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I woke up the next day feeling energetic. Then, i realised that I was in sway. I got up and looked into the bathroom. I washed my face and went to their living room. I saw Amelie there
Me: Hey Am's
Am: Hey
Then, i turned on my phone. I saw many notifications from almost everyone from hype.
Me: Oh fuck no
Am: What's wrong?
Me: Tell everyone that I went back. Bye
I took my keys and drove to hype. I got inside and everyone were in the kitchen and living room.
Thomas: Mina!
I went to his direction
Me: Whatttt
Thomas: Oh hey
Me: Hey
I smiled
Thomas: You look tired
Me: No shit
Thomas: So, how was the night
Me: Good?
Thomas: Hollywood fix caught something
Me: What was it?
Thomas: Jaden and you
Me: And mads
Thomas: He was carrying mads?
Me: Yea
Micheal: His dumbass thought it was you
I laughed
Vin: Anyways, wanna go see me stream?
Me: Sure?
We went to his room and I took a chair to sit next to him. He live streamed his game and I watched him play. I fell asleep after like 30 minutes.
Vinnie's pov
I was done with my 5th round when I saw her sleeping on my shoulder
Me: Hey guys, I'm gonna set her down to sleep first
I carried her and lay her on bed and went back to my stream. I stopped after 2 hours and I lay on my bed with Mina. She woke up
Mina: Hey
Me: Hey
Mina's pov
I got up and saw Vinnie next to me. He was on his phone
Me: Hey
Vin: Hey
Me: I have to get ready
Vin: For what?
Me: I don't know.. just in case
Vin: Oh, got it
I stood up and went to my room. I got ready for the day. I went to the living room after that and saw Thomas there
Me: Hey dad
Thomas: Hey
I climbed onto his back
Thomas: Well someone's super lazy today
Me: Yeah
He angle his body so I won't fall. He held onto me and I rested my body on him.
Thomas: You're actually kinda light
Me: You don't say
Then, mom came in
Mia: Hey.. isn't my body was supposed to be there
Me: Too late
Mia pouted and she sat down. Thomas got up and went to the kitchen. I was falling from his back
Me: In falling I'm falling in falling in falling
I fell on the floor. But it only made a light thud. Thomas laughed
Thomas: Sorry
Me: Help me up
He carried me and I stood up. He carried me
Thomas: You're so light
Me: You don't say... Now out me down
Thomas: No.. Mia!
She came to the kitchen
Mia: What?
Thomas: Carry her
Mia: What? She's almost talked than me
Me: Mom don't
Mia: Okay, she called me mom
She carried me
Mia: Damn, you're lighter than a light bulb
Me: What makes you say a light bulb?
Mia: Light bulbs are fragile
Me: Wow
We laughed and she let me down. Then, I felt someone carry me
Me: Can y'all stop carrying me
I turned my head to see Vinnie
Me: Oh no, not you too
Vin: I've carried you. Don't complain
I sighed. He let me down. I was thinking of buying a motorcycle. I called one of my sales guy.
Me: Hey
Nath: Hey
Me: Is there a way I can get a motorcycle
Nath: Sure. Come visit
Me: Okay, bye
Nath: Bye
I hung up
Me: Who wanna go?
Calvin: me
Vinnie: Me
Me: Dad you're coming too
Thomas: Okay
We got into my car and we went to go to the store. Calvin suggested a bike and he really liked it so I was planning to buy it for him. Thomas found a bike he liked and I liked the one that supposedly Vinnie likes to so I decided to buy them each. I got them helmets and did paper work. I got it on the spot and it was time to tell them
Me: Hey
Vin: Did you get it?
Me: No...
Vin: Bummer
Me: Just kidding
I held the keys. And I threw the other keys to Calvin and Thomas
Calvin: Really?
Me: Yeah
Calvin: Thanks
Me: No prob
Thomas: Thank you
Me: You're welcome
They drove their bikes and Vinnie drove mine. I took the car back home and the boys went for a ride. I waited for them at home. After 10 minutes, they arrived. They were happy and they parked their motorbikes in the garage. I was sittin in my room when I got a knock on the door.
Me: Come in
Vinnie came in with his vr set
Vin: Wanna prank people?
