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P.S: instead of y/n, it's Mina

We crossed the bridge which was beautiful and we sat on the bench. He took pictures and relaxed. We went down. After 30 minutes, we went back to the hotel. We ate outside and we went back to our hotel. I went to Dixie's room cause she called me. We had a plan that we could shoot her music video here. Then, Jaden came in.
Dixie: What are you doing here?
Jaden: To see Mina
Dixie: Okay
Jaden: You think we could shoot a music video here?
Me: Yeah, sure. I'll ask the principle
Dixie: And me too
Me: Of course Dix
Noah came out from the shower
Me: Um... We're gonna leave
Jaden and I went our seperate ways. I went in my room and fell asleep.
(The next day)
I woke up and got ready for another day in the school. I went to the lobby and only saw Jaden, Mads, Dixie, Noah, Kouvr and Alex there.
Me: Where's the rest?
Alex: Oh, they didn't want to go
Me: Let's go
I ordered an Uber. We went to the school. It was 10 and the kids were eating. Alex filmed a bunch of stuff and i just hung out with Dixie and Jaden trying to plan what to do.
Dixie: Oh yeah I forgot to tell you Mina, Jaden is in the song too
Me: Great okay so we could ask them to just wear black shirts and stuff then Jaden could go here and stop here
Jaden: Not too shabby

A/n: hey guys, I'm posting it now for New Year's, it's 10:16 in my area here so yes we are celebrating earlier than most of you, but I'm not saying all. Have a good day and I'll try to remember to post cause I'm busy with gifts, family and my dog... Mostly girft doe... Sorry for this shorts chapter.. I'm so sorry that I lied and have a good year.. hopefully 2021 isn't as shitty as 2020...

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