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I went to the bathroom and took a hot shower. I put on some comfy clothes and went into bed again. Vinnie was still asleep but I just lay there with my phone in my hand. After 2 hours of watching YouTube, Vinnie woke up
Vin: What time is it?
He groaned.
Me: 8:15am
Vin: Ugh..
He lazy walked to my bathroom and washed his face. We came out
Vin: I'm gonna go to my room. Wanna have breakfast together?
Me: Sure, I'll meet you in the lobby at 8:30
Vin: Okay
He closed the door and I shut down everything. I locked my door and went to the lobby. I saw 2 agents there. They were talking about me and how I got injured. Then, Vinnie came but I didn't notice.
Vin: Hey, come on
Me: Okay
I stood up.
Me: Mr Zack
Mrz: Mina?
Me: Yes indeed
I past them and went to Vinnie's rental. We went to a McDonald's but we just went through the drive thru. We sat in the parking lot but I didnt eat.
Vin: Why arent you eating?
I pointed to my mask
Vin: Oh, got it
Then, we drove to my hotel. I took my food and we went inside. But there were paparazzi outside.
P: Hey Vinnie, how's your day going?
Vin: Good
P: And who's this?
Me: Me
P: Whoa, Mina? Why aren't you showing your face?
Me: Security purposes
Then, I saw 5 agents came outside. And pushing all the paparazzi. We went inside.
Me: Thanks guys
Everyone: Okay
I went to my room and I ate my food. Then, there was a knock on my door. I put on my mask and hood and opened the door. It was Blake (swat guy)
Blake: Hey! Mina, you're done with your work here. You could go back.
Me: Thanks
He went away and I closed and locked the door. I continued eating and throw the trash out. Then, there was another knock. I opened it and saw Vinnie.
Vin: Hey, can I come in?
Me: Come in
Vin: So, what are we doing today?
Me: Going back to la
Vin: Today?
Me: Yes, I'll tell everyone
Vin: Okay
He went to his room and packed. I told everyone and they packed. It took me 4 hours to get things done. I took a shower and got ready to go to the airport. I took all my stuff downstairs and I waited in the lobby for everyone. After 30 minutes, everyone were down at the lobby. We got escorted out by 5 bodyguards to the airport. We went to my lounge and we ate there. Then, we went in my plane and we went home.
-in LA-
We landed and we got out from the plane. We ordered Uber drivers and we went to hype. I payed my driver and everyone payed theirs. We went inside the house and I unpacked my stuff and I fell asleep.
-at 8am-
I got up. And washed my face and brushed my teeth and covered my face. I went out of my room and went to the kitchen. I saw Kouvr and Alex there.
Alex: Morning
Me: Morning
(Pretend Nick, Ryland and Chase lives there too) Then, I saw Nick there with Madison. I just avoided them. I poured a cup of water and drank it. I went back in my room not knowing what to do. I took a shower and put on clothes. I sat at my desk and played among us for 2 hours. Then, I finally got up and went outside. I saw Vinnie playing VR in the living room. I just smiled at him. Then, I got a call from Bryce.
Me: Hello?
Bryce: Hey, what's up, wanna come to sway. We need content so being your bodyguards
Me: Bryce, I don't have a bodyguard
Bryce: Then find one
Me: Fin-
He hung up
Me: Rude
I said under my breath. I called one of the officers that isn't on shift and told them I'd pay them. I texted Jay and he kindly agreed. He went to hype and everyone freaked out
Me: Chill
I went outside and we went to sway. We arrived at sway and I knocked on the door. Bryce answered
Bryce: Hey guys! And who's this?
Me: Jay, an agent
Jay: Good to meet you Hall
Bryce: Please, call me Bryce
Me and Jay looked at each other
Me & Jay: Hall
Then we laughed.
Bryce: alright so we're gonna eat some MRE food, by that I mean me and Noah
They sat down and ate some. Then, we got informed that some fans came in.