Me: Sure
Vin: I'll put this on and hyp me up and say like harder, faster and whatnot and they'll think its something else
Me: Ohhh got it
He set up the vr and he played a game. It was a shooting type game. I was hyping him up when Thomas barged in
Thomas: WHO ARE YOU- oh
Me: It's not what it looks like
Thomas: Ohhh
Thomas filmed us and it was my turn vinnie hyped me up. Then, I heard someon barged in.
Alex: Are you guys- oh
I took off my headset
Me, Vinnie and Thomas: It's not what it looks like
Alex: Cool
He giggled. I finished my game and got last place. I took off my headset
Me: maybe I wasn't supposed to be playing
Vinnie laughed. I gave him the vr back and he left my room. I got a call from Jaden
Me: Hey
Jaden: Hey, wanna come over and finish the song?
Me: Sure. You there already?
Jaden: Yeah. I'm at the studio with Mads
Me: Okay bye
Jaden: Bye
I hung up and I told my dad where I was going. He nodded and I wanted to use my bike. I knocked on his door and saw that he was finishing up his stream
Me: Hey, can I have the keys to my bike?
Vin: Bye guys. Wanna say bye?
I went to his desk
Me: Bye
I waved at the camera and he turned it off. His car meowed at me.
Me: Hey little guy
I picked it up.
Vin: Here
He gave me the keys
Me: Thanks.. and my helmet?
Vinnie: Oh yeah
He gave me my helmet and I put down his car. I said goodbye to him and I went to Jadens studio. We made the song happened and we plan to film a music video. We got a few ideas but we decided to keep it low key. We decided to discuss it on another day and I left the studio. I got home safely and I got in the house to see police officers about to arrest Vinnie.
Me: Whoa whoa whoa. What's going on?
Vin: Tell them, tell them I didn't rape you
Me: Boys, 15
They looked at me and looked at Vinnie. They let him go
Me: What makes you think that?!
Ben: We got a rumour of him raping you
Me: Ben, that is a rumour it's not real! You have more things to do than just go to social media and chill out the whole day. I've known what you've done in the office everyday and I can tell everyone!
Ben: Sorry.. sorry Chief
Me: And you, I thought you knew better than to believe him
I said to officer Holden
Hol: I thought he was telling the truth
Me: You believe him after what he has done to you?!
Hol: I'm sorry, he convinced me to check it out
Me: Get out and let him go
Ben: We are so sorry for the inconvenience
Me: Dont believe these fake rumours. Now get out
They let Vinnie go and left guilty. I scoffed and went to my room. I took a relaxing shower and put on comfy clothes. I was really thinking about getting a German shepherd but I don't think this house will like it. I went to the living room where everyone was sat in.
Vin: Hey, thanks
Me: He's stupid
Thomas: So, how did it go?
Me: What go?
Thomas: Music
Me: Good actually
Micheal: Can you get me a girl?
Me: Get me a German shepherd first
Micheal: That cost like thousands of dollars
Me: And you can't just buy a girl micheal Jackson
They all laughed
Me: But for real, I want a german shepherd. Can I get one?
Thomas: If you have the money for it then sure
He was filming me
Me: For real I could just call people and it will happen
Thomas: Go for it
I made a call and out it on speaker
Me: Hey
Jane: Hey Mina
Me: Can I get a German shepherd?
Jane: Sure
Me: a big one
Jane: Okay, pick it up tomorrow
Me: Bet
Jane: See you tomorrow
Me: Bye
Jane: Bye
I hung up
Thomas: I thought you were kidding
Me: nope..
I smiled and we all laughed. Calvin came in the living room
Calvin: I like your cut g
He smacked my head and ran away. I ran after him and he fell down.
Me: Nice forehead g
I smacked his forehead
Calvin: OW!
Me: Bitch
I laughed. I went to my room and I was bored. I decided to go to Vinnie's room. He was laying on his bed and I took his car without words. Then, my dad came in
Thomas: So, Vinnie. We have a surprise for you
Vin: What is it?
Thomas: So you know how you said that you wanted a throne?
Me: Seriously? A throne?
Vin: Yeah
Mia gave him a princess chair
He sat down with his legs crossed like a girl.
Vin: I could be mad while streaming and just come and and just
He pretend to meditate. We laughed.
