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I was woken up by a late night call.

Me: Hello?

Fireman: Fire Station, now

Me: okay

I hung up and got ready. I kissed Vinnie on his forehead and left.

(At the station)

I took my suit and went to a building that was spreading and to the forest. I got some people out and hit some metal poles because of the thick smoke.

(Athome cause in lazy af)

It was 1pm and i was tired and in pain. They told me to take it easy. I can't walk properly and can't walk up on stairs. i entered my house and heard people talking in the kitchen. I wanted to go to Vinnies room from the kitchen but i realized that I can't walk up the fucking stairs.

So i sat at the kitchen table while people were fighting about Xbox account names while my dad was filming. I called Vinnie for help shortly after. Then he came down

Vin: Hey, you okay?

He kneeled down infront of me

Me: My head, back and ribs hurt

Vin: Let's clean your lips first

He brought me to the sink and i swished some water in my mouth and spit it out. Blood came out and Calvin saw and almost threw up.

Vin: You think you can walk up the stairs?

I shook my head. He picked me up bridal style and we went to my room. He put me on my sink and took out my aid kit. He lift up my shirt leaving me in my sports bra. He put cream on my bruises and eye. He took out cotton and put some numbing alcohol spray on it and put them on my cuts.

Me: Ow

I hissed.

Vin: Sorry

Me: It's okay

After he cleaned me up, we went downstairs and beanie came to me.

Me: Hi baby girl

I pet her. I sat down on the chair and she put her head on my lap.

Vin: You want anything?

Me: Just order anything

He ordered chipotle and rushed the order for all of us

Thomas: Are you good?

Me: Didn't you hear? The forest were on fire and almost ate 5 buildings up

Thomas: is everyone okay?

Me: Yeah, managed to get everyone out

Then our food came. I took my food and ate it. After that I took 3 kinds of meds and swallowed all of them.

Thomas: doesn'tt more than 2 can ruin your kidney?

Me: Yes but I dont take them on a daily basis

Thomas: Ohh

Vin: Let's go

Vinnie carried me and Beanie barked and bit him.

Me: Beanie, no. Bad girl

She whined.

We went upstairs and beanie followed. Vinnie lay me down and I fell asleep.

At 3pm

Vinnie woke me up so that I could sleep at night.

Vin: Hey, wake up

I sat up.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now