Me: 15
Jay: Yes
They all ran inside and hugged Blake and Noah. Jay escorted them out
Me: What the- tell me this is a prank before I call for back up
Bryce: It's a prank its a prank.
I ran outside.
Me: Jay! 7!
Jay: Okay
He went inside again. And the boys ran outside.
Bryce: Did you believe that?!
Noah: A little bit
Me: You guys almost made me call the whole FBI here
Bryce: No we don't want that.
We all laughed and we hung out the whole afternoon.
-at 3pm-
I got a call from Thomas
Thomas: Mina, we need you here now
Me: Important or not?
Thomas: Yes it is. There's people tresspassing and yelling at us
I hung up
Me: Guys, Jay and I have to go
Blake: Aight
I stood up.
Me: 78
Bryce: Can we join?
Me: How fast can you drive?
Bryce: A little bit over the limit
Me: Don't be afraid this is an emergency
Jay: Just follow behind, there will be back up.
Me: 70?
Jay: Yes
Me: Cops will follow behind us. Now go!
We all ran to the cars. Jay turned on his sirens and we rushed to hype. We got there after 20 minutes. I saw that they were many people outside. We went inside the property. We parked the cars and got out immediately. There were paparazzi and fans. We did our best to escort them away. Then, Thomas came back from the skatepark.
Me: Why were you at the skatepark?
Thomas: I just got informed like 30 minutes ago
He was skating around and then suddenly, someone pied him in the face with whipped cream.
Everyone went silent. And I saw a boy running
Me: Dad, go get him
He ran after the boy. We got almost everyone out of the property but there were paparazzi and 3 fans there.
Me: Excuse me you have to leave
Them Thomas went to us with the kid
Me: Why did you do that bro?
He stayed silent
Me: Why did you do that?
?: It was a joke okay
Me: Yes it was a joke but it wasn't funny
?: It's for a YouTube channel
Thomas: Okay but if you would tell us like "oh, let's make a YouTube vid" and that would be fine.
The cops wanted to arrest him
Me: Boys, don't do it yet..
?: Please, I didn't intent to do this , it was my friends
Me: Call them right now
Thomas: Paparazzi, can you turn off the camera for like 30 seconds. The paparazzi turned off their camera. The boy called his friends. Then, they came
Me: Well, well, well
They looked nervous that I was there. And with sway on my back.
Bryce: Come on man, speak up
They all looked mad.
?: I- it was just a YouTube thing
Blake G.: Ask first before you do it. This is not okay
Me: What do you have to say?
?: I- i- i- I'm sorry
Me: Apologize to him too since you almost got him arrested
?: Look, sorry man
Me: 97, 32..
Hen: Okay
Me: Boy, you will be charged with tresspassing and bullying
They all look devastated.
Me: I'm sorry boys but you have to. You won't be in jail because you're too young. And I'm nice enough to pay half of your fees.
Hen: Are you sure?
Me: Yes, only charge them with half.
Hen: Okay
?: Thank you so much
At this point they were already crying
Me: Remember not to news with the Sway house and Hype house
They got their tickets and ran away. The paparazzi left anf so did everyone else
Hen: So that will be 7 thousand (idk how much but okay)
Me: Fine. Come in
We all went in the driveway and walked to the house. I wrote them a cheque and they left including Jay. We hung out in the house.
Bryce: Alright, I'm gonna say it. Can we just see your face already?
Me: Sure. But if y'all ever show this face online, I'll nurder y'all
Bryce: Alright bet
Me: Call everyone here
Thomas texted people and they all went downstairs. I set up my phone camera but facing away from me. I turned my back and showed my face and they all looked shocked.
Me: Yeap, its that bad and I look way different
I closed it back and faced the camera and turned off.
Thomas: That was...
Me: Don't say
Bryce: You know you could take it off right?
