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Avani: Hey!
I hugged her
Me: Hey Anfony
Ant: Hey!
I hugged him.
He ran to Anthony
Ant: Hey buddy
We laughed
Me: Oh. Come in
They came in and Addison was behind them still in the elevator.
Addi: Y/N!!!
I hugged her and I invited her inside
Me: You guys want Anything? Water?
Everyone: No
Then Brandon came out
Bran: ADDI!!!!!
Addi: Haiiii
He hugged them. Then I heard antoher knock
Me: That must be Charli and Dixie
I opened the door and the D'amelio sisters were standing there
Me: Hey guys, come in
Charli: Hey
Dixie: Hai
They came in.
Charli: Heeeeyyyy
Dixie: Heeyyy
They hugged each other.
Me: Now we just have to wait for Mia
Then Nick came out
Nick: Hey Y/n- oh, Hey girls. Y/n i kinda need your help with um. My phone
Me: Okay? Let me see it
Nick: Here
His phone was a mind of its own.
Me: Oh.. no. Get me my old- wait I don't have it. Hold up. Grab my iPad.
Nick: Okay
Avani: What's wrong
Me: Someone hacked his phone. Oh my gosh NICK! HURRY!!
The person was scrolling through his gallery. Nick came out of our room and handed my iPad. I knew the page code. I logged it in.
Me: Nick, cable
He gave me the cable. I did my thing
Me: And... 100! All the files they transferred is already deleted and I made a firewall so you can't get hacked anymore
Nick: All the files they took aren't in their hands?
Me: Not even one
Nick: Oh my gosh, thank you
Me: No problem
Addi: You're so talented
Me: Not really
Then I heard a knock. I opened the door and Mia was standing there
Me: Hey, come in
(Btw the cats are with Thomas, I forgot to mention that) she came in and we all sat down for a while. Then I saw Brandon cam out of his room crying
Me: What's wrong?
He hugged me
Nick: His headphones broke
Me: Aw, it's okay
Bran: I love those ones
Me: I can get you new ones okay?
Bran: Okay
Me: Now stop crying, aren't you already a big boy?
I smiled at him. Then he stopped crying.
Me: Ask Nick to give you water
Nick: Come on Brandon
Both of them wen to the kitchen and drank some water.
Mia: You guys ready to go?
Ant: What about me?
Nick: You can hang out with me and Brandon
Ant: Okay
Me: I'm fine with anything
Avani: Come on, let's go then
I checked my car sand it was with me and my phone too.
Me: If you boys need or if there's an emergency. Just call me
Ant: Okay
Me: Bye
Them: Bye
We got out and went downstairs. I followed Mia and Avani while the rest were following Dixie. We got to the mall and before we even walked inside, paparazzi were already waiting (If y'all don't know, Fletcher is the Hollywood fix dude)
F: Hey Y/n. How are you doing?
Me: Hey. I'm fine. How about you?
F: I'm good in good. What happened to you and Nick?
Me: Um- We're good. We're still together
F: Good good. Addison, Addison, what happened to Bradison?
Addi: We're just friends
He asked us some more question and we got in theall
F: Nice meeting you guys
Us: You too
Then we got in. We shopped for 30 minutes and got Dunkin.
Me: Mind if I go to the Apple store first, I need to buy headphones for Brandon
Addi: I thought you were joking
Me: I didn't tho
Then we all went to the apple store. We looked around for a bit then I heard Dixie talking to Charli
Dixie: I really want these
Charli: Yeah, but they're too expensive
Then they walked away. I grabbed the airpods Pro and bought them too. I payed them and we got out. We shopped for about another hour in a half and we got out
Me: You guys want to hang out at my place?
Everyone: Sure
We got to my place and on my gosh my apartment was full of people
Me: Um
Everyone looked at me
Thomas: Sorry y/n
Me: It's fine
Then they all left
Me: Okay, that was weird
We laughed and went in. We sat on the couch and I took out my phone and saw many notifications from Instagram. It was from flight house. I was in it. That was when we shopped for shoes and I bought them and captioned "How rich is Y/n Petrou?" I laughed it off and me and the girls hung out for a but
Ant: Avani, sways looking for us
Avani: Okay.. bye guys
Us: Bye Avani
Dixie: Charls, dad needs us at him now
Charli: Okay. Bye guys
Me and Mia: Bye
Me: Wait Dixie. I almost forgot.