Me: Bye, I'm taking your cat
Vin: But whyyyyy
Me: I'm bored
Vin: Come fuck me
I looked at my dad
Me: No
I walked out and went to my room and sat the cat down. He somehow went in a paper bag. I decided to text Vinnie
Me: Hey, something's wrong with your cat?
I took a picture of his cat.
Vin: You almost gave me a heart attack
I just laughed and took the bag with the cat inside it. He poked his head out through the aside of the bag and I went to Vinnie's room. I knocked on the door and he answered. I gave the bag to h
Vin: Awwww
Me: Bye
Vin: Bye
I went to my room and got a notification from a guy getting bullied for being homeless. They just, don't understand. I decided to do sonething about it. But I needed rest so I went to bed.
-the next day-
I got up and got ready for the day. Got out of my room and met up with Vinnie.
Me: Morning
Vin: It's 10
Me: Still morning. I'm gonna go take the dog.
Vin: can I come?
Me: Sure
We went to Jane's house and I picked up the dog. She was happy that she finally had a owner. I brought the dog back home.
Vin: What are you gonna name it?
Me: I don't know
Vin: what about.. Buggy
Me: It's a girl
Vin: Beanie?
Me: What if I name your cat a bandana will you like that?
I said laughing
Vin: Youre funny
Me: I know
Vin: Beanie it is
Me: Sure
We bought beanie things and we went home. She was quiet and we went inside and saw Thomas
Thomas: It's huge!
Me: She
She squealed
Me: I know right?
I set beanie down and she wiggled her tail. Thomas pet her and she met up with the rest
Me: Okay okay, Vinnie I'm leaving you in charge of her and dont make her eat your cat. I'm gonna go talk to people
Vin: Okay
I went out of the house and went to the station. I talked to Blake about my plans
Me: What if I build like 3 million dollars worth of apartments and 1 million for a company
Blake: What if it goes down?
Me: Trust me, I can make it work
Blake: Where do you wanna build it?
Me: in every 195 countries in the world
Blake: Are you crazy?!
Me: No
Blake: You know that will cost you..
He calculated it
Blake: 78mill
Me: Yeah
Blake: You seriously want to do it?
Me: yes
Blake: okay, you have to have a meeting online to talk to government officials
Me: how fast could I do it?
Blake: 3 months
Me: Okay. I'm gonna prepare everything
Blake: Alright
Me: I have to go now, bye
Blake: Bye
I left and went home. I send an email to almost every government there is in this world and some of them responded and some of them haven't responded. I spent almost 4 hours sending emails and it wasn't healthy for me and my laptop so I finished everything up and turned it off and charged it. I lay on my bed and my dog came in with Vinnie. I saw that she was pulling Vinnie's hand
Me: Heyyyy
She came up to me and lay next to me.
Vin: she's super active
Me: you don't say
She barked at Vinnie
Vin: Oop
I laughed
Vin: You've been in here like for 5 hours what were you doing?
Me: Sending emails
Vin: ohh
Me: Come on baby, get up.
Beanie whined for some reason
She sat on her bed
Me: Down
She lay down and fell asleep.
Vin: So, what are you doing now?
Me: Prolly gonna eat. But I'm lazy to get up
Vin: Then just get up
Me: Okay Vin Diesel
He pulled me up. I stood up and we went out to eat. We went to a mcdonald's drive thru and we got our food. We ate in the car
Vin: So, what were you sending emails for?
Me: Business purposes
Vin: What gives you like 4 hours to make them?
Me: I sent like 195 emails
Vin: why so many?
Me': Business purposes
Vin: Okay okay
We finished our food. Then, Vinnie started driving to the opposite side of our house
Me: Vinnie, i wanna go home. I'm tired
Vin: Wait
He took us to the beach. We walked on the sand and we sat down for a bit. The sun was setting and i leaned my head on Vinnie's shoulder. I eventually fell asleep
Vinnie's pov
Mina started to feel a little more heavier. So I saw her eyes that she was sleeping. It was already 6.50pm so I carried her to the car and drove to hype. We got inside and i sent her to her room. She woke up in my arms while I was unlocking her room
Mina: Let me down
I slowly let her down. She unlocked her door and we got inside and calvin and Patty was there. They were camping in he room
Me: Can i sleep in your room?