Me: No, what if there's like paparazzi outside
Bryce: This is a gate community
Me: Sorry not sorry
Nick: Are we done? I wanna go eat
Me: Did I ask everyone to sit here for like the next 1 hour? And do I look like your mom?
Nick: No..
I looked at him
Nick: Alright alright
him and Madison got up and passed by me. Madison accidentally hit me and she ended up getting hurt from my hard body
Madi: Ow you bitch
Me: I didn't even do anything
I said innocently
Bryce: Yo leave Mina alone
Bryce stood up. And Madison and Nick left
Thomas: Um Mina?
Me: Yeah?
Thomas: Check instagram
Me: Okay...
I checked my account and I somehow got banned. I checked tiktok, snapchat and I got banned.
Me: Alright let's call this dude
I went outside to call Landon, my account holder
Me: Yo Lan
Lan: What's up?
Me: Why is my account banned?
Lan: Agents have to get control for like a week. And didnt I text you?
Me: No..
Lan: sorry
Me: It's fine..
I hung up. I went inside.
Me: Well that was fun
I said sighing
Bryce: Mina we need your help?
Me: What is it?
Bryce: There is a guy trespassing outside sway and Jrod got him
Me: Okay
I followed bryce to sway. I called in 2 cops to come with me.  They turned on sirens and we got there in under 30 minutes. We all went in while the cops handled things. It was already 12am.
Me: Guys, can I crash here tonight?
Bryce: Sure. Guest room upstairs. There's merch
Me: Of course there is Bryce
I looked at him. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It was Addison and the girls. (Pretend Anthony and Quinton lives there).
Addi: MINA!!
They ran to me and gave me a hug. I hugged them back
Bryce: Alright, alright, Addison is mine
Addi: And she's mine
We girls look at each other
Avani: Girls night?
Girls: Girls night
We went to my guest room. We hung out all night until I got a text...
?: hey it's Jay. I have something for you to do and it's heartbreaking but you're in danger.. a gang is after you and no one knows how they look like or what they look like. We need to fake your death and do it immedietaly.
Me: Where should I go?
Jay: *sends address* You'll be safe here
Me: Okay. I'll move at 2am
Jay: Okay
I turned off my phone and looked a little nervous.
Avani: You okay?
Me: Yea
I put my phone aside and hung out with the girls, they passed out at 12am and I made notes for each and everyone of the people I know. I was done by 1:30am. I left them and I took my phone and wallet with me. I went downstairs casually because I knew they had cameras around. I got outside and walked to the location. I kept my head down with my scarf over my face. I got to the location and opened the door. It had many cameras and weapons and clothes that I could use. I saw a note saying that police will check up on me daily.

Amelie's pov (pretend they're good now)
I got up at 3am and saw that they were piles and piles of paper. I read one and it was for Thomas. I woke up all the girls. I found my name and I read it. It said "Dear Amelie, I know this is hard but, hey we're friends now. I might be gone but I love you -Mina" I cried reading it. The girls got different notes and they all cried. We woke up all the boys and we gave them their notes. The boys stayed strong while the girls cried. We told Thomas. He told us to come over with the notes and we went to Hype. There were police officers there too. There were tears running down everyone's cheeks by this time. Thomas went over to Bryce
Thomas: What the fuck bro, i told you to take care of her!
He pushed Bryce. The cops pulled him off and we all sat down
Cops: We're sorry, we can't do anything
Thomas: What do you mean?!
Cops: Sir, someone kidnapped our most special agent, your family. Lease stay clam. We will try to find her
Then, they left. All of us were devastated. Thomas apologized and Sway left.
Thomas's pov
I loved her as my own child, my best friend and now.. she's gone.. I went to my room without talking to anyone. Lay on bed and was thinking hardly. I couldn't sleep that night.

A/n: Let me know if she has to go back with Nick.. well I'm supposed to not bring her back cause Nick cheated on her a bunch of times and he seems happy with madison.. anyways, let me know who you guys want her to be with...

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