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Nick?! What happened? Oh my gosh. I did surgery on his arm. I don't know what was happening
Me: Griffin, what happened?
Grif: I'll wait outside, I don't know how to do this stuff, and he accidentally messed with your knives and got it into his arm.
Me: Okay
We got the knife out. It was a throwing knife. Oh my gosh why would you do that Nick. We stitched him up and rolled him into my special room. Amelie didn't know that he was in there. After a few minutes, the doctors escorted Amelie out of the hospital because I told them she wasn't allowed to visit Nick. And Blake left me there. I sat on the couch and after a few hours, Nick woke up.
Nick: Y/n? What are you doing here?
Me: Nick
I said in a whisper. I walked over to his bed.
Me: I'm sorry I was so stressed out that night that I didn't know what I was saying
I said while crying. Nick wiped off my tears
Nick: It's okay. I understand. And I messed up too
Me: Did you bring your phone?
Nick: No, it's at home
Me: What happened? Why were you messing with my stuff?
Nick: I didn't know what to do so I went through you stuff and played with the throwing knives and 1 of them accidentally flew back and got in my arm
Me: You know you aren't suppose to mess with my stuff no matter what
Nick: I know
I got out my phone and texted in the group
Hype House <3
Nick is in the hospital, he got surgery
Then everyone rushed to the hospital.
Tony: Nick, you okay bro?
Nick: Yeah
Then the rest came in. I was on the couch listening to music. Then Thomas waved Infront of my face. I took off one of the headphones.
Thoams: Hey, I'm sorry I said those things. I was stressed out
Me: It's fine
I stood up and hug him. I pulled out of the hug and Blake came in
Blake: Um- Y/n- Um- can you come to the station with us. We have a thing for you to do. But it's very dangerous but we still need you
Me: Okay
Blake: Hype House, she might not make it but it's worth to try
Then I show the peace sign
Thoams: No!
Me: Thoams, I have to do this. Bye
We ran out. We went to the fire department. We got to an abandoned building which is about to blow up. They just need me to get the people out if there. I got everyone out and they were brought to a shelter as soon as possible. After a few minutes I heard a person from the second floor. I ran inside and saved the person. He ran quickly and before I knew it, the building blew up into pieces. I got pushed by the air and I blacked out.
Nick's POV
We watched the news about a building about to blow up and saw Y/n saving a perosn. The building blew up and in the next clip, I saw Y/n going in an ambulance
Thoams: What?
Charli: No..
Avani: No....
Everyone were worried and hoping she was okay. After a few hours, she got rolled in.
Doc: She got 2nd degree burns, she just needs a few weeks to heal then we could release her. I'm sorry
Everyone looked devastated.

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