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(105 is under here... Read it first)

I woke up the next day with a weight on my chest. I looked down and saw Vinnie laying down on my chest. Then, there was a knock on the door. It opened and Nick peeked his head through

Nick: Yo, your dad asked you to go to his room. It's urgent
Me: Okay
He went out and i lifted Vinnies head slightly and put my pillow on his head. I went to Thomas's room.
Me: Yeah?
Thomas: Oh, were going to the hospital, wanna come?
Me: Sure. I'll be in the living room in 10 minutes

I left their room and got ready. I put on Vinnies hoodie and leggings. Then I realise that vinnie and I haven't announced anything about our relationship. I took it off and put on Nick's merch. Cause, we're friends. I went outside to the living room and saw Jake there

Jake: Oh, hey Mina
Me: Hey, where's Mia?
Jake: I don't know
Me: okay

I sat on the bean bag and waited for them. They came out and we went to the car. We headed to the doctors appointment.

Me: Hey..
Raycee: Mina?
Me: Raycee?
Ray: Oh my gosh. Where have you been?
Me: everywhere
We both laughed.
Me: Anyways, appointment for Mia
Ray: Okay. Go to room 7026. Its-
Me: I know where it is. It's okay, save your saliva

We laughed. Mia Thomas and I went to the room. The doctor was ready and they did their job. The baby was healthy and fine so we went back home. I went to my room and saw Beanie gone. I went to Vinnie's room and saw Beanie there.

Me: Come on beanie
She stood up and Hera meowed at me. Vinnie just lay there on his bed. I took Hera with me.
Vin: Noooo not Hera
Me: too bad

We went to my room and Hera layed in her bed. Beanie licked her face and they fell asleep. I got ready their food and water. I went outside of my room to sit in the living room. I plopped onto a beanbag and saw Noah walking in

Noah: Hey Mina
Me: Hey Noah

I smiled at him and he smiled back. He went to the kitchen to talk to Jake. Then I got a call from Bryce.

Me: Hey Bryce
Bryce: Hey, mind if you come over for a vlog bit?
Me: Sure
Bryce: Alright see you here
Me: sway?
Bryce: Yeah
Me: Okay
Bryce: Bye
Me: Bye

I got my bike keys and my helmet and ride to sway. I stopped at a target to get snacks. I went out and started my bike and a lady came up to me.

Lady: Hey! You don't have the rights to be here with your stupid bike!
Me: And you don't have the rights to go in the store without a mask, lady. And who's property is this? Yours?
Lady: I know the manager here!
Me: Oh really?
Lady: Yeah!
Me: Call him right now

I mean, I know the manager here. Mr G. My GoPro was on and caught everything. The lady paused for a second

Lady: Ow! Ow! Help! She's harassing me! Police!
I took off my helmet. She looked shocked to see me. The go pro was still looking at her direction
Lady: ow! Ow! Police! Help!
Me: You want the police so bad? I'll call the police
Lady: Yeah, yeah, call them
I called Blake
Me: Blake, there's a lady code 502. Bring sc (swat car). Its target near the highway (idk where's target)
Blake: okay
I hung up
Me: Police is on the way
Lady: Yeah, yeah, good!
Then, a boy came up to me.
Boy: Hey, are you Mina?
Me: Certainly am
Boy: Can I get a picture
Lady: Hey, no! She was harassing me!
Me: In your dreams

I took a picture with the teenage boy and he thanked me and walked away. I put my helmet back on. Then, I saw blinking lights and a highlight signaling that I should go.
Me: Bye lady
I zoomed by her and went to sway. I went into their driveway. I saw Bryce standing there with his arms crossed Infront of the camera. I parked my bike and took off my helmet and turned off my GoPro.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now