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-In the morning-
I woke up to Nick smiling at me. I smiled back
Nick: Wake up. Its time to eat.. come on... Wake up
Me: Okay okay I'm up
I laughed I walked to the closet to put on plastic wrap on my foot so that the cast doesn't get wet. I hopped into the shower and got out and out on some clothes. I walked outside to see Nick already prepared breakfast for both of us
Me; I didn't know you could cook
Nick: I don't, I watched youtube to make this
We both laughed. We ate breakfast and Ryleand walked in
Ry: Morning
Me: Mornin
Nick: Sup
Ry: Both of you are up early
Me: He woke me up
We laughed
I scrolled through Instagram. And I saw Thomas's story. It was me and Nick sleeping together and he captioned it "I was about to check on my princess but I guess I don't need to" I replied to Thomas's story
Yo wth is this 😂

Hahaha, come on, you
guys look so
peaceful.. I had to

I continued scrolling and I saw an edit of me and Nick I liked and commented on the post "hahaha chill, we're just besties" and people replied to me saying "I SHIP". I just smiled at it
Nick: You look happy
Me: Look at this
I showed him the video. Nick laughed and I took a video of us eating, Nick smiled at the camera and I posted it on my Instagram story. I finished up breakfast and wanted to clean up
Nick: No, it's okay, I'll do it
Me: It's fine, I can help
Nick: No, no, it's fine
Me: It's fine, I won't eat you
Nick: Okay, fine, you win
We laughed and cleaned up. Patrick and Calvin were chasing each other around while Nick and I were walking to the elevator Calvin accidentally pushed me and I fell into Nicks arms
Nick: Yo watch out
Patty: Oh my gosh Calvin
Calvin: Oh, sorry y/n
Me: It's fine
We continued walking to the elevator and I tried to walk normally. I walked casually and I was happy. Nick saw me and he told Thomas. Thomas agreed to take me to the hospital to take off the cast.
-At the hospital-
We went in the waiting room and I got my cast off
Doc: Wait, this got healed a few days ago, it looks undamaged
Me: What? I just got a cast yesterday
Doc: What? Oh wait.. did you forget that you have a healable medicine.
Me: Oh my gosh I forgot about that
(Just pretend that the medicine heals cuts and sounds very fast)
Me: But wait, it hurt yesterday night
Doc: It was probably because of discomfort cause our legs couldnt just stay like that and only injured people have to do that
Me: What?
Doc: It's okay, you can just go now
Me: Oh ummm
I got out and everyone was confused.
Nick: What does he mean?
Me: I don't know
I said giggling
Thomas: Well, on the bright side, you can walk again
Me: Meh, sure
We got in the car
Me: Hey Thomas
Thomas: Yeah?
Me: Mind if Nick and I go out with my friends next week?
Thomas: Sure
Me: Aight
I texted Jeremy
Hey Jeremy, mind if I bring
one of the members with
Okay thanks
We arrived home. There were a lot of people outside (and btw please don't go to the hype house, they're planning to move houses again and I feel bad for them packing and unpacking so many times)
Thomas: Oh my gosh, this is crazy
Thomas managed to go through the crowd.
Me: Oh my gosh this is so- Crazy
Nick: This is worse than last time
We got in and closed the garage.
Me: Thomas, should I get these people to go away?
Thomas: How are you going to do that?
Me: Watch me
I went to his room
Me: Can everyone please leave the perimeter, and parents, don't bring your kids here. We just need privacy. We have over 100 people coming to our house. So please just leave thank you!!
Everyone left and Thomas was surprised.
Thomas: Why didnt I think of that?
Me: I don't know..
I casually went to my room and took a showerand out on some clothes. I came out and saw Nick.
Me: Hey
Nick: Sup
I lay down on my bed (It is 4pm btw) and fell asleep. I heard Nick
Nick:Hey have you
And his voice faded as I slept
I woke up from movements on my bed. It was Nick. I was confused. Why did he sleep in my bed? What was he doing? What was he thinking? I kept thinking and thinking u til I fell asleep again. I woke up again by Nick hugging me. And I didn't really care. I accidentally coughed and scared Nick.
Nick: I'm sorry I didnt-
Me: It's okay Nick
I smiled. I realised that it was that time if the month. I pushed Nick away and hurried to the bathroom. I cleaned myself up and I went out of the bathroom.
Nick: You okay?
