenly people cancelled me because I was travelling and being friends with Charli. Well that was ridiculous. I decided to play fire with fire and tweeted "Hey bestie" and tagged Charli. I left my phone alone to blow up. We talked together and we left.
-the next day-
I woke up at 10. I got ready for the day. I texted Charli
Me: Hey, wanna hang out
Charli: Sure
Me: I'm picking you up at 12
Charli: okay
I put my phone down. I went to Vinnie's room. I opened the door and he turned to see me
Me: Hey, where my car key?
Vin: Hold up
He played a bit of his game
Me: Oh wait, are you streaming?
Vin: Yeah, wanna say hi?
Me: Sure
I stood infront of the camera.
Me: hey
I waved
Vinnie came back from his closet and game me my car keys
Me: Thanks, im going out with Charli because people don't like me being friends with her
Vinnie laughed
Vin: Okay bye
We hugged and i went to the living room
Thomas: Hey
Me: Hey
Thomas: You know you're cancelled right?
Me: For travelling to save the world and for being friends with Charli? Yeah I know
Thomas: Wait
He turned on his camera. I took it from his hands.
Me: Hey guys, I'm going out with Charli D'abestio because no one likes me being friends with her
I gave back his camera to him. He giggled
Thomas: Good morning guys and welcome back to the vlog
I left him there and made my way to LA. I picked up Charli and we went to Dunkin. We lined up and ordered
Me: Yeah can i get Dixie's sister
Charli: I'll have that too
The cashier laughed. I payed for our drinks and we went to Nordstrom. We bought random and unnecessary items. And was now walking to Gucci
Me: No wonder our haters agree us.
We took many many pictures with fans. And then we left. We got caught by hollywood fix.
Fletch: Hey girls
Me: Hey
Charli: Hey
Fletch: Mina, i hear you were cancelled because you were friends with Charli
Me: Yeah. I mean, it's their opinion and I can't change who they are
He kept asking questions and Kevin was there. There were many paparazzi's interviewing me and Charli. We went in my car.
Me: That was wild
Charli: Yea
I started my car. Then, a guy knocked on the window
Me: Don't open it charls
I opened it a tad bit.
Me: Yes?
I closed the window. And i drove away.
Me: That was weird
I saw a car following me from behind. I turned a corner
Charls: This is the wrong way
We stopped at a red light. I texted Charli
Me: Don't talk, they might hear us. There's people following us
Charli: Okay
I turned off my phone and texted Jay.
Me: Jay, i need help
Jay: What is it?
Me: I'm turning on my location, track me and send 2 police cars. People are following me
I stopped and the light was green. I drove in random directions and slowed down a bit
Charls: Why are you slowing down
I focused on the road. The police officers came and followed us but the car was still following us. The police turned on sirens.
Me: Charls, take my phone and unlock it
She unlocked it.
Me: Find Jay
Charls: Okay
Me: Tell him a black mercedes (a plate number) and send
She hit send and i saw the two police officers went behind and one infront. They stopped him. I took a few turns until i got to the freeway. I sent Charli back home
Charls: Thanks for the day
Me: No problem
She took her things and went in her house. I went back to hype. It was 4pm abd i went inside. Vin and Micheal wasn't home so I took a shower and put on clothes. I went into Vinnie's room to take beanie and saw a mural. I laughed at it. It was Vinnie shirtless holding Micheals head. I saw Beanie asleep on Vinnies bed with his cat. I squat down
Me: Beanie baby, come
She woke up and went over to me. I saw Vinnie's cat up too.
Me: You want to come along too?
She meowed. I stood up.
Me: Come on girls
Vinnie's cat meowed and lay down.
Me: you wanna come?
She meowed. I carried her and she enjoyed it so I just took her with me. I went to my room and saw the door was slightly open. I saw Leo, Mia's dog.
Me: Hey Leo, i got your siblings
I put down Vinnie's cat and beanie came in. They played around in my room. After 50 minutes, a knock was planted on my door.
Me: Come in!
Vinnie came in and was filming a tiktok.
Vin: See, this is why I don't have to worry about my cat being alone 24/7.
I laughed
Me: And thanks for taking care of Beanie
Vin: Youre welcome.
He finished filming and posted it. Then, Thomas knocked on my door.
Thomas: Guys, wanna go for a ride?
Me: Sure
Vin: Okay
They got all the cars out and i took my bike. I started the engine and took a peek at the gas. It was almost empty so i turned it off.
Me: My bike ran out of gas. Imma go take my lambo
Thomas: Okay
We all lined up our cars and thomas took out his camera. He did his intro and we went to a nearby hill. It was almost dark out
Thomas: Okay so you're going first
Me: Me?
Thomas: Yeah
Me: Bet
I smiled and got into my car. We went down the hill fastly and paper almost flew off. We were halfway through when we got stopped by the cops.
Me: Oh damn it
He knocked on my window.
Jay: Mina?
Me: Yeap
Jay: Okay so you know why I pulled you over?
Me: My speed. Yes I'm sorry
Jay: Look you don't need to flex okay
We laughed
Jay: So I'm gonna give you guys a ticket for speeding
Me: all of these car are in my names
Jay: okay
He gave me a 500 dollar fine for all the cars.