Vin: Sure let's got
We went to his room and i fell on his bed. He got some shorts from my room and he gave me his hoodie. I changed and i plopped onto his bed and fell asleep.
-the next day-
I got woken up by alex talking outside. I am a very very light sleeper so I knew. He was talking to people but there were no people living at this side of the house except for Vinnie. They came in and got a mariachi band. I got annoyed and I am a very cranky sleeper. Vinnie pulled my left arm and engulfed me into a big cuddle hug. He closed my ear with his left arm and covered me in blankets. I rested on his body and i fell asleep
Vin's pov
I saw the mariachi band and know that mina is a cranky sleeper. I pulled her close to me and felt her body rest on mine.
I groaned
Me: Stooppp
They were still playing. Then after 5 minutes, they stopped.
Alex: So, how are you guys?
Me: Pretty pumped
I smiled
Alex: Yeah?
He laughed and pointe the camera to Mina
Alex: Is she still sleeping?
Me: Yeah.. if not you would have been dead by now
Alex: Sorry
He laughed and they laughed. I let go of Mina an felt her arms around my body. It was cute. I smiled at her. I relaxed a bit and fell asleep.
Mina pov
I got up at 11am. I saw Vinnie hanging onto me like i was gonna run away. I smiled and decided to stay there. I took my phone and saw all the emails from 63 different countries. I sighed. I decided to wake Vinnie up
Me: Vin.. Vin Diesel
I said while slowly patting his back
Vin: What?
He groaned
Me: As much as I want to stay like this, i have to do work
Vin: 5 more minutes?
Me: Hacker, it's 11
Vin: And so?
Me: I have emails to answer
Vin: Fine
He let me go and i went to my room. I saw calvin and patrick sleeping so u went to my closet and changed. I got ready and took my laptop and went outside to the porch. I leaned on the pillar and got strated with my emails. After 5 hours, thomas called me
Me: Hey?
Thomas: Where are you?
Me: Have you tried looking?
Thomas: We've searched everywhere
Me: Not the front porch?
Thomas: Damn it
He hung up and I just continued. Thomas came outside.
Thomas: Whatcha doing
Me: Work
Thomas: Ohh tell me about it
Me: Not now, it's a surprise
Thomas: Rigghhhttt
Me: Left
We laughed. He accompanied me outside and i sent my last email (damn, dat laptop can go on without charging) i went inside and charged the laptop. I got into my room and sat next to Beanie while I charged my laptop. The boys moved everything out and i got my space. I relaxed my body against the wall and played with Beanie. I then got a call from Jaden
Me: Hey Jay
Jay: Hey, kind coming to the studio?
Me: Sure
Jay: I'll seevyou in a bit
Me: Okay, bye
I hung up and groaned. I got up and got my keys and shit and went out. I went to the studio and we discussed something and i went back home. I took Beanie on a walk and went back to the house. I forced myself to take a shower and got ready for the night. We were going to boa but I didn't want to. I fell on the bed and went on my phone. I fell asleep shortly after.
-at 11pm-
I woke up. I wasn't tired anymore. I went on my phone and I got bored. I had nothing to do and people in the house were mostly passed out. I could hear Micheal screaming in the living room. I got out of my room and saw Micheal trashing the kitchen.
Me: What the fuck?
I said tiredly. Micheal passed me and threw things around. I saw Vinnie there too
Vin: Hey sleepyhead
Me: Hey Vin Diesel
Thomas: Vin Diesel?
He laughed. I nodded. I had nothing to do there so I went back to my room and saw Beanie sleeping. I lay down on my bed. At 2am, a knock was on my door
Me: Come in i said softly
Vin: Hey
Me: Hey
Vin: C- can i s- sleep here tonight?
Me: Sure
He closed the door and cuddled close to me. He was shaking and his heartbeat was fast.
Me: Nightmare?
Vin: y- yeah
Me: Wanna talk about it?
Vin: My ex, she used me for money and fame. Her actions still haunts me.
Me: It's okay
I tightened my grip. He fell asleep first and at 5am, i fell asleep
-at 11am-
I got up and wasn't really tired. I lifted my head up
Vin: Morning
Me: Morning
Vin: Did I wake you up?
