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The next day, I woke up at 2pm. I actually couldn't believe it. Nick wasn't near me so I just got ready for the day. I took a shower and put on clothes. Then, Nick called my phone
Me: Hey Nick
Nick: Hey, all of us waiting in the lobby. We're going out
Me: Okay, bye
Nick: Bye
I hung up and I got my keys and stuff. I told the agents.
Me: Hey, I'm going out
Jay: No, bring one of us with
Me: No, I'm going out with fam
Jay: It's risky, please bring one of us
Me: Alright fine.. who am I bringing?
Jay: Morris
Me: Why Morris? He's like the biggest one
Jay: Morris is the only one who's free. The rest going to capitol later. Morris is with your night shift
Me: Okay
Then, Morris came up to me.
Me: Hey, Jay said you're going out with me
Morris: So I'm the bodyguard of Mina Petrou?
Me: Yes
Morris: Alright, this is cool
He took his sunglasses and his wallet and phone and we went downstairs. The whole hype saw us
Me: Guys, this is my bodyguard for the day
Morris: Morris, nice to meet you
Thomas: Alright, let's go
Nick, Micheal, Calvin Morris and I went to the Rolls and the rest went to their own cars. Morris drove while Micheal was beside him. I sat in the middle and Calvin was on my left while Nick was on my right. We went to the mall and it was a nightmare. We were forbidden to take pictures with fans because of the laws they put me under so when we got there, we got 4 more bodyguards to handle us. I just stayed with Nick the whole time. We got our shopping done and we went back to the hotel. The bodyguards took their rest and Morris and I went to my room. We had to plan out tonight
Me: So I'm taking the entrance duty and you're inside?
Morris: Yeah but I plan to go to 6
Me: That's better than 2
Morris: Anyways, can we Organize weapons?
Me: Sure
He went to his room to get his weapons and he went to my room.
Morris: Since your room is more secure
Me: Okay
We got our weapons lay out and I changed into a black shirt and black moveble jeans. I tucked in and put on the essentials belt. I put on the vest and then I got a knock on the door I saw it was Nick. I opened the door
Me: Hey, what's up?
I said while loading my belt.
Nick: You're going now?
Me: Yeah
Nick: Here, stay safe
Me: Thanks
We kissed and he left. I ate my food he gave me and drank my water. I knew my food so I was fine. I secured my vent and I put on a black hoodie so that no one would see. I had a fake gun with me that shoots out small glass balls. I strapped it behind me I had an earpiece and a walkie talkie
Me: Testing
Jay: We can hear you
Me: Okay
I turned it off for now. The gun was actually longer than I thought so I just held it cause I couldn't stuff it in my hoodie. I grabbed a pocket knife and some of my weapons and put them in my belt. I used the bathroom for the last time and got out of there. I locked everything up and put on sunglasses. We went to the lobby to be met up with none other than hype house, sway and thriller. They were all just sitting there and on their phones. I put my serious face and moved on. I packed everything in the car and we drove to the capitol. I went inside to do stuff and I went outside and stood there with 3 other soldiers. The rest were back home cause they took morning shift. There were still people there and the sun was setting. We did our best to keep our patients. I was at the bottom of the stairs where people harassed and picked on me. I had to keep my cool and let tears drip down. I got slapped, kicked, punched and I even fell a couple of times. Then, the FBI agents came and that is when I went into action. I shot a tree but it got punctured only. The people backed off and ran away. I had blood everywhere on my body and bruises. An agent tapped me in and I went to the ambulance. I got the night off cause I was badly injured. I took my stuff and went back home via my driver for the night. I went back to the hotel. I fixed myself and took a shower. I put on clothes and apply cream on my bruises. It hurt to be honest and my senses were back to normal. I was pretty bummed to be honest but I feel really normal. After a few minutes, I decided to go to Nick's room. I knocked on the door and a girl answered. It was Madison Beer! I was actually heated because I've heard rumours but I've never believed them
Nick: Babe, who is that
Madi: Your ex
Nick: What do you mean?
