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-after 3 months-
I did the same thing everyday, but I don't contact the hype house anymore, I'm always busy. I faught a couple of bad people from the school and they went to jail. Then one night, I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door. And there was a Nick Austin standing there. I hugged him tight
Me: What are you doing here? How did you find me?
Nick: You had your location on silly
Me: You can here yourself?
Nick: Nope
Then Sway and Hype House come out
Me: Oh my gosh. Come in
They all went in
Me: You guys have a hotel room?
Everyone: Yes
Me: Oh ok. How did you guys get here?
Thomas: Your plane
Me: No wonder you guys don't call me anymore
Nick: Yeap
Then Caleb came out
Caleb: Y/n, can I talk to you, in private
Me: Okay
Caleb: We need to go in the school tonight, someone broke in and the alarm are going crazy
Me: Okay
I walked to them
Me: You guys have to go to your rooms. I have to go out. Emergency in the school.
Everyone: Okay
They all went back to their rooms and me and Caleb went to the school. I entered and saw a man snooping around. I faught him. I pinned him down and police took care of him. He came alone so I had no problem. I went back to the hotel and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Nick
Me: Oh, hey Nick
Nick: Can I come in?
Me: Okay
I brought him in and we talked. I passed out on his shoulder.
-the next day-
I woke up at 4am. I slowly stood up and got ready. Then Caleb knocked on my door
Caleb: You want to bring your family?
Me: There's so many
Caleb: I already told the principle and you're going to bring them to the assembly hall
Me: Okay
Caleb: I'll go wake them all up. Meet me at 6 downstairs, 3 limos are waiting
Me: Okay
I went back to my bed. I played with Nick's hair
Me: Nick, wake up, I'm bringin you guys with me
Nick: okay
He went to his room and got ready.
Me: Go downstairs by 6
Nick: Okay

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