Me: No
I rested my head back on his chest. I got up and got ready for the day
-in the afternoon-
Mia: Mina, come to my room please
Me: Okay
We went to her room and she sat me down. I was face to face with my parents
Mia: So, since you're our kid we might as well tell you first
Me: Okay...
She took something and showed it to me. It was a pregnancy test i saw it had two lines
Me: Wait wait wait, when did you guys fucked?
We all laughed
Me: is this a joke?
I said smiling
Thomas: No it's not
Me: Well, i take care of people older than me so why not?
Thomas: You're not and that you have a younger sibling?
Me: Brandon?
Thomas: Besides him.. like not your bio
Me: Oh, not at all. It's you guys choices to keep them or not
Thomas: Thanks for understanding
We group hugged
Me: When are you telling the rest?
Thomas: Right now
Me: can i lay on your couch, I'm bored, i have nothing to do and government officials hasn't answered me
Thomas: Sure
I lay on his couch. Then, alex came in. Thomas told them and they basically almost cried. Alex came over to me
Alex: Wanna go shooting with me and Bryce?
Me: Sure
I got into their car and we went to a shooting training area. We met up with Bryce and we got ready they used the noice cancelling ear things and i didn't. I picked out my gun and they gave Bryce and alex a pistol
Bryce: Why do you not get to use these weird ass ear things and use a scar while i get a pistol
Me: Trust me, training gets you up here
We got to out stations and we got ready our targets. It was moving backwards and kouvr looked terrified. I shot it in the head part multiple times.
Bryce: Dang
I reload the gun and shot it using full speed and i didn't stop. After 10 seconds, it ran out of ammo and i rested my hand. We got the targets back and technically, i got most headshots. We payed the guy and alex and kouvr went back to hype while i followed by e to see Jaden. We got to sway and there were police cars outside. We got inside and saw blake, noah and dixie on handcuffs
Me: Woah woah woah...
The police turned around. It was ben and holden.
Me: Oh my gosh you two again. What did you hear this time?
Ben: Um- rumours
Me: How many times to i have to say things.. Dont. Believe. Rumours. You're a cop and shouldn't be arresting innocent people who you've seen online!
I shouted and everyone looked shocked
Me: It's either you stop this or I'll tell the station!
Ben: Sorry- sorry
They let them go
Me: I expected better from you Holden
They looked down and left. Everyone looked at me. Dixie and Noah came to hug me.
Dixie: Thank you
Noah: Thanks
Me: You're welcome
They let go and blake almost suffocated me
Me: Blake, i know you're the biggest, and I can't breathe
He let go.
Amelie: So, what happens next?
Me: Absolutely nothing
We all laughed.
Jaden: Aye, let's go
Me: Okay
We went to his studio and we planned a few things and made phone calls. I then got a call from thomas.
Me: Hey
Thomas: Hey, be back before dinner, we're going to saddle
Me: Oh, okay
Thomas: Bye
Me: Bye
I hung up. Jaden and i wrapped things up and i left to go to hype. We got ready for the night and went to saddle. We got to saddle and we sat down at our tables. I sat next to Mia and Vinnie. We were just talking and eating a normal night when a guy tapped on Mia's back. Thomas shot up. Mia turned around.
Mia: Wha- what are you doing here?
?: Hey babe
He smirked
Thomas: Don't call her that Andrew
Me: Who the fuck is this?
Thomas: Mia's ex
Andrew held her cheek and thomas slapped his hand away.
Andrew: So, i heard you were pregnant
Me: And what do you want?
Andrew: And you're the foster
Me: And?
Andrew: I want her back
I saw he held a knife. I stood up. He touched Mia's stomach
Me: don't touch it
He almost kicked her stomach but I kicked his foot away. Everyone went "Ooh"
Me: Go away, you're embarrassing yourself
Andrew: Not if i do this..
I pushed mia to thomas and Andrew held a knife and accidently stabbed me. I fell on the ground.  The staffs already called the police so the last person u saw was Jay the cop guy.
Thomas's pov
Andrew went to jail for life and we were all in the hospital.
Mia: It's all my fault
Me: No it's not
Mia: Yes it is, now she's here again
Me: It's okay, she's strong
We went in her room and saw her smiling widely.