Me: It's me Austin
Nick: Um, mini petrou?
Me: I thought I could trust you
I ran away to my room with my black eye. I locked the door and couldn't even cry because my eye was swollen. Then, I tweeted out "I just want to die" and many fans started noticing. Then, it was up on tiktokroom saying that Nick is in another relationship while still in a relationship. I just commented "Ask Austin" I couldn't care less. I turned off my phone and turned on the TV. The news suddenly popped up saying that the biggest raid is happening that same minute. I put on my gear and took a rifle. I ran out and called my driver but he told me he was already outside. Thomas, kouvr, Alex and Mia saw me but I avoided them. I got into the car and we drove to capitol. I went in through a small opening and everyone were relieved to see me. I went out front and people were standing there yelling "trump!". I got worried that they were gonna break in. But they didn't, they just stood there. I stood there with a rifle in hand even though I had no permit. But the FBI agents and soldiers have me a one time permission to hold and shoot but not rapidly. I went to the entrance and I was crowded. They took off my pepper spray and deactivated everything. I got pretty worried. I stood there confronting everyone. I stood there Infront of the main door to make sure no one gets in. I got slapped and punched a couple of times but I just stayed there with a serious face. Then, I heard gunshots. It didnt startled me to be honest. I was used to the sound. Everyone backed up. I saw it was Blake. I gave him a slight smirk and he nodded telling me to go into action. I reached out on my belt and took out a granade. A guy saw and he yelled "GRANADE!" I looked at him in the eyes and someone shouted "RUN!" they all ran down to the road and I tossed the pepper granade. Everyone backed off but the pepper spray was too powerful until I got injured. I had a bloody nose, a scar on my forehead and a couple of bruises on my feet and arm. I got tapped in and I went to a quick check up. I just had to put water in my eyes. I went back out and before I arrived, I saw a guy towering me and punched me on my head.
Jay's pov (agent)
I saw at the corner of my eye someone punching Mina. I rushed over to her and called paramedics. But what people didn't know is that if Mina ever gets knocked out. We shoot. I shot the air and officers arrested the man.
Blake: We do it?
Me: Yes
I couldn't really shoot anyone at the time so we just shot things and people were scared.
Blake's pov
I called Thomas through my ear piece
Me: Hello?
Thomas: Hello Blake
Me: Mina is getting sent to the hospital, something happened
Thomas: Im on my way
I hung up. We escorted everyone out of the perimeter and Mina was sent to the hospital.
Thomas's pov
I told everyone. Bryce, Avani, Anthony, Ryland, Mia and I went to the hospital. We saw her get escorted by police and paramedics. We waited in the waiting room for 2 hours. Everyone were in tears and I saw Blake (swat guy)
Blake: Im sorry guys
Bryce: Who are you?
Blake: I'm Blake, swat agent assigned to the capitol with Mina
Bryce: Oh okay
Blake: Petrou
He looked at me with hurt in his eyes.
Blake: We made a deal with laws is when she lays in a hospital bed, we'll shoot and we got an order today. The man will be charged by a felony and will be sent to jail for 4 years for hurting the Cheif officer, FBI agent, swat agent and soldier combined, which will be charged for 5million dollars.
Me: Thanks man
Blake: No problem Petrou
Then, he left.
Bryce: Is it that serious?
Me: She is that powerful
Bryce: That's so cool
Me: You don't say
Then, a doctor got out from the room
Doc: Parent of Ms Petrou?
Me: I'm her dad
Doc: Okay
We went to a private area
Doc: Her vision will not be stable so she might need glasses because the pepper spray had caused her vision to be a little blurry. We have cream for her bruises and her cuts are deep so we have to stitch them
Me: Oh, okay thank you
My heartbroke.