Me: Yeah
Nick: I can do anything, just don't hurt me
Me: What do you mean?
Nick: Well, girls are like that right? Gets mad and beats the guy up
Me: Well, not me. And why would I get mad at a person for no reason
Nick: I don't know.. why did you pushed me then?
Me: It's that time of the month
Nick: Oh.. do you need anything like stuff?
Me: No, I'm good
Nick: Come on, I know you're dying inside
Me: No, I'm not and don't worry, you don't have to do anything
Nick: Does your cramps like, hurt?
Me: It does but I don't really show it
Nick: Do I need to buy anything like choc-
Me: Nick... Relax... Don't worry, I'm mostly happy at this time
Nick: Oh
I got out and I got to the fridge. There was nothing to eat
Me: Damn it
Nick: What? Do you need anything?
Me: Nick.... Relax.... Breathe
Nick: Ok, I'll try. Don't panic me like that
Me: All I said was damn it. What makes you think that I'm in danger?
I said laughing
Nick: I don't know
Me: I'm not like other girls you know
Nick: Okay fine I guess
Me: And if I ever need anything I'll tell you
Nick: Okay
I made hot chocolate for me and Nick
Nick: Thanks
Me: No problem
We drank and I looked at Instagram. I saw that Nick had tagged me in his story. I looked at it and it was him dancing and me sleeping in the back. I smiled and saw Thomas's story. It was a picture of him and Mia. Then Alex and kouvr. Then me and Nick. I smiled
Me: Nick, why were you sleeping next to me
I asked confusedly
Nick: I was trying to make a tiktok and accidentally fell asleep
He said trembling
Me: Nick, look at me. I won't hurt you. And you know that I'm that awkward nice person. I don't hurt anyone. Even when people try to fight me, I won't touch them. You know that. So, don't worry okay?
Nick: Okay
I hugged him. I heard a sigh of relieve from him. I heard his heart rate slowing down.
Me: Relax okay
Nick: Okay
I washed the mugs and went to our room. I walked in and crack my knuckles. I saw Nick terrified
Me: Nick, relax. Relax. Relax. Relax.
I went over to hug him again.
Me: It's okay, you're okay, you're fine.
I pulled out of the hug and he smiled at me
Me: Now that's the Nick that I know
I smiled
And I went to my bed and sat down. I went on tiktok and saw a funny video and laughed. Nick came up to me and he sat right next to me
Me: You need anything?
I saw him tremble
I put my hands around his waist and hugged him. And I put my head on his shoulder.
Me: It's okay
He put his hand on my shoulder. I pulled out of the hug and my head was still on his shoulder. Then we watch tiktoks together. I saw the door knob turning so I quickly put my head up and turned on my phone. It was Kouvr
Kouvr: Hey, mind if I use the bathroom?
Me: Umm,
I looked at Nick
Nick: Sure
Kouvr: Thanks
Kouvrs POV
Good thing they let me. I really needed to go. Wait, what is this? An epi pen? Wow, y/n is allergic to something and didn't tell us? I should tell Thomas. I put the epi pen in my pocket and used the bathroom and got out
Me: Thanks
Nick: You're welcome
I went down to Thomas's room and told him.
Me: Thomaaas
I showed him the pen
Thomas: Whose is that?
Me: It's Y/n's, I think she's allergic to something and didnt tell us
Thomas: What, I'll call her down
I saw him texting y/n. Y/n came down
Y/n: What?
Thomas: Explain this
He showed her the pen.
Me: You want to know how to use it?
Thomas: No... You could've died
Y/n: What? Why?
Thomas: Come on, we know you're allergic to something and won't tell us
Y/n: Wait what? No. I'm not allergic to anything
Me: Then why do you have this?
Y/n: Just in case someone here gets an allergic reaction, I can help them
Me: Oh
Y/n: And what are you doing taking stuff from my bags, you know sometimes they have weapons and could cut you.
Me: Sorry
She took the epi pen out of Thomas's hands
Your POV
Why did she take this. Omg this is so weird. I walked out and went to my room. Nick saw me
Nick: What are you doing with that?
Me: Kouvr took it and thought I was allergic to something. But truly I'm not.
Nick: Oh
I sat next to him
Nick: Y/n, mind me telling me why do always ask me to answer people about our room
Me: I don't know, you're older and you've stayed here more than me, and you do have control over the room
Nick laughed
Nick: No, it's our room and no I don't control it. And you could let people in and out whenever you want. I don't care
Me: Oh, I'm just used to it.
