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-skip back home-
My brothers were doing well. They got discharged. I fell asleep. Then I woke up from voices
Thomas: Tomorrow, just get mad at her, just for the vlog
Nick: Fine
He went back to sleep beside me. I woke up again in the morning. At like 11am. I woke up and no one was there. I remembered what Thomas said. So I didn't worry. I got out of the room and everyone were upstairs. I went upstairs and everyone were there. Everyone gave me dirty looks. So I guess Thomas told them too huh.
Bryce: Finally up asshole
I just looked at him and shrugged.
Ant: Yeah, you little whore
I didn't care. I took out a bottle of water and went downstairs. I put a shirt on and went to the gym. I went to the back and did my thing. After 2 hours, I went back upstairs. I was sweaty so I took a shower. Everyone was "hating" on me. I didn't care. Everyone called me names. I just kept quiet. I haven't talked to anyone since yesterday. I didn't care what anyone said.
Thomas: Okay, hype house meeting
We all went to the table and sat.
Thomas: Nothing I just wanted to call you guys here
Everyone: Oh come on
They all stood up. I saw Nikita walking towards me. She slapped me. I put my hood up and I took my card and phone and got out of the house. I had a plan. I called Blake
Me: Blake, can you pick me up. I need to teach these imbeciles a lesson
Blake: Okay
Me: I'm at the park
Blake: Okay
I hung up. I saw him arrived after 5 minutes. I got in his car
Me: Drive to the hospital
Blake: Okay
We arrived there. I called in Gerald since he wasn't busy. After 3 hours of talking. I asked him to call Thomas's number. He used the hospital phone and called Thomas
Gerald's POV
I went to the phone. And dialed Thomas's numebr
Thomas: Hello?
Me: Is this the father of Y/n Petrou?
Thomas: Yes
Me: She is in the hospital right now. She got into an accident.
Thomas: I'm coming
I hung up all happy.
Me: They're coming
I said happily
Your POV
I sat down there with my arms crossed and I just sat on the bed. Everyone rushed to my room. I just looked at them.
Me: Finally showed up huh?
Thomas: What?
Me: Next time, plan things outside my room
Thomas: DAMN IT
I laughed
Nick: Don't panic us like that
Me: Next time, don't mess with me like that
Then Griffin saw me. He ran to me and pulled me into a hug
Me: Griffin chill
Grif: Don't scare me like that
Me: I'm fine
Nikita: Omg I'm so sorry
Me: Eh.. it doesn't hurt
She hugged me
Ry: Yo now that I think of it, I feel really bad
Me: I know. That's the point
Thomas: Let's just, go home
We got home. I went straight to bed. I was so tired.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now