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Minas pov

I woke up in the morning and I was cramping badly. I got out of Vinnies grip and went to the bathroom. I did my thing and went to my room for meds but I havent eaten. I went downstairs and cooked something for Vinnie and I. I put the food on 2 plates and made coffee for Vinnie. I then went upstairs and set the food on his table.

Me: Vin, wake up

He opened his eyes and I smiled

Vin: Whats wrong?

Me: I made breakfast

Vin: Babe, you didnt have to

Me: I wanted to

I brought his coffee and he sat down and drank it. We ate together and I took the dishes downstairs. I washed them and Vinnie came down

Vin: Hey, Josh invited us to the BFFS pod together

Me: Okay, what time?

Vin: 12

Me: It's like 11.30 now

Vin: yeah, we should actually get ready

We rushed and he took a shower in his room and I went to my room to take a shower. I said goodbye to Brandon and both Vinnie and I took his car to the BFFS pod office where Josh is at. we entered and had already started and Vinnie got pulled out last minute and was brought to another studio. I entered the studio and saw Josh there

Josh: hey Mina realize how Vinnie isn't with you?

Me: Yeah

Josh: He's locked up for a bit. Sit down

me: Okay..

I put on the headphones.

Josh: Say hi

Me: hey guys, I'm here

Josh: Tell me 5 lies about Vinnie

Me: Uh, he takes coke, he abuses me, he's not a simp, hes not attractive and he loves Josh

Josh: alri- wait what?

I laughed

Me: yeah

Josh: Does he actually?

me: How do I know

We laughed.

Dave: is he a good boyfriend though?

Me: Yeah

Dave: Put Vinnie in

He got in the studio shortly after. Vinnie came in. He sat down and put on the headphones.

Dave: hey Vinnie, how was solitary?

me: What did you guys do to him/

Josh: Put him in a white room

Vin: I was so confused.

dave: is she a good girlfriend?

Vin: Which one?

All of us were silent but we then laughed

Dave: Okay, in all seriousness

Vin: Yeah, shes a good girlfriend

Dave: Mina, Vinnie said he didnt have game what happened now?

Me: If I'm gonna be serious, he didn't have game at all

Josh; Really?

Vin: I told you

Me: Yeah, he didnt show any like, you know like te hints or anything.

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