Mina: Turns out, the knife wasn't that deep inside me
Me: So you're fine?
Mina: It hurts a little bit but not really
Mia: I'm sorry
Mina: Don't be
They hugged. I got out after they gave me meds and we went back home. I got stitches but it didn't hurt anymore. We got inside hype and saw sway there too
Blake: You okay?
Me: Yeah
I sat on the couch next to Bryce. We all chilled out and i got a snap. It was from a random guy. I screamed when I saw the pic. It was his dick and captioned "Hey love".
Bryce: what's wrong?
Me: Someone sent me a pic of his dick
I died in laughter.
Bryce: What?!
Me: Wait, i have a funny idea
I stood up
Me: Bryce, Blake, noah, Jaden, josh, kio, Vinnie, thomas and Harry. Stand up
They stood up.
Me: Create a V here
I lined them up
Me: Shirts off
Thomas: Woah woah woah. No
Me: Yes
They all took their shirts off and i stood in front of the V and i took a picture of us arms crossed and captioned "Yeah, no". They all put their shirts back on and we all sat back down. I rested my head on Vinnie's shoulder and he rested his head on mine. I was scrolling through Instagram and got bored. The boys left shortly after and i got up and went to my room. I took a shower and put on comfy clothes. Vinnie came into my room wearing sweats and a tank top.
Me: Hey
I said while taking my keys and hanging them
Vin: Can i crash here tonight? Patrick and Calvin are camping in my room
Me: oh, sure
Vin: Thank you
Me: No prob
He lay on my bed and i turned on my ac. I turned off the lights and it was dark. I made my way to my bed and i felt the bed sink in. I felt fur and instantly knew it was Beanie. I rested my head on top of Vinnie's chest and we basically best friend cuddled. I fell asleep shortly after
Vinnie's pov
I saw Mina sleeping soundlessly and saw Beanie next to her. I fell asleep after watching tiktoks.
-the next day-
Mina's pov
I woke up and realised that I was on Vinnie. Beanie wasn't near us. I stared at Vinnie for a very long time and didn't realise that I was staring
Vin: Hey creepio
I snapped out of it
Me: Oh, morning
I blushed a bit.
Vin: I know what you were doing
He smirked
Me: Fine
I hurried my head into his chest making him rest his arm to rest on my head. I moved a bit to breathe.
Vin: You realise that i haven't taken a shower
Me: And so?
Vin: I smell bad
Me: Yeah and?
He smelt good after all.
Vin: Get up, you're a busy woman
Me: Fine
I got up and lazy walked to the bathroom. I took a shower and got ready. I got out and put on a hoodie and leggings. I got bored and went to the kitchen. I saw Vinnie and my dad there. I took out chicken nuggets and bread. I turned on the oven and waited for it to preheat. After that, i put the nuggets in the oven. I made toast and made some for mia, dad and Vinnie. I saw that the nuggets were done
Me: Hey Vin, pass me plates
He ignored me
Me: Vin?
He was still silent
Me: Dad?
They were silent.
Me: Mom?
Mia was silent. I screamed inside and i took 4 plates and places the food on them. I left theirs there with them and i cleaned up the kitchen. I went I'm my room to eat. I then got my laptop out and saw that no one had sent me back emails yet. I got bored so i played with Beanie. I gave her a nugget and gave her a can of dog food.
Me: Well, at least you're talking to me
I pet her. She ate her food. After that, i took her out for a walk, no one was talking to me so I just ignored them. I took Beanie out for a walk. She didn't bark at anyone and only attacked when someone was hurting me. We walked around the perimeter until beanie got tired of it so we went back home. We went to my room and she drank some water. I drank my water too. I sit on the floor with her and she fell asleep on her bed. I got super bored and decided to make 5 tiktoks and posted all of them. I plopped onto bed and almost fell asleep when beanie suddenly barked. I opened my eyes and saw paper trying to touch me.
Paper: Ahh!
I giggled.
Me: What?
