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Me: Wait, what are we doing here?
Ral: A boy from Make-A-Wish wish is to meet you and firemen
Me: Ohhh
We waited outside and I saw a familiar Tesla.. it was Thomas. After 10 minutes, we went inside. I wore all black (long sleeve shirt and black jeans) and the guys wore their costumes. The boy was surprised and happy. I looked to the other side and saw Hype and Sway, they were all smiling at us. I took pictures and took a group photo. We made tiktoks and the fire gang was about to leave
Ral: You coming?
Me: No, My fam is here
Ral: Okay
They left tand I went over to their tables.
Thomas: You got your special fan huh?
Me: Eh. Maybe
Then Noah and Jayden called me. Noah messed with my hair
Me: Noaaahhh
I said jokingly
Noah: Thank you.
Then they handed me something. I opened it to reveal a thank you card from Jaydens family and Noah's.
Me: Okay, not gonna lie, this is cute thank you
I hugged them both and went over to Nick
Nick: What was that about?
Me: Sounds like Me Austin is jeli
Nick: No I'm not
Me: Yes you are I can see you're heating up. And by the way, were just friends and Noah is 20+
Nick: Got a point
I just smiled at him and got a tap on my shoulder. It was Ralph
Me: I thought you left?
Ral: We need you
Me: Sure
I stood up
Me: Um- Yeah you guys know
Thomas: Bye
Nick: Bye
Me: Bye
Ral handed me the fireproof coat and I put it on. Everyone looked at me. I got in the truck and we went to a mall that was burning down. We put out the fire and saved 10 people. I got scars but I got used to it. I called Nick
Me: Where are you guys?
Nick: Still in Boa, probably going to be here for another hour cause Tony, Nikita, Micheal and Connor aren't here
Me: So, I'm going there again?
Nick: Yeah sure
Me: Okay
I hung up and went there using the jacket. I took it off and folded it and gave it to Ralph. I got a few new scars on my face so I took out my hoodie and put my hood up. Everyone looked at me and I sat next to Nick.
Nick: What's wrong
Me: Oh, you do not want to know
He pulled my hood down and revealed a scar on my cheek
Nick: Tmi you're right
I put my hood down.
Me: I'm done hiding
Then I saw fans behind the fences. They were talking to Ryland and sway. I turned around and Griffin saw me. He stood up and looked at my face.
Grif: I thought I was seeing things
Me: Okay Mr Nosey
Grif: I am not
Me: Yes you are. Mr overprotective
Grif: Thats... Eh
Me: Can't say nothing else
Grif: True
Nick: Finally they're here
Then the rest came
Thomas: It's like 8pm right now and we got here like an hour ago
Tony: Um. Sorry
I ate with the people who were late and it clicked me. Thomas's birthday is tomorrow. I knew what to give him. I just kept quiet. I was zoning out for a second.
Micheal: Earth to y/n
Me: Oh.. sorry
Then I got a call from Ricky (cop friend)
Me: Hey Rick
Rick: Hey Y/n, I kinda need you at the station
Me: Okay. But, what's happening?
Rick: Robbers, kidnappers, bullies and rape cases came all in once
Me: Maybe it's a little team. They do that for ransom. I mean, could be.
I stood up and signaled to them that I have to leave. I drank my water and left. I hung up.
Me: Can you pick me up? I'm at Boa
Rick: Okay, I'm sending Aiden there
Me: Okay
Rick: That's weird
Me: What's weird?
Rick: We just got another case. It's another kidnapping one. And rape and robbery
Me: Weird, maybe it's a little team of bad guys
Rick: Maybe
Then I saw many shadows behind me. It was Sway. Griffin tried to talk to me.
Me: Where do you guys think this person is?
Rick: We're not sure yet but we have a place.
Me: Can you give me a picture of one of the guys and maybe I could find that person. Instagram or Facebook whatever, just give me
Rick: Okay
I hung up and he gave me the person's Instagram
Grif: Y/n!
Me: What!
Grif: What are you doing?