I took the apple bag and handed her the airpods.
Me: Since you wanted these, here
I handed the airpods to her. Her eyes widened
Dixie: Thank you!
Me: No problem
She hugged me. Then they left my apartment. Then Thomas came in
Thomas: Hey
Me: Hey, come in
Thomas: Okay
We sat down on the couch
Thomas: Are you sure you want to pay for the house?
Me: Positive. And, when are we moving in?
Thoams: We have to put the names in ours and we need to speak to the landlord
Me: Okay. Can you, put the name in mine
Thomas: Sure
Then I got a call from Jaden Hossler
Me: Hey what's up?
Jaden: We need you at sway stat
Me: What happened?
Jaden: Someone broke into our house
Me: Okay. I'll be there in like 5 minute
Jaden: Please hurry
I hung up
Me: Thomas, I need you to sne me to sway now
He got up
Thoams: Okay
He took his keys and we went downstairs to his car
Thomas: What's wrong?
Me: Someone broke in
Thomas: Oh
We got there in 3 minutes. I gave Thomas my stuff and I got in the house. It was quiet
I put my hands up. Then the person got closer. The person grabbed my hair and I flipped him over. I took off the mask. And I didn't know who that was.
Me: Who are you looking for and what do you want?
?: We want Nessa Barret and she owes us 200 thousand dollars
Me: Where's your boss?
?: I am the boss
I punched him and tied him up. I called Blake and he got to sway so fast. I went upstairs and and checked everyone's room. I found all of them in Bryce's room. And I was about to untie them put I felt a cold line on my neck. I stopped
?: You move, you die
I stayed in that position for a while and sighed. I ducked down and punched his stomach. Another one of his friends came to fight me. I beat them up too. I untied them all and I heard a gunshot. Someone shot me on my back
Me: Your gun is not fast enough
I turned around. I saw Blake
Me: Blake!
Blake: Sorry, I thought you were a bad person
I finished untying them
Me: Nessa, why do you owe them 200 thousand dollar?
Nessa: It wasn't me
Me: Anyone here?
Everyone: No
Me: Okay, you guys stay here I'm gonna check the whole place out, if there anything, tap this 3 times. I gave them a smart emergency watch.
Grif: Okay
He wore it and I checked the place out, no one else was there so I let them out of their room.
Bryce: Thanks Y/n
Me: No prob. If there's something off. Call me
Griff: Okay
Then I got a text from Nick
Nick: Y/n, there's something wrong with Brandon
Me: Okay, I'll be ther run like 5 minutes
Nick: Okay
Me: Guys, I have to go
Griffin: Okay
I got out of there and we went to my apartment. I rushed inside
Nick: Y/n!
I went I'm the kitchen. Brandon face was blue, he was choking on something. I helped him out but it wasnt working. Then Blake came in
Blake: Y/n, you-
Me: Blake! Help me
He helped me and somethin flew out of Brandon's mouth.
Me: What did you guys do?
Nick: I don't know, I was sitting with him on my phone and he choked on something
I gave Brandon water.
Me: Are you okay?
Bran: Yeah
Me: Thanks Blake
Blake: It's fine
Me: What did you do Bran?
Bran: I was eating dried cereal and choked on one.
Me: Next time, you should be careful okay?
Bran: Okay
Then the lopez brothers came in
Tony: Hey Y/n, can we take Brandon out?
Me: You want to go Brandon?
Bran: Yeah!
Me: Becareful okay?
Bran: Okay..
Ondre: He'll be sleeping with us tonight
Me: Okay. Thanks guys
Ondre: No problem
Then they headed out. I cleaned the house up.
Nick: Want to watch a movie?
Me: I actually need a shower first
Nick: Okay
I took a shower and put on a hoodie and my sweatpants. I walked out and I saw that Nick had already set up blankets and popcorn and water of course. I smiled at him and sat next to him.
Nick: What do you want to watch?
Me: I'm fine with anything
Nick: Okay. Um- what about. IT?
Me: IT it is
We watched IT and I got scared at some points. Then I got too comfortable and fell asleep on Nick's shoulder. I woke up from a phone call I picked it up

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now