Doc: You guys could visit her
Me: Thanks a lot
The doctors left us alone. We went in her room
Bryce: So, what happened?
Me: Her visions are a bit blurry from pepper spray, her cuts were deep so they had to stitch them and they have cream for her bruises
Bryce: Oh my
Me: Yeah..
I decided to post on my insta story regarding Mina. I took a picture of her and captioned "She's okay, she's asleep" and after 30 minutes, people blew up my phone and it went into tiktokroom. Then, Nick appeared Infront of the room. He went in but Bryce stopped him.
Bryce: Woah woah woah, what do you think you're doing?
He said standing up while their faces were inches away.
Nick: I'm here to see Mina
Bryce: And who gave you the permission?
Nick: She's my girlfriend?
Bryce: Ex girlfriend to be exact
Nick: What? What are you talking about?
Bryce: Like I didn't hear your conversation
Nick: Fine, she's not worth it anyways
Nick left.
Me: What happened?
Bryce: That dude cheated on your daughter with Madison Beer
Me: Wait what? Isn't that a rumour?
Bryce: Well it's true. I heard their conversation
Me: Oh god
After an hour, the rest left while Mia and I stayed. I was cuddling Mia on the couch and we both fell asleep.
-the next day-
Minas pov
I woke up. My vision wasn't as good and I saw 2 people on the couch but I couldn't tell who. Then, I heard Mia's voice
Me: Oh hey Mia
Mia: Hey.. can you see me?
Me: Kinda.. only if you're close
Mia: Oh..
We hung out until 1pm. And I got discharged. I had to go get glasses. We went to the eye specialist and I got glasses but it was due next week because my degree was high. I went back to my hotel room and I was off for the week until I could see again. For that week, I mostly stayed in my room. I got room service for food and I only talked to Vinnie, Ryland and the girls. Then, I got my glasses.
-after 2 weeks-
I was mostly at the capitol. They did the same thing, they throw things and say bad things about our new president. Then, someone threw a brick at me but I didn't realised. It hit my glasses and it broke on my face. I was bleeding badly.
The soldiers shot the man and I was sent back to the hospital. I had to get surgery and my face will look different. I spoke to the doctors to not tell anyone including sway, thriller and hype. They agreed to not tell anyone how I looked like and don't allow visitors. After a few hours, they wrapped my face. After a few hours, they opened the bandages. I took a look at my face and i looked way different. The doctors have me my hoodie and pants. I put them on and I put a bandana on the bottom half of my face. I put up my hood and covered my eyes. But I could see. I got out and was met with Thomas.
Me: Let's go
Thomas: Mina?
Me: Yes let's go
We went to his rental and we drove to the hotel
Thomas: Why aren't you showing your face?
Me: Its just, I look different and I'm not ready to show anyone
Thomas: That's why they say you don't allow visitors?
Me: Yeah
We arrived at the hotel and I saw almost everyone I knew in the lobby.
Vinnie: Where's Mina?
Thomas pointed at me and I just passed everyone and went to my room. After 2 hours, a knock was on my door. I opened it to see Vinnie there
Me: Oh hey Vin
Vin: Hey, Thomas told us everything
Me: Oh.. come in
He went in and I closed the door.
Vin: Why don't you want to show us your face?
Me: I don't trust anyone right now
Vin: Me?
Me: How can I trust you not posting my face on social media?
Vin: I mean, I'll do whatever it takes to make you trust me
I chuckle
Me: Okay Vin
Vin: So, what do you want to do today?
Me: Complain in bed
Vin: Bestfriend cuddles?
Me: Sure
We cuddled and I fell asleep.
Vinnie's pov
I saw Mina passed out on me. I really wanted to see her face but I didn't want her to break my trust. So I just fell asleep.
-the next day-
Minas pov
I woke up at 6am. I was up before Vinnie. My mask was still on but my hood was down. I moved it up and I got out of Vinnie's grip.

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