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It's was Nick. I lay flat on the couch and waited for him to leave. Then, u saw him going outside. I was still walking and I went downstairs to Brandon's room. He was still awake with the Lopez brothers. I opened the door and I didn't want to come in so I closed it. Then I saw Nick's room close. I went inside and looked at my safe. The cheque was still there. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. Then I heard a mumbling sound from Nick's claset. I opened it and saw Darianka.
Me: What in the-
I left the door open and went out. I went back upstairs and put my hood up and looked at my phone. No one interrupted me and I went downstairs and took a night stroll. I was walking to the park and sat there for another 4 hours. My phone's kept blowing up and saw Thomas Infront of me
Me: How did you find me?
Thomas: Your location is on
Me: Leave me alone. I want to be alone for at least a day.
Thomas: Can you come back first
Me: Fine
I got into his car and we arrived at the hype house. I charged my phone and took a shower. I put on comfy clothes and I went outside of the room. I saw Avani, Charli, Dixie and Nessa staring at me
Me: What?
Avani: Why did you run off like that?
Me: Nothing, I just wanted to go for a morning stroll.
Charli: Why?
Me: Cause I wanted to?
Dixie: You know it's not safe out there
Me: You know I saved more than 300,000 people?
Dixie: Okay...
Nessa: You could've been kidnapped
Me: And you could've been less worried
I put on my "I don't care" face the whole time.
Charli: Why are you so calm?
Me: Cause I don't care
Dixie: What if we go to Starbucks?
Charli gagged
Me: No thanks
Charli: HAH! See
Me: I don't want to go anywhere. I probably have to go out tonight so I want to rest.
Nessa: Okay
I went outside to the pool area and saw Darianka comin towards me
Dar: You better not come near Nick. It's safer that way
Me: I don't care anymore. You don't bother me I won't bother you so leave me alone
Dar: Nasty ass hoe
Me: Whatever
I saw nick coming outside and I walked up. I sat there for another 3 minutes and I saw Nick was coming up. I went down and I went inside. I saw Darianka talking to Thomas. She gave me a "What do you want? Bitch" stare. I sat on the couch and Thomas sat next to me
Thomas: Y/n, Is it true that you don't like Nick?
I stood up and went downstairs. I got a call from Blake
Hey champ, just wanted to let you know that I am picking you up. I'm bringing Aiden too. We're planning to bring you our to eat
I got ready and told no one. I left my phone and only brought my purse so that no one would disturb me. Blake arrived and I got in his car. We drove to in n out. We ordered at the drive through and we are in the car
Blake: So, we were wondering if you want to continue karate?
Me: I don't know
Blake: We want to send you back to karate class
Me: I don't think I want to. Im traumatized from what had happened when I got back to school
Blake: Okay.
The car went silent
Blake: You want to go somewhere?
Me: No
Blake: Go back home?
Me: Yeah
He sent me back home and I went go inside. After he left, I looked around the house and no one saw me. I went back out to the mall. I wanted some time alone. I went to Starbucks and ordered. Then I saw Avani there. I got my drink and put my hood up and looked down. I got out of there and someone yelled out my name.
?: Y/N!
I ignored it and walked faster. I knew it was Avani who called me. I went to a crowd and blended in. They were using black tops like me so I had my cover. I continued walking and then I bumped into someone
Me: Sorry
I was still looking down
?: Y/n?
I walked passed him and he was chasing after me. I walked into a other crowd and lost him. I knew that voice, it sounded like Nick. I decided to go out of the mall. There, I saw all the hype house and sway members. I looked down again and walked at the side of the building
Anthony: Y/N!!!!!
I panicked and I ran as fast as I could. I ran into a crowd of people and lost them again. I walked for another 40 minutes and got to a place with many shops and malls I didn't know where I am so I looked around. I bought food and went to a mall and saw Bryce there
Me: Oh my gosh, what is he doing here?
I ran the opposite direction and I heard someone call me
?: Y/N!! Please stop running away, your family is worried.
