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I checked my ear
Me: Guys, sit at the counter
They sat there and I took my kit.
Me: This might hurt a little
I gave them a shot of clear liquid which is a healing aid for their ear.
Me: Who's going first?
Everyone looked at each other
Me: Come on, I don't have all day
Ondre: I'll go first
Bran: In going after Ondre
Me: Okay
I gave Ondre his.
Ondre: That wasn't that bad
Me: See
I gave the rest their shots
Me: Patty?
Patty: No
Micheal: Don't be a pussy
Patty: Can someone hold my hand?!
Me: Brandon, hold his hand
Chase: Trust me, it works
Patty: Fine
Brandon held Pattys hand. And I gave him his
Chase: See, it works
Patty: You have powers?
Me: He has the power of cuteness
Then I got a call from Aiden
Me: I'm tired of thiisssss
They all looked at me as I pick up the phone
Hey Y/n, sorry to bother but can you go to a room so no one can hear?
I went downstairs
I need you to pack your bags, cause you're going to go to London
Yes. A dangerous man is there in an empty neighbourhood. Hes staying in an abandoned building. He robbed 13 houses and kidnapped 29 kids.
Why now? I'm tired of this
Sorry, but, you have to go
Can I bring my family at least
Yeah. You have your plane so, why not
Okay. When should I go?
You should board tonight and book into a hotel.
Everyone went upstairs
Me: Guys, I have a mission in London. And since I have my own plane, I want you guys to come with me.
Thomas: What?
Nick: Huh?
Me: It's yes or no, if you want to go, pack your bags, we're leaving tonight
Ondre: I'm down
Tony: I'm down
Nikita: Wait, can I come too?
Me: Yeah
Hype House <3
Who wants to go to London for the week, pack your bags and get ready


She has a mission and she wants to bring us with her and sway


Meet us at the airport at 4am

Me: Sway? You guys coming?
Bryce looked behind and everyone nodded Their heads
Bryce: We're going
Me: Okay, now it's. 340am. You guys should go back to sway, pack your stuff and meet us at the airport at 4
Sway: Okay
They went to their cars.
Me: The ones who are not living here too
Ondre: What should we bring?
Me: Anything, at least you guys could fit it in your bags
I didn't have to pack because I already have an emergency luggage full of clothes, jewelry, medical kits, weapons, bullet proof and fire proof clothes. And another with all my electronics. I went to Brandon's room to help him pack
Me: Brandon, you okay?
Bran: Can I bring my toys?
Me: Yes
I helped him pack. He brought two bags. I went downstairs with Brandon. I went in my room to take mine.
Nick: You're not packing?
Me: I already have my emergency pack
Nick: Oh
Nick brought 3 bags. We ordered an Uber and we all arrived at the airport.
Me: Thank you
Nick payed
Driver: You're welcome
We got out our things.
Hype House <3
Is everyone at the airport?

Me and Dixie are here

Me and sway are all here

Hold up!

Hurry up Larri

I'm here

Everyone go to section C
We all went there and there were many fans. I called Joseph
Hey, are you at the airport?
Where are you?
Go to gate 5. Tell them your name and your whole family could go in
Me: Guys, let's go to gate 5
Everyone: Okay
We went there and security stopped us. He took a look at me and let us in.
Me: They're with me
Sec: Okay how many people?
Me: 39 including me
Sec: Okay
We all went in
Sec: Corey and Joseph are already waiting. Put your bags here
Me: Okay
We all put our bags on the convayer belt. I left my electronic bag with me. We board the plane.
Me: Where you wanna sit?
Nick: What about. At the back
Me: Sure
We went to the last row. Ondre, Tony and Brandon were beside us. Then the flight attendant did a little brief with us. I put my seatbelt on. And after 40 minutes of waiting, we took off. I slept for 5 hours. And we landed in an airport to fill in the tank. We took a 3 hour break. We got off the plane to get food. We found a McDonald's in the airport and everyone were staring at us. Many fans surrounded us. We ate our food and we walked for a little. Then I got a notification from Joseph
Hey, are you ready? We're going to turn on the engine to heat it up.
Hype house <3
The plane is about to board. Let's go
We all went back to the plane.
FA: Okay. Let's count from you
We all counted till 39. We were all on the plane
FA: Anyone left anything?
Everyone: No
We took off and I started getting goosebumps I stood up.
Me: Damn it
I whispered
Nick: What is it
Me: I left my hoodie in my luggage
I sat back down
Nick: Here, take mine
Me: No, I already have 2 of yours
Nick: It's okay
Me: Thanks
I put it on and looked at my phone. I put on my headphones and listened to some music. After 3 minutes, I heard them singing. I took off my headphones and smiled at them. I turned them off. They were singing 'Little Do You Know' by Alex and Sierra. I just smiled and looked at them sing.
Ondre: Y/n. Brandon Say that you're good at singing
Me: How does he know that?
I said laughing
Ondre: He said he ever heard you sing
Me: I'm not good
Then 'Before You Go' played
Ondre: Come on. Just sing for us
Everyone was looking at me. The chorus came and I sang. Everyone's eyes widen. I just smiled
Bryce: WHAT?
Then the song ended
Nick: I didn't know you could sing
Me: I didn't too
Then I got a notification from my email
Hey Y/n,
It's Blake. We don't actually need you to go. I'm sorry for causing you trouble. The guy was innocent
Me: WHAT? Well, that's 9 hours of my life wasted
Thomas: What happened?
Me: The guy was innocent
Everyone: Ughh what?
Me: And it doesn't say that we can't continue our vacation
Everyone: Yayy
I put my headphones on and put my hood up. I felt something heavy on the side of my head. Turns out, it was Nick. He fell asleep. I smiled and thought, he looked cute. I adjust my position and put his head on my shoulder. Kouvr and Alex were Infront of us and Kouvr took a picture of us. I still had my headphones in so I didn't noticed.

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