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Avani: Y/n... Y/N!
Me: I'm up I'm up
Avani: Come on, I need to talk to you outside.
Me: Okay okay
*Walks outside*
Me: Here, were here
Avani: Its Nick's birthday today!
Me: Yeah, I know
Avani: Aren't you excited?
Me: I wanna go back to sleep
Avani: Come on
Me: Avani, this is the only time I could sleep, Ive been up for 2 days give me a break.
Avani: Okay fine
Me: I'll just distract him thought the whole day... You guys could buy him gifts and can you me a canvas and coloured pencils. I plan to make a portrait of him.
Avani: Okay
I went to the sofa and slept there for another hour until you heard Nick calling out your name
Nick: Y/n y/n
Me: Yea yea I'm up I'm up
Nick smiled at me
Me: Happy birthday Nick
Nick: You remembered?
Me: Of course I remembered
I walked to the chair beside Nick and held his hand.
Me: Nick I'm sorry that I can't give you anything for your birthday
Nick: Its okay, you've been through alot lately. Come on cheer up.
Me: Okay. What do you wanna do?
Nick: I know this is weird but. I really want to know everything about you. How do you know Blake? How can you afford weapons?
Me: ok ok I'll stop you there and tell you everything from the beginning. When I was 2 my brother and I were brought to an orphanage. We didn't really know why until I was 7 then I understood what happened. My brother and I were left in the family. My relatives doesn't want any kids so we were just left in the orphanage. When I was 7 I was told that someone paid for my karate lessons. Now that I think of it, I think it was my dad. When I was 8 I was already at red. The teachers said that I was a fast learner and when I was 8½, I got a junior black. Once, the kids in the orphanage knew, they stopped talking to me, that's why I didn't dare to tell anyone about my martial arts life. When I was 10 I noticed that I could draw and late when I was 10½, I told my leader that imthey should double check the locks at night. They did it and didn't understand why. But later in the morning they saw the news that there were kidnappers in our area and they went to the orphanage but failed. My leader called my in and she talked to me and said that they should do. I said there's nothing going to happen tonight. And it was true. Then they called a doctor but the doctor said that I was fine. Then I got associated with the police department and there I met Blake. They asked me to do a bunch of things. And all of the things happened. Then at the end of the year, they gave me the small bag with all the equipments and trick weapons. And when I was 11 I realised that I knew almost every medicine and what to do if people are hurt phisically or mentally. That's how I know if people need help.
You were in the verge of crying at this point
Nick: Wow I didn't know that.
You felt a tear rolling out from your eyes. Nick wiped it off you looked at him and both of you smiled at each other. Them Avani came into the room.
Avani: Hey... Oops, did I ruined a moment
Me: No
I said smiling
*You and Avani are going outside*
You: Hey did you buy it?
Avani: No, but I bought you a drawing paper and some coloured pencils
You: Okay, that will be good
Avani: Where are you going to do it?
You: Inside?
Avani: Won't be see it?
You: No, hes going to be laying down
Avani: Oh yeahhhh
*Both of you go in*
You: ok I'm going to start drawing and listening to music, tap me if you need me
Avani: Ok

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