Me: Trying to find this person's ip
Grif: You can actually do that?
Me: Yeah?
Grif: Cool.
Then I saw many other shadows. It was Hype. Then Nick tapped me on my shoulder
Nick: You're still here?
Me: My ride isn't here yet.
Then Thomas took out his camera
Thomas: Y/n, Tell me What are you going to do?
Me: Going to go in a cop car and find bad people
Then I looked back at my phone. I managed to track this person's phone without them having a notification.
Me: Finally
Then a car pulled up. I looked up and it was Aiden
Me: Gotta go. Bye guys
Everyone: Bye!
I got in the car still on my phone
Aiden: Tracked?
Me: Yeah
Aiden: Okay, good. Noti?
Me: No
Then we arrived at the station. I went straight to Ricky's room and told him the news. We went there with 5 different swat cars and broke down the door. We saw many kids, adults and most of them are girls and women. All of them were half naked only using undergarments including some men who were only wearing underwear. Then I heard guns loading up. All of them were pointing at me. I raised my hands up
?: Oohhh another one. Hey shawty
Me: Who are you?
?: The one and only Tyler. And your body looks good
He rolled up my sleeves
Tyler: Already got hurt aye? Want me to do more
I gave him the "Seriously?" face and he didn't like it
Tyler: Don't give me that face or you're next
I didn't care and I yawned. I grabbed my wrist and stared to squeeze it. I shrugged and it didn't hurt
Me: You're weak
Tyler: No I'm not!
The bad guys pointed their guns at me
Me: Uuuuu, 15 different guns. Try me
I knew their guns, it was the one that I could handle and they all have the same guns so I had no problem. They all shot at me and I heard the swat team coming in.
Me: Thought I'll be dead huh?
Tyler: WHAT? HOW?!
Me: The truth is, smartness, strength and brains. Oh yeah, and also being part of swat, FBI, police, hospital and mental ones too and you should probably go there.
He looked at me up and down. He took his metal bar and hit my hand
Me: You know that doesn't hurt to me anymore
All the teams cuffed the rest. I beat the leader up and untied the hostages. I got a few cuts and bruises and he accidentally cut off my long sleeves on both hands. It was probably 4am by now. It took a long time to sort this out. And I got home. Everyone were still awake and I knew the doors aren't locked. I opened the door and everyone was standing here including Sway and the girls. They saw my black eye, it was huge and some other red spots on my face and purple on my arms. Griffin ran to me and hugged me tight
Me: Griffin
Grif: Yeah
Me: I can't talk
I was burrowed in his chest. He let his hands loose but he didn't let go
Me: You know there are other people waiting right?
Grif: Oh. Sorry not sorry
I got out of the hug
Me: By the way, happy birthday Thomas
Thomas: I thought you forgot
Me: I'm not that rude
All the girls ran up to me
Avani: Omg are you okay?
Me: Yeah. Wait, where's the Lopez's and Brandon?
Thomas: That's the thing, we hadn't heard from them since dinner
Me: Oh. I'm gonna go upstairs. I took a shower and put on a long sleeve and pants. I got out of my room and everyone were still here. I went upstairs and sat at the counter. Then, Nick came up to me
Nick: So, how was your day?
Me: Why are you asking me this? Is this Nick Austin or mister bear?
Nick: I'm just asking, jeez
Me: 13 guns, 15 men, I won, 50 different hostages mostly women. You know the drill
Nick: Oh
Then I got a call from Griffins bestfriend from the hospital, Dallas.
Me: Hey Dallas, what's up?
Dallas: Hey, um
Me: Continue?
Dallas: Brandon and the Lopez Brothers are win the hospital
I felt a tear roll down my cheek
Nick: Are you okay?
Dallas: Y/n?
Me: I'm coming
Dallas: Okay, They are in your room
Me: Okay
I hung up and my eyes were red from all the tears. Everyone noticed
Josh: What's wrong?
Me: The boys
Thomas: What about them?
Me: They're in the hospital

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