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After a few hours, Y/n woke up
Thomas: Y/n?
Avani: Y/n?
Bryce: Y/n?
Your POV
I woke up to see Hype and Sway infront of me. I smiled at them
Me: Let me guess, I got burns?
Thomas: Yeah
Me: How bad?
Thomas: 2nd degree
Me: Great, now I have to stay here for a couple of weeks. Welp, might as well die
Everyone looked at me
Me: Might as well kill all of you first. I was just joking. Besides the part where I kill you guys for staring at me
Everyone just stared at me
Me: Can you just stop
Everyone laughed. Then I saw Amelie at the door
Me: Here we go again
I whispered
Amelie: Nick, baby
Me: Nick? Baby.
I said thought to myself trying not to laugh. Then Amelie gave me a dirty look
Me: You stare at me for another 5 seconds, I can get you out of here
She looks away and headed over to Nick
Me: How did you even get in? I thought I told the doctors you aren't supposed to come in here
Amelie: I said I was you "Best Friend"
Thomas: It's either you get out or security will
Amelie: They won't believe you
Me: They might not believe you but they will believe me
Amelie: What are you going to do kid?
Me: Get you to the metal hospital
Am: Shut up Bryce!
Me: Get out
She walked over to me. Thomas was trying to get her out. She punched my chest and I use the back of my hand to push her stomach
Me: What the fuck? I didn't even hit you hard
Then police came
Amelie: Police! She punched me!
Me: Aiden, get her out, she's overreacting
Aiden: Got it boss
Amelie widened her eyes when Aiden called me "Boss".
Amelie: You aren't going to arrest me ate you?
Me: No if you get out
She sprinted out
Me: When you call someone your boss
Then everyone laughed
Aiden: Connor and André here are going to guess your room.
Me: Okay
They left and Connor and André took care of the room. I slept and accidentally coughed
Thoams: Woah Woah are you Okay
Me: Yeah
I put my hand on my face. I woke up again in the middle of the night from this sounds. I wasn't worried. Then at the door I saw Fernandez my worst enemy. He shot me on my chest and I got a flat line. I pretended to be dead and he took my body. I heard Nick yelling for help. I used my bulletproof vest. But I didn't tell anyone. My phone was still with me and I got thrown in a car.
Nick's POV
Y/n Got taken. The doctors came rushing in. I pointed to her bed. And they called the cops
Your POV
I got thrown in a park I was alone. I had money with me (btw you're in your clothes). I changed my sim card for a little while and I still had my old one. I bought a hotel for a couple of days and I finally texted Thomas.
Me: Come to my location. Don't ask. Just come
Thomas: Do you have Y/n?
Me: Dont Ask. Just come
After 30 minutes, sway, Thomas and Nick were Infront of my hotel room. I opened the door and just stood there with my hood up and I looked down. Thomas pulled down my hood
Thomas: Y/N?!
He hugged me
Me: Get in before people see you
Nick hugged me tight
Nick: I thought I lost you
Me: You guys didn't. I told you guys not to be worried
Griffin: Then why did you have a flat line?
I pulled out the chord so that the person thinks I'm dead
Bryce: You're smart
Me: Meh
Nick: How did you end up here?
Me: I have my card with me. And I changed my simcard for a while just incase someone is tracking my phone.
Grif: Can we go home now?
Me: Yeah sure
I took my stuff and we went back home. I changed my simcard to my old one and I got so many notifications. We got to the hospital to say that I'm fine and they did a quick check up. I went back home and everyone were surprised to see me.
Avani: Y/N!!!!!!
Charli: Avani you're halu- Y/N!
Me: Hey guys
Bran: Y/N!
He ran to me crying
Me: I'm fine buddy
I said smiling
Ondre: I don't get it how are you-
Me: Bulletproof vest, changed sim card, hotel room
Ondre: Oh
Me: Wait. I just remembered
I sprinted upstairs to our room. I checked my simcard and no one was tracking it. Good thing
Ondre: Is everything okay?
Me: Yeah, no one is tracking me. Mind if you guys let me check your cards and accounts. I'll install a firewall on it.
Everyone: Okay
Everyone got at least 30 entries and max of 100 entries. Well, attempt.
Me: You guys are good and here you go.
Then I got a call from an unknown caller
Me: Um
I put it on speaker
Me: Hello?
?: Hello, is this Miss Y/n Petrou?
Me: Adi, I know this is you
?: Who is Adi?
Me: Adi Fishman i know it's you
Adi: Aight GG
Me: I knew it
Adi: It's for a vid we're pranking other tiktokers later
Me: Like who?
Adi: Chase, Thomas, Bryce
Me: Good luck with that because you're on speaker. Sway and the whole hype house is here
I said while laughing
Adi: Aaah man.
Me: And I do watch your videos don't forget that
Adi: Wow, Y/n Petrou watches my videos?!
He said sarcastically
Me: Okay
I said while laughing
Adi: Aye, aye, anything to say to the vid?
Me: Subscribe to Adi Fishman and Follow me on tiktok. Don't follow Adi. He is trash
Adi: Well, you're not lying tho
Me: Aight, gotta go. Bye
Adi: Bye
We hung up
Me: Well that was- okay
Everyone laughed and they left the room. I took a shower and put on Nick's hoodie he gave me and long pants. I came out of the closet and saw Nick on the bed lying on his stomach on his phone. I smiled at him. I lay down on his back with my feet on his
Nick: Heeeeyyy
Me: I'm not coming off. Just saying
Nick: Okay. Fine
I watched YouTube and fell asleep on Nick's back.
Nick's POV
She fell asleep and I scrolled through Instagram for a few minutes. Then I turned off my phone and slept.

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