Nick smiled
Nick: It's okay for letting in people
Me: Oh, okay then
We watched YouTube on my iPad and saw that it was 1pm. I handed Nick my iPad and changed.
Nick: Where are you going?
Me: Training
Nick: Sweet, can I go too?
Me: Sure
I trained for 2 hours and Nick went to do his stuff. I stopped after 2 hours and decide to call it off. I went back upstairs and took a cold shower and out on some clothes. I went out of the bathroom and saw Nick.
Nick: You finished fast
Me: Yeah, I got tired
He took a shower. I lay down on my bed on my iPad. I accidentally fell asleep.
Nick's POV
I got out of the shower and put on some clothes. I came out and saw y/n sleeping with her iPad still on. I turned it off and lay down next to her to take a picture. I posted it but I accidentally fell asleep
Your POV
I heard something drop. Then I woke up to see Nick beside me. I lay back down and almost instantly, Nick hugged me. I fell asleep again. I woke up and my head was on Nick's chest and I was hugging him.
Nick: Hey. Its 10pm, you can go back to sleep
I closed my eyes and fell asleep again. I woke up to Nick shaking me
Nick: Y/n y/n, what's the passcode or the door?
Me: 3465
Nick: 3465?
Me: Yeah
I fell asleep again. The next day, I woke up from a banging noise coming from upstairs.
Me: What was that?
Nick: I don't know
I saw him texting someone
Nick: It's...... I'm wait. WHAT?
Me: What?
Me: Aight let me handle this
Nick: Y/n wai-
I closed the door and went upstaris. I saw her on the couch, Thomas and Paper held her.
Me: Thomas, Connor let her go
They let her go
Me: Everyone go downstairs
Everyone went downstairs without saying a word
Me: Aight Riley, I have 5 minutes, I want to eat
Riley: It's mom!
Me: How did you even get out of jail?
Riley: I said I was your mom and Blake could defend you
Me: Yeah yeah. What do you want? If you want me. I wanna eat breakfast first.
I went to make toast. And she held my hand
Me: Ew don't touch me
Riley: Don't you ew me young girl
(Slanted is in the chip)
Me: Nick, call Blake
Nick: Aight
Me: Like I care
Riley: Look at me
I looked at her
Me: I looked, and it looks like you need to go to the mental hospital
Riley: Can you just listen for once
Me: I mean like, I am now
Riley: Can you please just leave this place and come home with me
Me: Sure! In your dreams. You abused me, lie to me, put me in a foster care and now I'm well known, you're gonna take me home... Hell naw
Riley: Look, dad
Me: Oh... Not that dude. He tried to kill me. Like you
She choked me. Then I took both of my hands and pulled it down. She tried to punch me but I doged it and kick her. She fell to the ground and Blake arrived minutes after.
Me: About time
Blake: Sorry champ, the judge doesn't believe me.
Me: It's okay, I'll come with, if you need me. Just remember to call me
Blake: Alright
My toast was done
Me: Ooh my toast is done
Tony: Seriously? Toast in the middle of the fight
Me: What? I told her that I wanted to eat. So I did
Ondre: Why are you so calm
Me: Why should I panic
Ondre: Cause there's a crazy lady here
Me: I can handle her. I don't care
Ondre: I... Love... You
Me: I love me too
We laughed. I finished of my breakfast and went downstairs. I saw Nikita coming upstairs
Me: Morning Nikita
Nikita: Morning
I went in my room.
Nick: What happened?
Me: She choked me I kick her, she lost, Blake came, and I don know when I'm going.... To... The.... Judge
My phone rang
(Bold is Blake)
Champ, I need you at the court at 10
What? That early, I train at that time
Sorry champ, but you have to
-call ends-
Me: Arghhhhh, I have to go at 10. Can you help me tell Thomas?
Nick: Sure
I took a shower and put on some clothes. I went downstairs and I saw Thomas already waiting
Me: I didn't know that you're up this early
Thomas: Well, I am
We laughed. We got in the car and after an hour of driving, we arrived at the court. I went in. I sat down
Judge= J
J: Alright Y/n Petrou, what happened
Me: She tried to take me home but Thomas here, has full custody of me.
J: Do you have anything to say Nick?
