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-After 3 months-
I haven't seen Nick in 3 months, my body is filled with bruises and I still wear a hoodie everyday. Nick stopped texting me a week ago. But I know he was okay. Then I got a call from Blake
Me: Hey Blake
Blake: Hey, I need you at the police station. I'm coming to get you
Me: Okay
I went with him and we had to find 2 missing children. They were held captive in an abandoned building. I saved the kids and ended up having a black eye, bloody nose and a purple spot on my arm. They gave me an ice pack and bandaged me up. I got home and everyone greeted me
Avani: Are you okay?
I removed the ice pack and put my hood down
Avani: Oh my gosh, Y/n, What happened?
Me: Kids got kidnapped metal sticks and a fist. Kids got saved, no one was hurt expect for me and the men
I put the ice pack back on my eyes
Avani: Go rest babe. This is not good for you
Me: Yeah I know
I passed them and went to my room. I went in my room and headed to the shower. I put on clothes and I go out to see Nick waiting for me.
I ran up to him and give him the biggest hug
Nick: I was sitting here the whole time and you didn't see me?
Me: No. I was busy with my eye
Nick: What about it?
He lifted my chin up and reveals my eye
Me: Sorry that you have to come home to see this
Nick: It's okay, the important thing is, that you're here safe.
I smiled at him and we got out of the hug.
Nick: So, who's everything going?
Me: I could use shorts sleeves for 3 days and can't anymore. And as usual, fighting sleeping eating getting up at night to think. Then sleep eat hang out and work
Nick: Not much had changed huh?
Me: No
I smiled at him then I looked at his neck and looked sad again
Nick: Aw, what's wrong?
Me: Nothing, something just hit my memory and just...
I sighed
Nick: It's okay
He hugged me
Me: Yeah, yeah, whatever, I'm hanging out with Avani if you need me
I said while coming out of our room. Then I went to Avani. We talked for a bit then I remembered Nick
Avani: What's wrong Y/n?
Me: Nothing, something hit me and I just suddenly remembered it
Avani: Y/n, youre notblike That, what's wrong?
Me: Don't tell. But. I saw a hickey on Nick's neck while I was looking at him
Avani: WHAT?!
Me: Avani, chill out
Me: Avani, hush or sway will ask
Grif: Ask what?
Me: Here we go again.. I tell you, you get mad and you plan to beat the person up
Grif: True but. Just tell us
Me: No
Grif: Please?
Me: Okay fine. Why I was looking at Nick, I saw a hickey on his neck
Everyone in the house: WHAT?
Me: This is an earthquake
All the boys stormed into our room. And all the girls comforted me
Me: Guys, stop
They didn't listen
I had my card and phone with me. I ran out the door and took my skateboard and called Blake
Me: Blake, I'm crashing at yours
Blake: Okay
Me: I'm going to the park
Blake: Okay
He picked me up and I went to his place. No one texted me or anything. I guess they were busy. I turned off my location. Before I went there.
Me: Blake, if they storm in. Don't tell them I'm here
Blake: Okay
Then I arrived there. Selena was excited to see me. She begged me to play
Me: Okay, later okay, I need to keep my stuff first
Selena: Okay!
Then the bell rang after 1 hour of playing. I ran to my room.
Thoams: Where's Y/n?
Blake: Shes Not here?
Thomas: What do you mean?
Selena: Y/n!!!!
We knocked on my door. I opened it and let Selena in. I took a glance at them
Me: Go away!
Thomas: Y/n Please
I shut the door and locked it
Griffin: Y/n, we're sorry
I didn't respond. I just stayed silent.
Thoams: Selena opent he door
Me: Selena no
Then she opened the door. Everyone came in.
Me: Have you ever heard about privacy?
I said calmly
Griffin: Look, I know this looks bad but please, just come home
Me: Why should I?
Nick: Cause we wna tyou to stay with us
Me: Ugh. Can you guys get out
Nick: Y/n, Please, I'm sorry
Me: Can you guys get out?!
Thomas: Y/n just-
Nick: Y/n-
Me: Shut your mouth and get out
Me: Just, get out
They all went out and Nick just stood there
Me: What?
Nick: I thought you loved me?
Me: I thought you loved me too but how many times have you cheated on me?!
Nick: It was a mistake
Avani: Nick, sit down
Avani and Ant can in
Avani: Since you guys fixed us, let's fix you guys
Me: I have nothing to hide
Ant: Nick, what happened?
Nick: It was a mistake, Amelie showed up uninvited, I was home alone. So she kissed me
Me: Why didn't you stop?
I ask calmly about to burst out crying
Nick: She pushed me to a corner. I couldn't escape
Me: Why didn't you just push her?
Nick: I didn't know how to this at that point
Me: And you liked it
Nick: No
He said with a high tone
Me: I know you're lying. You're tone was high
Nick: I confess that I liked it but I don't love her
Me: You just let it be because I'm not good enough. I don't give you attention, I don't hang out with you
Nick: Heat?! No!
Me: Yes it's true, don't lie
He got nervous
Me: I knew it
I stood up and wanted to walk out
Ant: Y/n, Wait
Me: What now. I know the truth
Avani came up to me
Avani: Let's go talk outside
We went outside my room and everyone were still down there.
Avani: You still love Nick?
Me: I don't know how to feel at this point. I'm mad and sad and relieved at the same time
Avani: Why are you relieved?
Me: He confessed but he also still cheated on me
Avani: It was a mistake
Me: I guess so
I rubbed my eye.
Avani: Y/n, tire eyes are red
I took out my eye drops and put them in my eyes.
Avani: You're okay now
Then Nick came out. And I rubbed my eyes again
Nick: Y/n Your eyes are r-red
I took out my eye drops and put them in again. He smiled at me
Avani: Why won't you two talk for a bit
Ant: Yeah
They pushed us to each other. I accidentally fell on Nick and he caught me
Me: Avani!
Avani: Oops
Selena opened the door
Selena: Y/n, Someone Is calling you
She handed me my phone.

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