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-the next day-
I heard the alarm go off. Man, this thing gives me anxiety. I turned it off and saw Nick still sleeping. I slowly crept out of bed and took a shower. I put on a hoodie and cooked breakfast for me and Nick. I made pancakes and ate my plate. Then I wired for Nick to wake up. He woke up shortly after and I handed him his breakfast.
Nick: Thanks
Then I heard the doorbell rang
Me: Gotta go
I kissed him on his cheek and went outside.
Blake: Come on
We went into his a car and went to court. Turns out, they know me there too. It lasted 2 hours and after that, I brought Alex to the froyo place.
Alex: I'll pay
He didn't have enough cash
Me: It's fine
I swiped my card and Alex looked a little embarrassed.
Me: It's fine, you'll get used to it
Alex: Okay
Then we talked for a little bit
Alex: Um, the thing I needed to tell you this, I don't have a place to stay for tonight
Me: Oh, um. Im sorry but you can't go home with me. I don't think my family will like you
Alex: It's fine
Me: But I can buy you a hotel room.
Alex: Really?
Me: Yes
Alex: I didn't know you were this rich
Me: I'm not
Alex: Yeah right
I ordered an Uber and we bought a hotel room. I payed and he went to his room. Then I called another Uber to go back home. I arrived home at 8pm. I rang the doorbell and Nick answered.
Nick: Y/n, We were worried
He hugged me
Me: Nick, I'm fine
I went inside and everyone were looking at me
Me: Omg what?
Then Tony pulled me aside
Tony: what is this?!
He showed me a picture with Alex
Me: He's just a friend. I didn't even touch him
Tony: And this?
He showed me and Alex went into the Uber
Me: He needed a place to stay. So I brought him to a hotel
Tony: Oh okay
We went out of the room
Tony: Dont worry guys, she didn't do anything
Then everyone gave me a dirty look
Me: What's up with you guys
Everyone walked away and I went to my room. I took a shower and put on clothes. I ate some food and went to bed.

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