Nick: Yes. The other day, she tried to hurt y/n. She cut her left foot and choked her. And this morning she choked her and when she was little, Riley abused Y/n.
J: Thomas, is this true?
Thomas: Yes
J: Riley?
Riley: Actually, she came to my house and she went to me and tried to hurt me
I gave Blake a "WTH" face and wanted to laugh
J: Is this true Y/n?
Me: No it is not
J: Do you have evidence that Riley came in your house Y/n?
I looked at Thomas and he nodded
Me: Yes
J: May I look at it
Thomas pulled out his phone and gave it to the person who controls the projector. The video showed Riley touching me first.
J: Okay so, it has been said that Riley Avery is going to jail due to attempt murder, child abuse and trespassing
This judge take his job so seriously. The other ones just let me go
Me: No youre not, my mom starts with an M not an R.
Thomas and Nick smiled at me
We were walking to the car
Thomas: You okay?
Me: Yeah
Thomas: Come on. Let's go to Dunkin
Me: Sure
Thomas: I'll tell the rest
Me: Okay
We got in the car and I slept. I got woken up my Thomas
Thomas: Y/n, we're here
He said while shaking my foot. I woke up and took my phone and went inside. Turns out the rest were already waiting for us. They smiled when I walked in
Larri: Hey bitch
Me: Hey
Larri: Oh gosh, you took messy
Me: I'm tired
Larri: Bitch, buy some coffee
Me: Yeah yeah whatever I don't care at this point. I'm not picky
Larri: Oh.. Wait what?
Me: I don't care
Larri: Alright sure then
I felt a tap behind me it was Nick
Me: Yeah?
Nick: Can I talk to you
Me: Sure
We went to a table and sat down
Nick: I'm going back home the week after next week
Me: Oh, okay
Nick: You okay with that?
Me: Yeah
Larri: Bitch, got your coffee
He got me iced milk coffee
Me: Thanks Larri
Larri: You're welcome
I drank my coffee
Nick: So, are you actually okay with it? I can bring you with me
Me: No, you go. I'm afraid something happens in the hype house and plus, you're gonna come back so, what's the point
Nick: Great point. Okay then.
Thomas: Hey, come on
We went out and I followed Thomas back. It was me, Thomas, Nick and Mia. I scrolled through my phone while drinking my coffee. I saw a fan post tagged me in their story. I opened it and it showed that it was me and the whole hype house. I replied with "Hahaha you could've asked us for a picture :)" then I saw that she posted our conversation on her story. Saying "Omg she replied" I replied with "I sure did ;)" she instantly replied me "Oh my gosh stop, you're making me emotional" I replied with "Calm down 😂" then I video call her. She answered and was freaking out.
F: Omg stoop
I laughed
F: Omg is Nick there
Me: Yes
I showed Nick
Me: Sure
She took a screenshot
Me: You take care okay?
F: Okay
Me: Bye
F: Byeeee
I hung up
The whole car laughed. I continued scrolling then Thomas emergancy break
Me: Oh my gosh, Thomas
Thomas: Sorry
I laughed. I scrolled through tiktok next. And found out a roumer about me. The guy said "Y/n is not actually 14 and only saying that to look cool. She had never attended karate class and the one who is saving the day is her mom Riley and a fan took a picture of her going in the court Jay this morning. So y/n, if you're watching this. We know" I commented "If y'all believe this, idk what you're thinking and I am 14. And yes Riley is my mom but she is a criminal. She tried to kill me. That's why I was at the court this morning." I read the comments saying "I want to unfollow that liar" and "LIAR" I didn't really care. I sighed
Nick: You okay?
Me: Yeah? Why are you worried over a sigh?
I laughed
All of us laughed. Then, I scrolled through Twitter. I saw Nick, tweet "Hey". Then I saw a post about me and Nick. It was me and Nick together and when we held hands at the mall. I smiled
Nick: What are you smiling about
I showed him the edit and smiled. I gave him the "Hush and smile" look. He laughed. We looked at each other and laughed again
Mia: You both look like you're having a good time
Me: Yeah
We laughed again. I sat up straight again and held my hand with my right hand and my left hand on the car sofa. I was scrolling through tiktok and I suddenly felt a hand on my left hand. I smiled while looking at my phone. I continued scrolling until I heard an Instagram love filter song. Me and Nick let go of your hands.
