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-the next day-
Your POV
I was still on Nick's back. I'm not gonna lie. It's comfortable. I checked the time and it was 4am. I slowly got up and drank some water. I saw sway there too
Josh: Hey
Me: Hey, you guys are staying here?
Josh: Yeah, we can't go home yet
Me: Why?
Josh: Griffin and Bryce wanted to stay here to take care and look after you
Me: I'm fine on my own. I mean like
Josh: Yeah but they're worried about you sometimes.
Me: Whatever, I'm going outside.
Josh: Okay
I sat outside for an hour and Nick came outside
Me: Hey Nick
Nick: Y/n, You should really come back inside I can see your goosebumps from here
Me: Okay
I went inside
Grif: What were you doing outside there?
Me: Clearing my mind out
Grif: You're not going outside there anymore early in the mornin
Me: Whyyyy
Grif: You can die. It's cold out
Me: Fine
Me and Nick walked downstairs and washed our feet. Nick was using the bathroom and I was lying on the bed on my stomach. Then Nick came out and lay on top of me
Me: Look how the tables had turned
We laughed. He slept first and I slept after. I woke up from paparazzi taking pictures of us sleeping
Me: Guys, mid if you guys only take 5 not 5 million
Kouvr: Shit you caught us
Me: Can you get out. I wanna sleep
They went out
Nick: What happened?
Me: They took pictures of us. Then he was silent
Me: Nick?
I said softly. He didn't answer. He must be so tired. I went back to sleep. I got woken up by Nick moving. He fell off of me and scared me a little. He was silently sleeping and I wrapped my hands around him. I fell asleep again. I woke up again from Nick whispering something to my ear
Nick: I love you Y/n, I wish I could make up for what I did the other day. I'm sorry
Then he kissed me on my forehead
Me: I love you too Nick. And it's okay
I pulled him tighter. He kissed me on my forehead again and let out a sigh.
Nick: Y/n, I'm seriously sorry
Me: I know. And I forgive you
Nick: I'm so lucky to have you
Me: And I'm lucky to have you
We went silent and I looked up. He was still awake. He smiled at me
Me: I thought you were sleeping
Nick: I can't anymore. You're too cute
I let go
Nick: It's okay, we can stil cuddle
Me: It's fine, you can do your stuff and I just wanna sleep for the day. I'm so tired. I have to go somewhere tonight I bet. Things are happneing and I don't know what to do
Nick: Aww it's fine. We can just cuddle-
His voice faded as I went to sleep. I woke up on Nick's chest. He was scrolling through his phone
Me: Hey, Nick
Nick: Hey
I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I sit up and tied my hair.
Me: What time is it?
Nick: 8am
Me: Okay
I got up and took a shower. I put on a hoodie and shorts. I got out and saw Nick still on his phone.
Me: I'm gong upstairs, want anything?
Nick: I'll just eat whatever you eat
Me: Okay
I ordered postmates because I was too lazy to cook. I got a breakfast burger and fries for Nick and me. I payed and went upstairs to eat. I saw Nick and sway there. They were staring at me
Me: Morning?
Sway: Hey
I gave Nick his breakfast.
Grif: Wheres mine?
He said jokingly. I just laughed a little and looked at my phone. I saw a post about me and I clicked on it. It was about how many things I have been through and how much hate I am getting. I just smiled at it and looked at the comments. There were many hate comments and not many good comments. Then I saw the likes and dislikes, they were many dislikes more than the likes. Then I scrolled through Instagram and people say that I'm cancelled and I was over party and a little hoe. I couldn't take it anymore. I then tweeted. "Imagine cancelling a 14 year old and say that she's a hoe" everyone's phone buzzed and they all went straight to me.
Thoams: Who said those things
I sent the link to the hype house and Bryce. Bryce forwarded it to the sway Boys and they watched it
Me: Dislikes not than likes, comments flooding with hate
Then everyone tweeted
Josh: Imagine saying that my little sister is a hoe and cancelling her for no reason
Thomas: Please stop the hate for Y/n. She's just 14
Chase: I thought I was bad, but Y/n Is worse. And that's not a good thing, please stop.
Griffin: No one should spread hate to Y/n, She is nice, and kind hearted. She should ge to hate. I don't get why everyone is hating on her
Dixie: Please stop
Calvin, Patty, Connor, and the rest also tweeted out something. I'm so thankful to have them. I put my headphones on and listened to "Songs for depressed people" but I'm not depressed. I just like the songs. Then Nick sat next to me.
Nick: What are you listening to?
He took my phone and put it back.
Nick: You okay?
Me: Yeah, it's just viby
Nick: Oh okay
He didn't bother me after that. I just sat there waiting for the whole mix to end until Griffin came up to me
Grif: Hey, you okay?
Me: Yeah
Grif: You sure
Me: Yeah
Then the mix ended. I drank some water after drinking my pepsi. I cleaned up and sat at the table drawing. I still had my headphones in. This time I listened to some Tiktok songs. I was drawing a picture of the Hype house members until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I just took of one part of the headphones
Me: Talk to me
Bryce: Whatcha doin
Me: Taking a shower
Everyone laughed
Me: I'm drawing, idiot
Bryce: Well, me and Sway were wondering if youre free and we want to bring you out to Coachella
Me: Sure but if there is an emergency I have to go
Bryce: Okay... Come on, get ready
Me: Okay okay
I got ready and said Bye to everyone. We arrive and after 1 hour, bang! A gunshot was fired. Everyone freaked out
We all ducked down. The man went on stage and made eye made eye contact with me
?: Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/n Petoru. Come up Here. I'm not afraid because those men you faught were fake
I went on stage. He pointed a gun on my head.
?: Get down or die
I pulled the gun our of his and and pinned it to him
Me: How many of your buddies did you bring along?
I beat the guy up and pinned him to the ground
Me: And you said I was fake?
The guys got nervous
Me: Be scared
I talked to Nick
Me: Nick, call Blake to Coachella
Nick: Okay
Griffin: Y/N!
I tornado kicked the person behind me and knocked him out. The guy was still standing there scared.
Me: Get your buddies and get out before someone gets hurt.
I saw 3 different shadows behind me. I got hit on my arm and foot but it didn't hurt and I beat them up like they were child's.
Everyone rushed out. Then I felt something hit my head.
??: How are you not dead?
Me: Cause I'm strong
I beat him up and he passed out. Police came and took them out. I got new bruises and a headache. I went back home and everyone came rushing to me
Me: Guys, I'm fine
Thomas: I'm just glad that you're okay
I went to my room and lay down. My head still hurts. Then I saw Nick coming in with an ice pack. He handed the ice pack to me
Me: Thanks Nick
Nick: No problem
I put it on my head. And it felt better
Nick: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah
Then I lay down on his bed. Nick touched my arms
Nick: Oh sorry
Me: It's fine, it doesn't hurt
Then my phone buzzed like crazy
Me: Oh my goshhh. Can you check it for me?
Nick: Sure
He checked my phone
Nick: It's from tiktokroom. Someone took a video of you fighting
Me: Not this again
Nick: Many people are worried
Me: Put in my story "She's fine" then put a minus symbol and then put your name
Nick: Okay
After he did that, he turned off my phone
Nick: Want to go make a tiktok?
Me: You go, I want to rest for a bit
Nick: Okay
He walked out and I took a shower. While taking a shower, my head was bleeding. I washed it off and dried my head. I went out of the closet and went out of the room. I felt dizzy but I brushed it off. I went upstairs. I saw Griffin, Bryce and Josh there. Griffin ran to me. And held on to me
Grif: You look pale
Then I blacked out

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now