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Me: Hey Griff
Grif: Oh my gosh I'm glad you're okay. I was going to search for you later but good thing I found you
Me: Is Rachel okay?
Grif: Yeah. I better tell the rest of sway and say you're okay (that rhymes)
Me: Kay
He told sway and immediately they all were coming. After 3 minutes, they walked in
Jaden: Y/N!
Ant: Oh my gosh
Me: 3 minutes.. world record. You guys hold the record of protective family friends
They all smiled
Bryce: Of course. Thank you
We all laughed. We talked for a little while and I was ready to be released. We got home and there, I saw every Hype House member sitting together
Me: You guys okay?
Thoams: Us?! We were worried about you!
Me: I'm fine
I went to take a bottle of water. It was then I realized that I haven't ate anything
Chase: If you want to eat anything, your Chick-fil-A is on the table!!
Me: Okay!
I ate my food and cleaned up. I went to my room and took a shower and put on a hoodie and leggings. I got out of the room and see Nick and Chase running around
Nick: NO!
Then he ran and his behind me.
Nick: Y/n, use your skills
Me: Hell naw, I only use it for self defence
I pushed Nick to Chase
Me: I was on no one's side
Chase gave him a nuggi (idk how to spell ;))
Nick: I hate you
Chase: I hate you too
He said while smiling
Me: I think you guys are more childish than an actual child
They laughed. I went to the gym and saw Micheal and Calvin trying out my weapons. Calvin was spinning my metal Bo stadd and accidentally let go of it. It was about to hit Ondre who was working out. I was walking to Ondre at that time and caught the Bo staff.
Me: You guys seriously need to be careful
Calvin: Doesn't that hurt. Like..
Me: No. It was just a hit.
Then Micheal accidentally let go of the metal nunchucks and was heading to Tony. I caught it
Me: Guys! Be careful
Tony: Thank you
Me: No prob
I went to them
Me: Use these
I gave them the training ones
Micheal: But those are weak
Me: Yeah right
I swung it on miches back
Micheal: Ow
Me: And you were saying?
Micheal: You hit me hard
Me: Fine, then follow me then
I showed him a quick routine and thought him. Then Chase came to the gym
Chase: Trust me, it hurts
Me: Thank you Chase
Micheal: It doesn't hurt that bad
Me: Then try it then
He tried to swing it on his back
Micheal: Okay, I take that back. But pure using the metal one
Me: This is nothing to me
Micheal: How?
Chase picked me up
Me: Chase, put me down!
Chase: You're so light but so strong
Me: Don't ask
Then Micheal picked me up
Me: Seriously?!
Micheal: You're like a paper
Me: Aye shut up
Micheal: Step on the scale
Me: I can't
Micheal: Why?
Me: You have to put me down first
Micheal: Oh yeah
He put me down. I stepped on the scale. I stepped on the scale and it showed 100 lb
Chase: Hey Siri, what is the average weight of a 14 year old
Siri: 105lb and 47.6 kilogrammes to be exact
Chase: You're really underweight
Me: Whatever see you later. And use the training weapons
I went upstairs and went to my room. Nick was there sitting on his bed
Nick: Get- Oh hey Y/n
Me: Hey?
I sat next to him. At night, Micheal texted me
Micheal: Hey hottie
Me: What Micheal
Micheal: Wanna hang out
Then I told Nick
Me: Nick, Miche Is drunk texting me
I said while laughing
Nick: What?
He said laughing
I showed him the text messages. Then Micheal facetime me
Micheal: Hey shawty
I tried so hard not to laugh
Me: What Micheal
Micheal: Wanna hang out later?
Me: Micheal, I'm 14
Micheal: I don't care
Me: Micheal I have to a confession
Micheal: What is it babe?
Then I pointed the camera to Nick
Micheal: Um, gotta go
He hung up. Nick and I laughed then I texted Thomas the messages
Thomas: Wth 😂
Me: He drunk?
Thomas: Yeah🤣
Me: Okay 😂
Nick: Y/n, want to go out tonight?
Me: Depends if I have an emergency call
Nick: Oh, okay
I felt dizzy when I stood up. Iron deficiency attack. Then I sat back down
Nick: Woah, you Okay?
Me: Iron deficiency
Nick: Oh
Then I stood back up and went to the bathroom. Then I got a text from Patrick
Patty: Hey shawty
Me: You drunk?
Patty: I just had 10 drinks
Me: Aight
Me: Nick...
Nick: Yeah?
Me: Patty is drunk texting me
Nick: Patty too?
Me: Yeah
Nick: I should join them
Me: Nick, ugh nevermind
We went upstairs and saw Amelie and Avani and sway there. Nick went for a couple of drinks and I sat on the counter. I hung out with Avani, Dixie and Charli
Charli: Come on, let's make a tiktok
Me: Okay
Charli: Renegade?
Me: Sure
We did some tiktoks. Avani and Charli did one together and I just sat on the counter again
Chase: Wanna join my tiktok?
Me: Sure
We did a tiktok together. And after the party
Thomas: Alright, now, you have to fix the boys
Me: Advil? Water?
Thomas: Here
He gave me a whole box of Advil and water
Me: Who's wasted?
Thomas: Micheal, Patty, Paper, Bryce, Jaden, Josh, Nick, Ryland and Harry
Me: Okay
Clear throat
Me: Micheal Sanzone, Patrick Huston, Connor Yates, Bryce Hall, Josh Richards, Jaden Hossler, Nicolas Austin, Ryland Storms and Harry Jowsey come here!!!!
They went to me
Me: Eat this. It's delicious
They all ate it and passed out
Me: That was easy
I continued eating my chips
Thomas: Now what?
Me: Leave Sway here and bring the rest to their rooms. I'll carry Papr
Chase: What? You're lying
Me: No I'm Y/n
I carried Paper to his room. The rest helped me put then to their rooms while we moved Sway to the lounge area.
Me: Thanks guys
I went upstairs and sat on the counter. I saw Chase eating my chips
Me: Chase!
Chase: Sorry, they're good
Me: Whatever, just have them all.
I took out a bottle of water.
Avani: So, how are they?
She asks nervously
Me: Okay? Why are you nervous
Then my phone blasted with notifications. It was tiktokroom

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now