Paper: Hey, at least I'm talking to you
Me: i guess so
Paper: I'm leaving to Seattle and i need a ride with my grilfeiend
Me: sure, there's nothing else to do anyways
I picked up beanie and set her in Vinnie's room without a word and i closed the door. I went to my rooma dn took my keys and left. I sent both paper and his girlfriend to the airport and they thanked me. I went to a target to pick up some snacks and ice cream. Then, i ran into fletcher.
Me: Hey
Fletch: Hey Mina
Me: Hey
Fletch: How are you doing?
Me: Good
Fletch: Okay okay, so the fans wanna know if you and Vinnie are dating
Me: no we're just friends
Fletch: Okay okay, and how do you feel about dixie getting hate?
Me: I mean, i feel bad for her. But like, we can't control people's opinions you know
Fletch: One last question one last question. How do you feel about mia being pregnant?
Me: I'm fine about it. If she wants to do it then she could do it. I'll support either way
Fletch: Ay it's nice seeing you
Me: you too
Fletch: Bye
Me: Bye
I got in my car and drove away. I went back to hype. I went straight to my room and saw Vinnie there
Me: What?
He just looked at me
Me: Okay weirdo
I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I store my ice cream in my mini fridge and my snacks on the table. I turned to Vinnie. I stood up and crossed my arms
Me: Are you gonna talk?
He just looked at me. I stepped closer and closer to him until my thighs touched his knees, he looked up at me and i looked down at him. I gave him a pouty face and that made him gave in and he hugged me.
Vinnie's pov
She stood closer and closer to me. She was already close enough and I stared into her beautiful eyes. I had to resist but I couldn't. She gave me a pouty face and I hugged her while still looking up at her.
Mina's pov
It was cute
Me: Gonna talk?
Vin: You know what? Fuck it, I'm talking
Me: Finally, i was going insane
I played with his hair for a while and he let go.
Vin: My stream
He looked at me in horror
Me: Vinnie's soul has left his body
He shot up and went to his room. I followed behind him and i lay on his bed. He started his stream and went on for 50 minutes. Then i for cold. I couldn't go to Vinnie now. I stood up and took his blanket with me and wrapped it around myself.
Vin: Hey
Me: Hai
I was shivering ane he could tell
Vin: guys I'm gonna go afk first. He turned off his mic and camera and carried me and put me on top of him.
Vin: You're so light that  i can't even fall back.
I lay on his chest with my arms and legs dangling behind him and the blanket still on me. He turned back on his mic and camera
Vin: I'm back
He said softly. I fell asleep after that
Vin's pov
I continued for an hour and didn't realised that mina was asleep. The chat told me so I took a peek. She was actually sleeping on me. We ended our game and i carried mina onto my bed. I forgot to end the stream so i quickly ended it. Beanie scratched my door lightly. I opened her door and let her in. She lay next to mine. I smiled at them. I wanted to move Mina's hair from her face but Beanie barked at me
Me: Beanieeee
I pet her. I got my cat and lay her next to Beanie.
(At 3pm)
Mina's pov
I got up and saw Vinnie siting on his chair facing us
Vin: Hey
Beanie put his head on my collarbone
Me: Alright baby I'm not going anywhere. Hey vin
Vinnie laughed at us. I stayed there for another 30 minutes.
Me: Beanie, i wanna get up
She whined
Me: Beanie
I said stricter. She looked at me and moved away
Me: Good girl
I turned to Vinnie
Me: Carry me
Vin: Why?
Me: I'm lazy
Vin: Okay come on
He squat infront of me and i climbed into his back. I rested my body on him and held onto him. We went to the kitchen. Then, there was slight arguing but it was funny.
Calvin: I'm not the one with a girl on my back
Me: Hey! Don't involve me into this. Dad, Carry me
Thomas: Alright, come here
I climbed into his back and rested there.
Vin: See, now i don't have one
He pretended to charge at calvin. We all just laughed.
Me: Wait, just just realised that you're talking to me
Thomas: Vinnie ruined it
Me: Thankfully. I was driving myself out of sane
Thomas: You're not mad?
Me: I'm tired
Thomas: Nice to meet you tired, I'm Thomas
Me: Mia, he's slowly turning into a dad with his dad jokes
He let me go out i held on tight
Me: I'm not falling
He wanted to pull me off but couldn't. I laughed and got off.

A/N: Lol I've worked on this for like 5 days or so.. babaiii

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