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Next morning
I woke up from my alarm. I set it at 9am and I woke up at 930am I off it and I slowly got up and got ready. I got out of the closet
Nick: Y/n, 5 More minutes
Me: Sorry Nick, I have to go eat and leave.
Nick: Please
Me: Sorry Nick
He sighed. I sat next to him and whisper in his ear
Me: I won't give you cuddles now, but tonight we can cuddle for as long as you want okay?
I kissed him on his cheek
Nick: Now? Please
Me: Tonight
I smiled at him
Nick: Nope, you are not
He pulled me back down
Me: Nickkk
Nick: Fine
Me: I promise, we can cuddle for as long as you want tonight okay?
Nick: Okay
He went back to sleep and I went upstairs wanting to cook breakfast. But I saw Kouvr there making something
Kouvr: Morning Y/n
Me: Morning. If you're done using the kitchen, can you tell me, I want to eat something before I go
Kouvr: No, in going to make something for you
Me: It's okay, I can cook myself
Kouvr: Come on, it's your birthday
Me: Fine
I sat on the chair on my phone. And Kouvr handed me my plate
Me: Thanks Kouvr
Kouvr: You're welcome
I ate and cleaned up. After a while, I got a call from Blake

Hey champ, I'm downstairs

Then I texted Thomas
Me: Thoams, I'm leaving now. I'll text you when I get back home
Thomas: Okay, stay safe
I got into Blake's car and we drove to the office.
Blake: We're here
Me: Okay
I got out and we went inside
Recep: Hello, how may I help you?
Blake: We're here for an interview with Y/n Petrou and Blake Gorey
Recep: Okay, You guys have to wait and we'll call you guys in later
Blake: Okay
We sat the waiting area. I got bored and texted Nick
Me: Hey, you up?
Nick: Yeah. Where are you?
Me: Did you forget? I have an interview
Nick: Oh yeah. Did it start yet?
Me: If it started, I won't be texting you
Recep: Y/n And Blake, we're ready
Me and Blake: Okay
We got to a room which was filled with cameras and microphones. We sat down and they started filming.
Paul (the guy who asks the questions)
Paul: Hello Y/n
Me: Hello
Paul: People want to know, how do you fight all those bad guys?
Me: Well, I attended karate class. And now I'm a junior black
Paul: That's nice, and if you weren't learning martial arts, what would you be right now?
Me: Maybe just an ordinary kid. School and all that
Paul: Do you go to school?
Me: For now, I attend online class.
Paul: I heard you went to normal school
Me: Yes, but that didn't end up well
Paul: Would you love to go back to school?
Me: I don't know, just depends on how people will treat me. It's either as a friend or just use me for fame
Paul asked me many questions
Pa: Okay, we're done. And, thank you for attending this interview
Me: Okay
They turned off the cameras and Blake and I went off. He send me home
Me: Thanks Blake
Blake: No problem and, happy birthday
Me: Thank you
We smiled at each other and I texted Thoams
Me: Hey, I'm outside
Thoams: Come in, it's unlocked
Me: Okay
I got inside. Everyone looked off but I didn't really care. I got upstairs and took a shower and put on some clothes. I got out of the closet and saw Nick
Me: Hey
Nick: Cuddles?
Me: Did you shower?
Nick: Yes
Me: Okay
We lay down next to each other and wat he'd a movie. After a while, I drifted to sleep. I woke up from Nick lightly shaking my arm
Nick: Y/n, Y/n, wake up
I moved a little
Me: Mmmm
Nick: I regret waking you up. You look so cute
Me: Mmmmmmm
I said with a smile
Nick: But you still have to get up, we're going somewhere
Me: Mmmmmm
I stretched and took a shower. I didn't know what was happening. I forgot it was my birthday too. I got out and wore my black whit, light blue jeans and my Jean jacket
Me: Can you tell me where are we going?
Nick: No
Nick took a shower and I went out. Everyone were smiling and staring at me
Me: You guys seriously want a concussion from me?
I said tiredly. Everyone looked away. Then, Nick came out, we were matching.
Nick: I didn't know-
Me: What the
Thomas: Alright, everyone here?
Everyone: Yeah
Then sway came out
Bryce: Where's that birthday girl?!
Thoams: There
He ran to me and carry me
Bryce: Dang, you're light, what have you been eating?
Me: Yes I am. I've been eating foosld and put me down before I give you a concussion
Bryce: Jeez, okay. But you seriously need to eat more. I bet Nessa could carry you
Me: Aight bet
Nessa: What?
She carried me. I was taller than her
Nessa: Wow, You're seriously light
Me: Now get off of me
Nessa: Bryce is right, you should eat more
Me: What..ever
Thomas: Y/n, Since it's your birthday today
Me: Mhm
Thoams: We kinda did something for you
Me: What did you do?
I ask suspiciously
Thomas: It's a good thing
Me: Fine
Kouvr: Come on let's go
Me: Where are we going?
Kouvr: Just follow
Me: Fine, you guys know this is the last time you guys could do something for me.
Nick: Nope. We can't accept that
I followed Nick, Charli, Thomas and Mia. We drove in silence. We went to Boa. After we ate
Thomas: Cover your eyes
Me: What? No?
Thoams: Just do it
Me: Fine
I covered my eyes.
Thomas: Open

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