Thomas: Come on, we know you guys like each other
He said smiling. I blushed and Nick too.
Mia: See, both of you are blushing. Are we wrong?
I smiled. And I saw a notification from Nick
Nick Austin
Hey I'm. Sorry about them
It's fine
Is it true that you like me
A little. Like, come on.
We've been so close to
each other. Don't you
fell the same way too?
I kinda like you too but I
just don't want people to
know cause I've never liked
a guy before...
What if I make it official?
Y/n, will you be my
Yes, I would be honored to
I smiled at the text and Nick did too. I got distracted and accidentally hit my funny bone on the door of the car
Me: Oh my..... Ow
Mia: You good?
Me: I hate funny bones
We all laughed. I put my arm straight. And we finally arrived at a place I've never been to before
Me: Where are we?
Thomas: You'll we
We walked up the hill and sat under a tree.
Thomas: Just wait till 750
Me: Okay
The whole house went there too. I sat next to Nick, he was smiling at me. I smiled back.
Nick: So.. I want to ask you properly now. Y/n Petrou, will you be my girlfriend?
Me: Yes
I hugged him and I heard Avani and Charli squealing. I turned my head and saw both of them and they ran off. I smiled and it was almost 750. Nick stood up and I stood up with him. We walked for a little bit and found a private place. It was 750 and we looked at the sunset. I held onto Nick's waist and he put his hand on my shoulder. I heard some noises and camera noises behind me.
Me: Girls, I know you're there
Avani and Charli came out
Me: Send those to me
Avani: Okay....
Charli: Come on, let's take a picture
Me: I don't say why not
We took pictures with each other and we heard Thomas
We went back to the meeting area and walked to the car. I talked to Nick while walking. And suddenly I felt someone pulled me aside. It was Avani. I signaled Nick to go first
Me: He asked me out in the car and I wanted to tell you but we already arrived here
Me: Avani, calm down
Avani: Okay okay
Me: Come on, let's go they're waiting.
Avani: Can I come with you?
Me: Only if Anthony and Thomas are okay with that
Avani: I texted Thomas and he let me and Anthony also let me
Me: Okay then, that was fast
I giggled.
We went into the car and I sat in the middle, next to Nick. Avani smiled at me. I gave her the "Oh my gosh youre embarrassing me" smile. I looked at my phone for a while and my eyes felt tired. I accidentally slept while scrolling on tiktok. I felt my head lay on someone's shoulder but I didn't care. Then a I felt a break. My neck almost fell when I felt a hand on my chest reserving my neck from falling. I woke up to see Nick's hand on my chest. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He put my head on his shoulder and I drifted back to sleep. I got woken up when we arrived to a hotel
Nick: Y/n, y/n get up
He said while shaking my shoulder lightly. I woke up and he smiled at me. I smiled back
Nick: We're at boa
Me: Oh.
I got up
Avani: Hey sleepy
I gave her the "obviously" smile
Avani: Come on, let's go in
Me: Sure
Me, Charli and Avani walked together and Nick was walking with Anthony and Thomas.
Avani: When are you going to tell your fans?
Me: If Thomas is still vlogging. I'll tell them if not, I'll just tell it on my it story. Or maybe Nick will say.. I don't know
Charli: Oh.
I took a seat next to Nick. Beside me was Avani and Anthony. And beside Nick was Chase and Charli.
Nick: I told Thomas and he didn't have a problem with it
Me: Oh okay
Nick: So, you doing anything tomorrow?
Me: I don't know, see how my day goes and just go with it
Nick: You're so laied back. Like, you don't care about anything at all
Me: Well, I do care for the people I love and if someone's injured
He smiled. Avani pushed my shoulder lightly. I gave her the "What" smile.
Avani: You know that I could hear you
Me: I know.. and your point is?
Avani: Wow Nick wasn't joking when he said you're so laid back
Thomas pulled out his camera
Thomas: Y/n y/n. Everyone wants to know
Me: Yeah?
Thomas: Are you and Nick dating?
Me: Yeah
All the boys: YEAHHHHHHHH
Thomas: Wait wait.
He turned the camera to Addison
Thomas: Addison, when is Bryce going to ask you out?
We all laughed and the food came. We ate and I sometimes catch myself staring randomly at people's faces.

A/n: Maybe I won't be posting for a few weeks or days because my cellular is being a bitch. :)) (Double chin lmao)

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now