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Hype house came in
Me: What?
Thomas: I mean like
Me: Well I wasn't expecting you guys
Then the girls came
Me: Okay now I'm excited
Me: You guys could have the other rooms
Thomas: You sway Tony and Nick wanted to stay in this 20 room house?
Me: And Brandon. And yes
Thomas: I'm in shock
They all went to their rooms. I lay down, set an alarm and took a shower then I fell asleep.
-the next day-
I woke up at 4am. I woke up Nick too.
Me: Nick, Nick
Nick: Hmm?
Me: We have to go to school
Nick: Okay
I took a shower while he was still asleep. I put on a tank top and shorts thoughts and I lay in bed and hug Nick
Nick: Ah you're cold
Me: Go take a shower
Nick: Fine
I got off him and I put on the secondary school uniform. It was a Malay school so I used a white long sleeve shirt and a black skirt. I tucked my shirt in my skirt. Nick came out and he used long black pants and a white shirt.
Me: You should tuck in. It's a rule
Nick: Okay
He put on his neck tie and it said "Ketua pengawas" (head prefect).
Me: Guess you're the head prefect
Nick: Really?
Me: Yeah. Your duty us to make sure that everyone is behaving well and everyone goes to class
Nick: Cool
Then I put on a vest and neck tie
Me: I'm you're helper
Nick: Cool
He put on his vest and we ate breakfast. It was already 6am so we headed to school. We went to the office first. We talked and we went out and monitored the halls. They had no lockers so we just had to make sure everyone is in the rooms. I headed to my class. We don't actually have to move, the teachers have to. I sat in class and everyone were surprised to see me. I sat at the back and the person infront of me talked to me. I knew their culture. If a new kid comes in. They all put their attention to the new kid first.
?: Hai nama saya Helena (Hi my name is Helena)
Me: Nama saya Y/n (My name is Y/n)
(Ill just say it in English but we're talking in Malay)
?: Are you from America?
Me: Yeah
?: Wait, are you Y/n Petrou?
Me: Yes indeed
?: Wow, I'm a big fan
Then the teacher came in
Class monitor= CM
Cm: Good morning teacher
Everyone: Good morning teacher
The teacher looked at me
T: You may sit
Cm: Thank you teacher
Everyone: Thank you teacher
We sat down
T: Are you Y/n Petrou?
Me: Yes
T: Okay
She knew why I was here. My class is on the middle floor and Nick's was on the top.
Nick's POV
I went to class and no one really talked to me. I didn't care. All I could think about is Y/n. I had geography class. It was an hour and then the principle called me
Mr Ha: Excuse me Sir Ahmad, I need to speak to Nick Austin
Sir Ahmad: Okay
I went out the classroom.
Mr Ha: We need Y/n now
Me: Okay
We went to her floor and we called her
Your POV
I was just sitting down and Nick called me
Nick: Sorry for interrupting, can I meet with Y/n for a while
T: Okay
I went out the class and Mr Ha lead us somewhere
Mr Ha: I heard screaming in that closet.
Me: Okay
I slowly headed to the closet and I heard a faint scream. I opened it and saw a senior tied up. I untied them
Me: Kak (kak is sis but I'll just say Kak because it sounds more right and we are still in Malay but I just trans it) who did this to you?
?: Who are you?
Me: Not important, who did this to you?
?: Joshua
Me: What class is he in?
?: 6F3
Me: Okay
I looked at her hands and feet. It was full on bruises and blood.
Me: Nick, go in my class and grab my med kit fast
Nick: Okay
The principle went to go take Joshua
?: Wait, are you Y/n Petrou?
Me: Yes
?: Oh my gosh, I'm a big fan
Me: Thank you
Then Nick got my bag. I bandaged her up and I helped her to the school clinic.
Me: What class are you in?
?: 6F3
Me: Okay
I turned to Nick
Me: Ask the teacher and grab her bag.
Nick: Okay
Nick ran upstairs and grab her bag. The principle got Joshua and he was sent to the principles office. Nick got her bag and I took out my phone
Me: You want to call your parents?
?: No, they will make life worse
Me: What do you mean?
?: They abuse me
Me: Oh my. Are there any relatives that are close to you?
?: I have my grandparents but they will tell my parents anyways.
Me: Don't worry
I turned to Nick
Me: You know how to take care of yourself?
?: Yes, I used to be in a boarding school for 3 years then I dropped out
Me: That's good, I'm. You want to stay in a hotel?
?: I don't know. I don't like taking people's money
Me: I like to spend money on people so you're staying in a hotel and I am not taking no for an answer.
?: I guess
Me: You have a card?
?: Yes
Me: I'll transfer money to your account so you can survive. You have a phone
?: Yes
Me: Okay. You can dm me
?: Really?
Me: Yes. Let's go to the principles office
?: Okay
We went upstairs and we saw Joshua there.
Me: This is Joshua?
Mr Ha: Yes
Me: Why did you do this to her
Josh: She didnt pay for the things she asked me to buy
Me: Kak, What did you buy?
Josh: She asked me to buy somethings from outside but she couldn't pay
Me: What was it?
Josh: Food. I've been buying her food for 5 months and she hadn't pay me back
Me: Oh my gosh, how much does she owe you?
Josh: 500 dollars
Me: Okay
I took out my Singaporean dollars and handed it to him.
Me: There
Josh: Thank you
Mr Ha: Joshua, you're dropping out and Clarissa, you're taking a 2 week break
Cla: Okay
Josh: This sucks
Me: Joshua, you beat her
Josh: And it was worth it, and I could do it to you too
Mr Ha: I wouldn't do that if I were you
Me: listen to him
He walked pass us and he left. I told his parents and it was already break time. I just stayed with Clarissa and we got to know each other better. People were eating the Mr Ha talked into the intercom.
Mr Ha: Good morning everyone, after break, please go to the academic foyer. I repeat, go to the academic foyer thank you
I was roaming around and suddenly I saw Sway Hype and Brandon came in. I hugged them and everyones jaw dropped. We waited in the back and I changed into my clothes. Nick and I wore his merch. I used his teddy shirt and he used his teddy hoodie. The principle gave out his speech and we were called to go up. We all went up and they were clapping and shouting. They gave me and Nick a mic
Me: Thank you for Mr Ha for bringing us here today. Hype house came unexpectedly yesterday. How is everyone doing? (I said in Malay)
Everyone: Good
Me: I know you guys are shocked that I can speak Malay right?
Everyone: Yes
Me: Even these people don't know. For this first segment, Jaden?
Jaden looked at me
Jaden: What?
Me: Wan to give them a little performance?
Jaden: Sure
He sang Angles and Demons. And some of them sang. Then the chorus came. He called me over and I turned on the microphone. I sang the chorus. Everyone were clapping and cheering. We talked and did our things and had a qna session. We finished and I met with Clarissa.
Me: You want to go to your apartment?
Cla: What apartment?
Me: I bought you one
Cla: Really?
Me: Yeah
Cla: Thank you!
She hugged me
Me: You're welcome
We headed to her apartment.
Me: I already bought furniture and stuff. Im giving 100,000 dollars.
Cla: WHAT?!
Me: Yes. Please spend it nicely.
Cla: I promise
Me: Here
I gave her new clothes. She was so happy
Me: I have to leave to my house now
Cla: Okay. Bye
Me: Bye
I left and walked to my house. I knocked on the door. Griffin answered after 3 minutes
Me: About time
Grif: Sorry
I walked in and I went to my room to change. I got out of the closet

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