Me: Sorry man
Jay: Be careful next time
Me: Okay okay i get it
He left. I got out of my car and went to Thomas's car
Me: You guys go first
Thomas: What about the ticket?
Me: Don't worry about it
Thomas: Okay
He went first and i signaled the others to go. Vinnie waited for me. I went first before him and we drove down the hill. We got back to hype and parked out cars. I got out and hear calvin wanting to buy Thomas's car. I just giggled and went inside without anyone noticing. Well what i thought. Vinnie tapped on my shoulder
Vin: Hey
Me: Hey
He walked me to my room
Vin: So, wanna go out tonight?
Me: Sure
Vin: Dress comfy okay
Me: Okay
He went to his room and i got ready i put on sweatpants and a hoodie. After an hour, Vinnie knocked on my door.
Me: hey
Vin: Hey come on let's go
Me: Wait
I turned to the dogs and Vinnie's cat. They were all sleeping next to each other
Me: Aw. Okay let's go
I closed my door and we went out. He brought us to target first. We put our mask on and saw people fighting. A karen wasn't wearing her mask. I just looked at them and wanted to walk away.
Vin: Aren't you gonna help them?
Me: I don't know. I'm clueless.
Vin: Go help them
Me: Okay
I went to them and put my hood down.
Karen: Oh thank goodness you're here, he was harassing me
Me: Both of you turn around
They obeyed me. I cuffed the lady
Me: call the police
He went to the desk and called the police. The cops came in 5 minutes and the lady was struggling to get out while i yawned while waiting. They took her away. I waddled back to Vinnie
Vin: Well that was cute
I blushed a bit but put on a straight face.
Me: That was boring. And sorry if I had ruined the night
Vin: No it's totally fine
We got snacks and drinks. We payed and we went back to the car. Vinnie drove somewhere.
Me: Vin I'm impatient
Vin: Hold on
He put his hand on my thigh and i shut up. I took a look at my phone i saw that i got cancelled the second time for playing fire with fire, travelling to places and fucking people from sway. I turned off my phone. I was internally screaming. I was stressed out. But i didn't want to tell Vinnie. I let out a tear but instantly wipe it away before Vinnie could see. I cry when I get too stressed out. My head was light headed from all the grudge. But unlucky for me Vinnie turned to me. Vinnie saw that I was tensed up
Vin: What what's wrong?
Me: Its- it's fine, just go on
I let out a breath. I put my sleeve on eyes so it will absorb the tears.
Vin: Are you sure you're okay?
Me: Yeah- yeah it's fine
I said while my voice cracking. I calmed down and Vinnie held my hand.
Vin: Hey, we're here
I smiled at him.
Vin: Close your eyes.
I closed my eyes and i heard shuffling around me. He went back in the car
Vin: You can open them and let's go outside
Vinnie jogged to my side of the car and opened the door for me. I got out and he closed the door. I turned around
Vin: So, what do you think?
Me: Vinnie, this is so pretty
I smiled widely. He set up a picnic for us behind his car. I hugged him and we lay down and cuddled while watching a movie. The movie finished and Vinnie closed his laptop.
Vin: Come on, let's go get some fresh air.
I sat up and he stood up. He let out his hand. I took it and he pulled me out of his car. We took a walk until there was a rose way. Vinnie disappeared. I walked up it and Vinnie was somehow there.
Vin: Mina, I've been meaning to say this and i will say it again. I love you. And I've liked you for so long and i hope you feel the same. I brought you here to ask. Will you be my valentine... And my girlfriend of course
I looked at him all happy i hugged him.
Me: Yes yes yes yes yes
He giggled. I looked up at him and he kissed me. I kissed him back.
Vin: Wow, I've been wanting to do that for a long time
Me: Me too
I burrowed my head back into his chest and we stayed that way for 5 minutes
Vin: Hey, we should really go back. It's getting late
Me: Okay
We let go. We cleaned up and threw away the trash. We loaded things up and we left. We went back to hype and held hands as we got in
Thomas: Did you do it?
Vin: Hell yeah
Everyone cheered and we all laughedm i let go of Vinnie's hand while people were going crazy and went to my room. The pets were still sleeping and i took a shower and put on comfy clothes. I was on could nine. Until i saw a post of me and Bryce photoshopped us on the bed fucking. I screamed. I quickly texted my tech guy and told him to take it down. Vinnie came rushing in my room.
Vin: Is everything good?
Me: V- Vinnie, i didn't do it I promise
Vin: What are you talking about?
I showed him. I sat and fell on my bed i let tears out but no sound. Vinnie hugged me from my side.
Vin: Hey, hey it's okay. You didn't actually do it
Me: The comments are worse!
He read the comments
Vinnie's pov
'slut' 'hoe' 'whore' 'loser' 'slave' i read enough and went on my phone and tweeted "Don't believe everything you say" and took Mina's phone and tweeted "It's not cool to photoshop a 24 year old man and an 18 year old kid fucking on a bed -Vinnie" (yes i changed the age). I held a little heavier on my side and saw Mina leaning on me. I rubbed her arm and her arms fell. I saw she passed out.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now