I thought to myself. I don't think they even love me. Then I ran away again and started walking again. I put my hood up and looked down. Then I saw many police officers. One came up to me
?: Hey have you seen A girl named Y/n Petrou? She has y/h/c And she's about y/h.
Me: No
Then I ran off. Then I kept going walking and running. When eventually
?: Got you
Me: Let go of me
I looked up to see Anthony
Me: What do you want?
Ant: We want you to go back home
Me: Why?
Ant: Just please go back
Me: Tell me why first
Ant: Cause people miss you and they are worried about you
Me: Ant, leave me alone
Ant: Hey, I already told you why. And please follow us home
Me: Fine!
I said with anger. I got in his car and Avani was there
Me: I wasn't
Avani: What's gotten into you?
Me: I got hurt, I can't spend even 20 seconds alone and I just want a break
Avani: Don't you care about Nick?
Me: Why should I?
Avani: Cause
Nick: When you bumped into Nick, he felt relieved again
Me: What are you doing here?
Nick: Look, I'm sorry for what I had done
Me: I'm not buying it
Nick: Y/n, please I'm-
Me: Can you just shut up!
I put my hood up and looked out the window. The whole ride was silent and we arrived at the hype house. Everyone was already there. I walked in with my hood still up
Thomas: Y/N!
Mia: Y/N!!!!
They came to me and hugged me. I just kept a straight face
Thomas: Where did you go? Why did you leave this place? Why-
Before he could finish, I ran upstairs to mine and Nick's room. I went in and locked it. I didn't realize that Darianka was behind me.
Dar: I thought you were gone
I stayed silent and went to the bathroom. I took a shower and put a hoodie on me and pants. I went out to see Darianka. I gave her a stare
Dar: It could have been better if you were lost
I shrugged and took my phone and went outside. Everyone was looking and staring at me. I just ignored them and went upstairs to drink. I felt a light tap on my shoulder. It was Nick
Nick: Hey, you've been avoiding me all day. What's wrong?
Nick: Keep your voice down
I saw that everyone was staring at us. I ran downstairs and Avani caught me. She pulled me in a tight hug. My face was still serious cause I didn't care at this point.
Avani: So that's why you left here?
Me: Avani, just leave me alone. I want to be alone for a little. I sat at the party area and I heard yelling
Bryce: Dude, you're a dick
Nick: Whatever, I want to find her. She knows her mistake
I couldn't stand it I texted Blake
Me: Hey, can I hang out at your place for the night. It's so noisy here
Blake: Sure! We got a guest room here
Then I texted the Hype House
Hype House <3
Me: I don't care what you think or if you agree or not. I'm turning off my location and staying at my friends house. I'm coming back tomorrow
Thomas: Where are you going?
Charli: Y/n, no
Avani: Y/n dont go please
Dar: It's better if she goes
I ran downstairs and they saw me
Avani: Y/N, WAIT
Kouvr: Y/N!!!
Me: Bye
I closed the door behind me and ran to the park again. I already asked Blake to take me there. He arrived and I got into his car. I saw Avani and we stared for a split second and she pointed at me. Then Blake got a notification
Blake: Champ, Nick is texting me
Me: Give me your phone
Nick Austin
Nick: Can you give us back y/n please?
Me: Nick, shut up, go back to Darianka, she looks happier with you. Nothing can fix what you had done. I won't be coming back tonight. I'm going back tomorrow and I'm not taking a "Please listen" or a "Come home" from you
Nick: Please listen to me for a second
Me: Nope, bye
I deleted the messages and handed the phone back to Blake
Me: Thanks
Blake: What's happening?
Me: Nick cheated on me, won't leave me alone, I can't even spend 20 seconds alone, I wanted to go for a walk the whole day but people keep bugging me, I got had to go home and got in an arguement with Nick. I got downstairs and texted you and now I'm here
Blake: Oooh. What is we teach them a lesson?
