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Miss Y. (the orphan leader idk what they call them)
Called all the girls down to a room. I sat at the back of the room. Then she yelled "GIRLS UNDER 13 AND GIRLS ABOVE 14 CAN LEAVE" several people left the room (btw you're 13). A tall man looked at all of us and he whispered to Miss Y. while looking at me

?? POV
??: I'll take the girl at the back
Ms Y.: Ok I'll get ready the papers and I'll tell you her name and interest
??: Okay
Ms Y.: What's your name?
??: Thomas... Thomas Petrou
Ms Y.: Okay so her name is y/n and she loves martial arts, she's already at a red belt if I'm not mistaken. She doesn't like telling people that. She also had a little brother but he got adopted when y/n was 3.
Thomas: Well I'm glad I can help her
Ms Y.: Okay you'll just have to sign here and I'll ask her to get ready
Thomas: Can I meet her first?
Ms Y: Sure!
You: Yes Miss Yans
Ms Y: I would like to introduce you to Thomas, he is going to adopt you today
You: Hi Thomas 
She said while looking down
Thomas: Hi, don't be shy, I won't eat you
I said jokingly and she giggled
Ms Y: Okay you can go pack now

Your POV
This man looks so young and huge he looks like he is in his mid-20s. I'm so excited but nervous at the same time, I hope he doesn't know that I learned karate before. The last time I said that no one wants to be my friend. I got finished packing and headed downstairs. He helps me bring my backpack and I brought my childhood teddy bear with me. We went in the car and Thomas said that he lived in a house with his friends and he asks if I'm fine with that. I said yes and we hopped into the car.

 We arrived at a huge modern mansion (the old faze). My eyes widen and Thomas said "Y/n, welcome to, The Hype House" I said, "Wow, you guys live here?" "Yes and with many of my other friends" He replied. Both of us went out of the car and we walked to the main door. "Go on, knock," Thomas said. I knocked on the front door and a very tall boy opened the door. "Hey," He said. I was scared because he was so tall. I've never met anyone as tall as him. "My name is Chase," he said. I said hi and said that my name was y/n. Chase screamed "GUYS! THOMAS IS HERE" I saw that there was another boy but he wasn't as tall as Chase.

??: Hi, my name is Alex
Thomas: Okay okay, can you let us in now?
???: I didn't introduce myself yet
Thomas: Later, Kouvr
Kouvr: My name is  Kouvr
Me: My name is Y/n
Kouvr: Wow, that's a special name you got there
Thomas: Can we come in now?
Chase: You're the owner so... yes?
Thomas: Come on Y/n lets go to your room
Me: Okay
Thomas: Um, but we have a little problem.
Me: What is it
Thomas: You're gonna share a room with a boy named nick for a bit. He has an extra bed so you don't have to sleep with him... just the same room
Me: That's fine, I'm used to sharing rooms with people
Thomas: Okay

Thomas's POV
She really didn't care huh. Well, I just hope she doesn't beat up Nick. 
Me (Thomas): Niiiick, your roommate is here
Nick: Cool
Y/n: Hi
Y/n: Huge bed
Me: And it's yours
Y/n: Okay
Me: Yes
 whispered to Nick "Take care of her okay? And maybe give her a house tour" "Okay" Nick said.
Me: Come on now, it's getting late, you should go to sleep 
I said to the girl
Y/n: Okay

I'm amazed by this house. As soon as I lay down, I fell asleep. I slept for a few hours and heard a loud bang. Nick and I both woke up at the same time. "It's okay," Nick said. "I'll go see what that was," he said. I said okay and he went to check. He came back a few minutes later and said that the boys are playing with a paintball gun while chasing each other.
Me: Nick...
Nick: Yeah?
Me: How many people live in this house?
Nick: 15.. including me 16 including you
Me: Wow
Nick: Yeah... I never asked you... how old are you?
Me: I'm 13
Nick: I'm 16 
I heard a scream coming from upstairs
Nick went out and yelled, "YO SHUT UP! THERES A 13-YEAR-OLD TRYING TO SLEEP HERE". Someone yelled back "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 13 YEAR OLD?" "NOTHINGGGG" Nick yelled back.
I heard so many footsteps coming to our door
??: Yo, its a kid
Nick: It's Thomas's kid
??: Oh yeah
Nick: Since you're here, introduce yourself
??: Oh yeah. Hey, I'm Patrick but you could call me Patty
Me: Oh hey I'm y/n
Patty: Cool name
Me: Thanks
Someone yelled from upstairs
Patty: Mind if I come in?
Me and nick: Sure
Patty: Thanks... How old are you
Nick: I'm 16
Patty: Not you dick head I meant her
Nick: Language
Patty: Oh yeah. Sorry
Me: I'm 13
Patty: Cool
Someone knocks on the door and says "Yo nick, is patty in there?" Patty put his finger on his mouth and Nick says "Yeah" Patty flips off Nick and someone walks in.
?: Oh my gosh who are you?
Me: I'm y/n, Thomas's kid
???: WHAT????

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now