Me: No, I don't want to do anything to them
Blake: Okay
We reached to his house.
Selena: Y/n!
Me: Heyy
Cameron: Hey Y/n
Me: Hey guys
Blake: Y/n Is going to stay with us for the night
Selena: Yaaaayyyy
Selena is 5 years old. And Cameron is 12. Both of them are Blake's children's
Blake: Y/n, You can go to the guest room
Me: Okay
After 50 minutes
Blake: Y/n, girls, come down, dinner is ready!
Me: Okay!
We went downstairs and ate dinner
-at the dinner table-
Kate (Blake's wife)
Kate: So, what are you doing here this late?
Me: We got into a big fight and I couldn't stand it there so I called Blake
Kate: Oh
Selena: Can you play with me later?
Me: After dinner
I smiled
Selena: Okay
We ate and me and Kate did the dishes
Kate: No, it's okay I could do it
Me: No, I don't want to stay here for free
She smiled at me and we put the dishes in the dish washer. After we did that's, I went to my room and saw Selena
Selena: Y/n!
Me: Hey
I smiled
I played with her and she looked sleepy.
Me: Come on Selena, let's go to bed
Selena: Nooo
Me: We can watch YouTube
I smiled
Selena: Okay
We went to her room and we watched YouTube until she fell asleep. I went outside and saw Cameron
Me: Hey Cam
Cam: Hey
Me: Can i borrow a charger?
Cam: Uh, sure
She went in her room and gave me a charger
Me: Thanks
Cam: No prob
I went in my room and I saw that there were many notifications from the girls I saw Avanis first
Avani: Y/n
Avani: Y/n
Avani: You okay?
(She kept saying y/n)
I left her on read and saw Charli's
Charli: Y/n.. Are you okay?
I left her on read too and I saw Dixie's
Dixie: Y/n, You okay?
I left her on read. And let my phone charge. Then Avani called me
Hey, Y/n
Hey Avani
You okay?
Nick said-
I hung up. I do not want to talk about him right now. Then someone rang the doorbell. Blake answered it
Blake: Y/n! Someone here named Avani and Anthony wants to meet you and 5 other people.
I sighed and went downstairs and I saw them on the couch
Me: What are you doing here?
Anthony: We want to bring you home.
Me: Look, can you guys at least give me 5 hours of privacy. I promise I'll come back tomorrow
Tony: Can we make tiktoks here?
Me: Seriously
I smiled
Then Avani turned back
Avani: I guess someone is a fan of us
I laughed
Me: Cam! You can come down now
Cam: Oh my gosh
She came downstairs nervous
Cam: Is this a dream?
I slapped myself
Me: Nope
We all laughed
Tony: Can we film in your house, we haven't posted the whole day
Blake: Okay
Ondre: Cam, you want to make one with us?
Cam: Yes
They were taking tiktoks and Avani pulled me to the side
Avani: Can you come home now?
Me: Sorry Avani, I want to wait till tomorrow. I still feel embarrassed from how I treated Nick
Avani: Don't be, he is a jerk.
Me: Yeah
Avani: Will you come home with us now pleaseee
Me: Avani, I told you, I will be back tomorrow. I promise
Avani: You promise? And come back before 10am, if not, I'm coming here again with all the members and sway
Me: I don't break promises
Avani: Okay
Then all of made tiktoks
Me: Guys can you be a little bit quiet? There's a 5 year old upstairs
Everyone: Okay!
Me: Ssshhhhh
Tony: Oh
They made about 5 tiktoks they were about to leave but I pulled Avani to the side
Me: Hey I'm, can you um..tell Nick that I'm sorry
Avani: Okay
They left and I turned around and Cam was hugging me
Cam: Thank youuuu
Me: You're welcome
Cam: You're part of the hype house right?
Me: Yeah
Cam: Can you tell Ryland that I said hi and Kio too
Me: Okay okay slow down. I will
I smiled. All of us went to bed.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now